CRank: 5Score: 11560

wowowowow people need to chill out. These scores mean absolutely nothing.Also its not like they gave it s 4.5 they gave it a 9 9.4 thats awesome. The game isnt perfect and it has some problems just like every other game ever made,this is just pathetic how people are reacting

5603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

gg kz2.

5604d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think some 1 is fibbing on the sales numbers or something. The 360 started to double ps3 sales every week after the price drop.Theres no way that selling over 700.000 more units in america alone than the ps3 it only out sold them by 100,000 for the year. I was think more like 300,000 400,000.Anyway the ps3 sold extremely well so doom sayers beware.

5604d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I find it amazing that all you fanboys can't give the xbox any credit.the xbox will be on par with the ps3for some time.1080has not done anything for the ps3and it won't any time soon.I'm not a graphics whore like the majority of Sony fanboys,I like nice looking games but I don't need pixar to be happy.fable2 too Honan halo gears forza look great but more importantly they play better than they llook.all you people seemed happy with are graphics why?

5605d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

so how has 1080 help the ps3? it hasnt! the graphics in the 360 equal anything the ps3 has and as time goes on engines improve and the 360 will be able to compete with the ps3. I think both systems have their strengths and weaknesses but saying the fanboy BS you just posted is is just BS.Killzone hasnt hurt Halo in anyway.Halo 3 came out over a year and a halft ago and killzone 2 still isnt out so you cant compare those games graphically and halo 3's graphics were good not uber but they d...

5605d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

IF the ps3 does widen the gap in visuals then is that really going to make a difference in gaming? If I can get the same game just slightly less crisp is it really gonna matter?Also no other dev beside sony 1st party inhouse devs will make a killzone type of game or a game that takes 4-5 years worth of dev time. Even a game taking 3 years is to long for most devs so having a game that can sell very well just with slightly less in the graphics department will make devs put their game o...

5605d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

for the past month net flix instant watch has been updated almost every other day adding 10-20 new flicks per. and 90% of the new additions are new movies so the service has improved alot also most of the mives are not in had.I have a very good connection I am on a 30/5 and tv and movies have looked better than dvd if not dvd quality and thats good enough

5605d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"1. PlayStation HOME
2. Downloadable retro PlayStation content
4. Introduced downloadable multitasking/background downloading.
5. Integrated web browser"

1= garbage
2= Not an advantage
3= in some eyes but 4 bucks a month isnt that much of a jump
4= not bad
5 =Garbage, do we need browsers on ower consoles, why not just forget consoles and hook up you pcs to your hdtvs if thats the route the consoles are going

5608d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony lost all the money it made on ps1 and ps2 making the ps3 and the ps3 is still losing money

5609d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

what a bunch of fools in here. Everyone reads the headline then types garbage. Aces makes the ms flight sim which sells jack.They have nothing to do with the xbox and the xbox teams will be left alone and everything is fine with then .They made profit.

5609d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

the ipod touch isnt a great ipod. I have a 16 touch and awhite 30 zune. i like them both and love the appz on the touch but i use my zune more for music and thee touch for its internet and app store.The zune software is pretty good and the pass is awesome. The ipod touch is flashy and looks cool but theres no radio

5609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killzone does have better graphics but the 360s graphic caps are almost equal to the ps3's and No dev is going to want to waste 3-5 years deving a gaming to make those flashing graphics when they can release 2-3 games in 1-2 years and make money and those games will be good to great graphics. its makes perfect sense. Games are becoming to expensive to dev for This long to make a killzone and devs are not going to make what they want from the releases.Theres nothing wro...

5611d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony isnt doomed they will just fire peeps who are fu*king up and give them big bonuses and then fire all the peeps who work their a$$es off and they wont get anything.This is the way of the world.

5611d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this isnt about hardware this is about people buying vista basic systems and wanting to use premium and not understanding that the systems can only run that version.

During his presentation, Stephen Rummage, a lawyer with Davis Wright Tremaine who represented Microsoft, argued that the case did not merit class-action status, since each customer who bought a "Windows Vista Capable" computer had different information at the time of the purchase. For instance, a Micros...

5611d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I agree also with some of the points and As a xp and vista user i do think MS needs to enhance the os a little more but not with flashy looks but with more features.But thats the biggest problem for MS,they cant put certain apps into the OS because they will be hit with a lawsuit again like they did with EI.Personally i find this stupid because apples OS is more of a suite than Windows and Apple should be facing the same if not worse lawsuits because their apps built into their os a...

5611d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This lawsuit is BS. They are suing because their machines came with vista basic and they say that vista basic shouldnt be counted as vista capable . Another BS lawsuit against A big company.Its the same as Xp Upgrade,home,pro, each OS has certain feature sets.I hate america

5611d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

how do you compare these 2 games. Forza 2 was released on May 29, 2007
and Gt 5 demo was released in october. thats a 5 month window and ontop of that forza was a finished product and gt5 is still in development .Stupid article.

5613d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no. If they push the 360 over the ps its because theirs a higher demand for it. vise versa

5613d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is nothing new.Every business does this.i work at an elevator company and we can sell a model (A) electric eye "makes elevator door open so it doesnt hit you" for $1000 and then cost us $500 we make $500 or we can sell you (B) that cost us $200 and we sell it to you for $1000 and it makes us $800. This is common knowledge and every company does it.

5613d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So all you you who are crying are telling me that live isnt worth $4 a month? Go cry to blizzard for charging you for wow then a wow update then 15 per month to play. Multiplayer is like an additional service that you pay for.I dont see a p[roblem paying for live or even psn or steam.Its like getting sat radio and saying im not paying for the service since I bought the radio or i bought a new tv and want cable free.Its a service and if you are so cheap or poor that $4 amonth is real...

5613d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment