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so the fact that the ps3 is a monster at encoding hd video does what for me now?We all know the ps3 is more powerful than the xbox.It should be with all the money sony spent building the cell and using the ps3 to sell the cell.Thexbox or the ps3 can have the mpost power in the world but if games arent there then who cares and at this point in time they both have games so until devs stop making games for either system its doesnt matter.Also even if the ps3 multis start to look slightly better...

5489d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

u are so wrong. Im a pc gamer and i would rather play these games on a 360 or a ps3 before my pc simply because i dont want to upgrade my pc to get these games at their fullest.I dont want to deal with bugs/glitches/and all the other problems that pop up on pc's

5500d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

This has nothing to do with in house games all I said was whats so special about sony's lineup. GT5 ok its a pretty racer,why are people acting like gt5 was handed down by God,its nothing more than a pretty racing sim .Im sure sony has stuff tucked away just like MS and NIN does.Also if sony announced 78 in house titles would they be any off better than MS or nin? I don't think so wii and 360s are flying out the doors.What sony needs to do is lower the price.

5500d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

maybe its me but whats so special about sony's lineup.Its all the same stuff we have known about for months .

5500d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

its not a bad thing at all but if they werent sony owned would they be saying this? thats what i was getting at. The ps3 is new tech so it should be difficult but saying its easier than a pc/360 is dummyish ish ish

5540d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I can see them saying this since they has sony cupping their Balls every minutes for the past 5 years making this game. If they didnt know how to mov the mouse cursor all they had to do was snap a finger and a sony engineer was there

5540d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

i luv me some HHg but this should not be on the site. This is the problem with N4G , it has turned from news for gamers to blog for gamers.This isnt news .If I make a blog and say how bad i want a new darkwing duck game should that make the site?

5554d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ms has every right to say what they want about sony apple or any other company.Just as those companies do to MS .What abounch of cry baby BS this article is

5554d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i wanna know what sites have reviewed ninja blade that has everyone calling it a flop? its comes oout in a month so none of u played it yet show u all should stfu.Its not a "AAA" title but if u played the demo u would now its a good game.Also gg on the flame bait headline again

5566d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

killzone is a better looking game but gameplay which is better? Killzone has beeen in dev for so long it should look uber and it does .my gears looks like alot better than video. Also The KZ2 engine was deved by "sony" for killzone 2 The gears engine was deved by epic for everyone.It wasnt made for 1 specific game and then passed onto other games .Epics engine was built to be sold where Killzones was built for killzone 2 and if it was wanted sell it. it will be wanted

5578d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

its amazing that everyone says the 360 has no lineup but I dont see anything special about the ps3 lineup.They both look weak.God of war isnt coming in 09 and neither is heavy rain.So besides killzone hows the lineup anybetter

5589d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I find it amazing that because he doesn't want to deb for the ps3 he's a xbox he's a xbox fanboys. I hate you fanboys. All those saying valve are jokes or their games are garbage should wish any Sony 1st party was even half as creative as valve

5597d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

when HHG refers to killzone 2's quality its the graphics hes referring to and as most know you dont need cutting edge graphics for a game. L4d is amazing game.The source engine does a decen t job and so did portal, hl2 and the episodes,tf2 and cs and dod all are great multiplayer games and they have kept pc gaming alive. Valve helped if not made multiplayer games relevant in 2days world.HL changed gaming back in the day so Talking sh!t about them is kinda Fuc<ed up.Killzone 2 looks beauti...

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dlc on a fighter? ewwy

5601d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

they might have fixed the problem years later but gamers had to buy new consoles they didnt extend warranties and the dre was just as abd as rrod if not worse. for both ps1 and ps2. Ps3 is built very well. I guess 3rd times the charm.

If u had "7" 360's that died then maybe the problem is u and not the 360's. I find it amazing that 1 person can go through 7 consoles in 3 years

5601d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

kinda like when sony released the ps2 with dre non stop and forced u to buy more ps2's or sony releasing ps1's that half the time u had to flip it upside down so it would read discs and could buy more ps1's. I guess like that

GG sony

5601d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have 2 launch day consoles that have NO rrod or dre or scratching.Mine run great and I hope i didnt just jinx myself

5601d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They wont give it for free and it has nothing to do with being greedy. Its retarded saying the MS is greedy , they are trying to make money just like every other company out there. I Hope they sell it at a discount . Like win xp home was 99 id like to see win 7 at 50-60 bucks.

As for vista it wasnt as bad as everyone mad eit out to be i have 1 xp and 1 vista machine and my vista machine runs great. maybe people need to learn how to use a pc

5601d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

-i agree with you about the sony/ms exclusives.Its a developers choice not MS stealing games
-I dont agree with you on "game quality". You cant judge "game quality" by just graphics . Gears and Halo are great games and gamers who are obsessd
with them might not like the quality of killzone. Its to each his own but you can say its better game quality.
-I agree that netflix isnt a major seller of the 360 but it could make you lean more toward the 360...

5601d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what the author wants has already happened . The turbo g rafx 16 and the turbo express both shared the same game medium U could play the game on your home console/big tv and then on the go in the express tiny tv screen

5602d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment