CRank: 5Score: 4230

Are you a developer? I guess not. If not, than STFU.
You have no idea what these developers go through, in
developeing a great title. Besides, they wont have any
problems makeing FF since ever1 is claiming its only
comeing to PS3.

6114d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


6115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Like.No.Other"= Dictatorship="Like.No.Cho ices"

I like Microsoft's, "Your potential. Our passion"
Now thats more like it.

6115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and i only have 1 thingy to say about it

"No! I wanted you to turn around so you don't hit the mountain! Not pick up speed and crash into it!"

but ill give it a 7.5, its worth just being amazed at the detailed graphics and playing it. but the gameplay sucks, and AI is somewhat good.

6116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

about nothing on xboxlive compares to Warhawk. Warhawk is the only thing you guys have multiplayer or online wise. So, you might agree and admit that Xbox Live has, by far, way more features then PS3. "Nothing on XBL even comes close to Warhawk... As far as production at least"...production WTF, what are you talking about production, isnt multiplayer ment for gameing. Because so far games like Gears of War and others shootters are nearly a million always playing.


6116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dude you hella funny

6117d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this just proves on why xbox live has a way better server than PS3. Werent we prophetic about this long time ago before it just happend, that not haveing a well paid server can go down in low maintenence, especially when you have a game that alot of people play. Damm, look at Gears of War, millions play everyday, and till this day i havent noticed any maintinence problems whatsoever, except for people with sucky connections. Which are not that many, since everyone uses a DSL.

6117d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

dddduuuuhhhh, didn't you just read the article, they were there, watching both played demos at E3.

6117d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 2 was somewhat a failure because the developers believed they didnt do what they really wanted to do and they said they failed on there part, and the only thing that sucked about the story was the confusing ending....othere than that, HALO 2 FCKING PWND BIOTCHES, AND THATS THE WHOLE POINT THERES A HALO 3 DDDUUHHH, ya damm vagina....


EDIT: Well if you search Bungie on Wikipedia, they say they are in developement of a action game not FPS, but I t...

6117d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I also, read an article longtime ago about some tech geek compareing 360 & PS3. He stated that 360 has bettter ai, because it uses the full potential of one of its cores, and has way better GPU. While PS3 on the otherhand, was more about how much detailed you can make a game and its power of doing great physics. There are two titles that are pushing ai on the 360, which are Splinter Cell conviction, and Fable 2. Also another title from Lionhead Studios, which is BC, and Tri Aces Infinite ...

6117d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment


6118d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

let me tell you this Killzone 2, although it will have great graphics it will not kill Halo 3.

6118d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So, why wouldn't it be realease on the 360? I thought Forza & PGR are developed by Microsoft Game Studios?

6118d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well be the last ones laughing at you. Watch, since Microsoft is with HD DVD, they will never give up, there know for competition. They took on the US justice & the European, look at Fonys history, nothing but flops, they should realize this aint a Dreamcast stunts here they finally have competition.

6119d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did he just put blue eyes on a black guy? WTF....anyways, Goerge Bush, you can't be serious. Ill make mynes look llike Bruce Willis!!!

6119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

also, MTV films, nearly the whole Viacom. Come on man be fair, dont be a square. Also, nearly all US indepent films, like the porn industry.

Besides, HD DVD has way better sound, unlike Blu-Rays compressed azz sound and you cant tell the difference between the 2. I see no difference, except for the size of Blu-Ray. Let me tell you through time HD DVD can get as much space as BR, its just in the movie industy space is not even a problem.

EDIT: also. Xbox live mark...

6119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


6121d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Isnt this the same company thats makeing Dead Island? I wonder if this is a limited exclusive.

6122d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not funny ya chump...

maybe this could be happening, ya never know!!!

6123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

eversince Sony & Epic met, UT will be exclusive to PS3 until early next year, 360's big title Too Human which was suppose to be release this year is being pushed back next year because of the UE, and now another 360 big exclusive title is haveing some problems with the UE, just becuz Epic wont at least give em support.

I think this is being done on purpose!!!

6123d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment