CRank: 5Score: 4230

on how the main character speaks American english, and they have some kind of weird aura around the NPCs, with those matrix looking numbers maybe calculating there every moves and thing like that and whatnot!!!

6108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

all they have is some lame Japanese games. Seriously why do they like these kind of games. Dude, I understand the Final Fantasy series other famous JRPGs that made it to the west, but, these tactical games just planely suck mann.

Same question here mesh1, Why dont they have mass effect over there? It would be a good idea to show em what WRPGs are about, and they might like it.

Also, whatever happen to Alan Wake?
Its like Microsoft are hiding games from us...

6108d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

go check these guys day there fanboys the next they are intelligently, honestly, some hypocrits. Also, they trying to say they are not compareing GOW, but wtf is this video witha title like "TALK ABOUT AI", and with some noob playing at the easiest level. If youd really playd the game, epsecially on insone, they wwont pop out that easy, usally theyll wait until you pop out. Also, on insane you cant just stand there for a few seconds getting shot without ...

6109d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

this fruitloop had it on easy, mann. When its on insane, they are truly insanely smart...meaning they mostly wait for your ass to step out. and also on insane, they will try to out flank you, thats why I just hold my team and just pick em one by one.

EDIT: also, on insane standing there for about 2-3secs you will mostlikely be close to death, this dude is standing there for a long time.

EDIT: ALso, he didnt even have active reload and still killed em pretty easy...

6109d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

it seems like part of this story will be about who or what is Masterchief. He might not be human. just a guess...

6109d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

1. you have one bubble left

2. your buried, so cant see what you wrote

3. Halo3 willkill Oblivion....

4. you suck

5. I bet whatever you commented on it has todo with halo3s sales or rateing, and the game hasn't released yet.

6109d ago 13 agree7 disagreeView comment

of course you didnt get that, you have to read between the lines mann...thats just the DL way of saying, "Oh, snaps...did we choose the right format? Also, how can the Blu-Ray be a better format, aint no difference btween em, unless you really sticking your face to the damm TV to tell a difference, but on the real who does that? Besides, HD DVD has way better sound and its cheaper to produce. Paramounts, admitted that they were payd, its just money too back em up for changeing formats, a...

6109d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


6114d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats bullcrap....shet mannn.

Lost Odyssey looks FCKING AWSOME MAN.
I wonder how the big power moves are going to be like.
Shet, imagine it on HD, now thats some magical shet right there.

6114d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is a better contribution to the industry than what any other company(ex SONY) has done.

Microsoft is really serious about this industry, providing chances of innovation for the future, for gamers & developers.

6114d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

AI people AI, forget what you heard about graphics, we need enoughp not alot. Its all about AI, and thats what the 360 was meant for, with one of its CPU fully dedicated to AI. Also, if you really think that Lionhead Studios B.C. is cancelled, which needs alot of AI, guess again, "The Dimitri Project"=B.C., it was made and playable, so how can they not release it in 05, well thats simple really. Since Microsof bought Lionhead Studios, why realease it in 05 when 360 releases. Its a o...

6115d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That is one of the reasons, but not the main reason I got a 360. The thing is that some parts in the world are just direspecting us, especially europe. Also, it just seems that the youth of America is just starting not to care about there nation anymore. Not opening up there minds and try too understand that we are letting the world pick us apart. We all know that America has its ups and downs but its becuz of the ups and downs that made us who we are and what we stand for. I mean half of the...

6115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Choices babay choices.
Sony=Like.No.Choices=Dictator ship

I bet you were one of those sheeps that Fony was expecting after
the release of there PSshitty, actually thinking that they were 10ofmillions
of former PS2 owners were going to flock to them like a flock of sheeps.

I have one thing to say to Sony. Quit sucking your own balls and step your game
up. This is Microsoft not Sega. Like I said, you dont give these bastards a chance, no...

6117d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

U stay working ya broke biotch, while I reap this money and still enjoy most of the games that plays on PSshitty!!!!

6117d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

thats what there known for.
Like.No.Other, oh please, you know what im saying.
more like Like.No.Choices=Sony+=Dictator ship.

Our potential.There Passion=Microsoft.

They actually thougth that millions of the former PS2 users are going to start running back to there PSshitty like some zombies or sheeps.

6117d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony has $...but suck at competition!!!!
Sony has alot of money to spend, the only thing wrong with them is that they suck ass at marketing. Dont guys realize that Microsoft lives, breahtes, and makeing money through compition, they live for this kind of stuff. Look at Fony, they have no cojones when it comes down to competition. They need to relize this is not Sega or Nintendo that they can bully around. THIS IS MICROSOFT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. You dont give these bastards a chance, no...

6117d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony has alot of money to spend, the only thing wrong with them is that they suck ass at marketing. Dont guys realize that Microsoft lives, breahtes, and makeing money through compition, they live for this kind of stuff. Look at Fony, they have no cojones when it comes down to competition. They need to relize this is not Sega or Nintendo that they can bully around. THIS IS MICROSOFT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. You dont give these bastards a chance, not a bit, not even a spec of it.


6117d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Let me laugh with, since your realy retarded!!!!
lolololololololololololololol ol.....wait, wait......lololololololol!!!!

PEER2PEER as in download you dimmwitts, other than that when it comes down to online gameing YOU NEED SERVERS. Why do you think EA and Microsoft had a disagreement with whos server should be used, besides you cant play an MMORPG online without a SERVER(ex Final Fantasy XI).


6120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

isnt it doing good in France & Spain...I thought the only
countries 360 is not doing goood at is in Denmark or sweden

6120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this just proves on why xbox live has a way better server than PS3. Werent we prophetic about this long time ago before it just happend, that not haveing a well paid server can go down in low maintenence, especially when you have a game that alot of people play. Damm, look at Gears of War, millions play everyday, and till this day i havent noticed any maintinence problems whatsoever, except for people with sucky connections. Which are not that many, since everyone uses a DSL.

6120d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment