
CRank: 5Score: 110250


I wasn't for it at first but I really want this gen to end.

The moaning and b!tching is overdone.

360 is better and cheaper.................... if you pay more for the extras..

this is the same company that said you didn't need hdmi, wifi or rechargeable controllers then sold them to you at a premium. All things people slammed sony for in the past. Play and charge kit? that's extra please add this to ...

4362d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't consider heavenly sword or god of war to be better than each other, they have a lot in common and should be played equally. I really hope for an HS sequel, or prequel (if you played the game you can understand why)

It's like dante's inferno, it doesn't have to be better than god of war just has to be good. Which it is.

4363d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just Cause 2 is one of my favorite games this gen.

First I rented it for PS3, was about to buy it but then I caught a steam sale for the pc version for $2.99.

But I play my ps3 more than my pc so, I bought it for ps3 during the digital psn sale that included the dlc.

Honestly folk, buy, rent or steal this game.

IMO best open world game this generation.

4363d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

LOL at trolling. It was discussed in another thread (yes thread these posts are more forum discussions than actual websites) about how ms will only accept to publish a game if it is either first on their console, released at the same time and is made to be EQUAL to a competitors version of a game.

Since its not equal due to move support and coming out on PSN first. Yeah. I stand my my comment.

The only trolls are those that don't like facts.

4364d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft probably only wants it only if it includes kinect support as it includes sony's move support.

Kinect won't work with this, so it won't happen.

4365d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

Only an idiot would assume a non Blu Ray model.

So buy a ps3 and play none of the disc based games as they won't play on the console, including exclusives?

sigh... there should be an IQ test to post on the internet

4365d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not a bad thing at all. Most people don't know what they are talking about. Most of the games people love are linear but slam a handful of games for being linear.

4365d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Cole MacGrath laughs

4367d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Naughty Dog can most definitely develop for the SOCOM franchise.

What they need for socom though is a different director who would oversee the direction is kept to be a navy seal tactical shooter. UC multiplayer is fun, funny, doesn't take itself series. SOCOM needs to be series, ND could do it on a technical stand point and would deliver a working game.

But the thing about this ex employee is that he only seems to be a socom 4 expert. Zipper has been ...

4367d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like the game is going to be good?

You mean the original FFXIV release in 2010 or the new redesign? Cause the original was a mess.

Also as far as what I or others wanted, a sequel should resemble something of the original. the only thing ffxi and ffxiv had in common was a monthly fee.

Also the word is that during this weeks vana fest, the original FFXi team just quit and left square enix, not a good sign.

4370d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and they ruined ffxiv

All I wanted was a better looking ffxi with a more content and maybe, maybe a third job system.

Say Dark Knight/Black Mage/Warrior or Dark Knight/Black Mage/Thief or Beastmaster/White Mage/Ninja.

I had/have a level 59 Beastmaster, 57 Dark Knight, 37 warrior, thief and white mage, various jobs around 25 for subjob status.

FFXIV is trash though, haven't played since the redesign but.. they are...

4372d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Is this due to their policy of, if a game is published on PS3 first microsoft will not publish it and if its published on xbox 360 it must be released as an exclusive or on the same day and date of release?

I might be off on the actual policy but it really screws the gamer. There are 360 gamers thinking a game is ps3 exclusive but its actually 360 banned.

4374d ago 22 agree1 disagreeView comment

LOL at paying for XChat.

so overrated. I've chatted on pc for years for free.

But the biggest thing I hated about people wanting to chat with me on 360.

I'm playing a role playing game, its story intense, strategy intense.. and you want me to chat with you? If I wanted to chat with people I'd go out to the bar or invite people over. As a grown man, i don't see chatting as something to do.

The other more imp...

4374d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

Translation = XBOX has nothing to compete with third party titles.

Sony may have something up their sleeve first party..

so microsoft is looking to the gta killer before sony gets there and hopes its not first party..

4374d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Stupid site name, stupid question.

This was a collaboration with Sony, this is actually a pottermore project.

Sony supplies the tech, Pottermore provides the content.

Go write to J.K. Rowling about why her company chose this instead of an educational game.

4375d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

To complain on blogs that are actually just forum posts with pictures that are made to look like actual websites made by young gamers that bought their first gaming device (with their own money) no more than six years ago?

4375d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please remain PS3 Exclusive.
Please also include Metal Gear Online 3.

4375d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

To be fair about wonderbook it actually is good tech, just like previous pseye games/screensaver.

Tori-Emaki PS3 Fun with Playstation Eye

Eyepet, eyedentify, interactive fishtank screensaver, eye of judgment, etc

people slammed these motion games/mini games but loved kinect/natal before it even had any actual games to show it was j...

4375d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

very cool...

Okami Zekkeiban
- PS3 HD Remaster
- November 1st release date in Japan.
- 3990yen
- Supports PS Move.
- First press bonus includes a PSN code for the Okami digital art book for use with PlayView.

4376d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Meaning you went in guns blazing and got killed over and over?

The AI and relentless number of soldiers coming at you was no joke.

I was flanked from every direction often. Stealth and patience was the way to go.

4376d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment