I like Tea


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So let me get this straight. They want $70, denuvo, no regional pricing, and egs exclusivity on ff7 while slapping most of this on a new IP as well. So having 2 flops wasn't enough, they need to go the entire catalog too it seems.

907d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you buy a game just to make money off it, you aren't a gamer, end of story.

909d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

When they were capable of making new franchises all being completely distinct from one another they were good. Now every game they create is the same game with a different setting and story. All of their games are sold on characters or other superficial aspects over any gameplay improvements. You will notice any Far cry they release just focuses on selling the bad guy instead of the game itself.

910d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Being able to earm mmoney from playing a game warps what gaming will focus on. Experiences will be diluted and bland in favor to push more commerce. People designing their game around NFT don't care about making a good game, just making money off it. I am not surprised Ubisoft is at the helm of leading the industry into a ditch once again. Last time they drove the industry into an open world collectathon infection that just spreads to whoever is too afraid to take any risks.

910d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know exactly what it means. Because it's a common practice in the industry to cut out staple features to meet deadlines on purpose. They will add it later of course but it is a terrible practice the industry keeps doing all in an effort to please quarterly earning reports.

911d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's more likely just CG cutscenes that extend a storyline introduced in each season like how CoD Warzone does.

913d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't wait for some nonsense category to pop up like "Best balanced Game" with Battlefield 2042 being nominated just so publishers can advertise their trash to the masses. They can literally take one single positive aspect about any terrible game and make the whole game look good if they just focus on that one point.

913d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So just being playable to the masses is all it takes to not be shitty? I guess most mobile titles must be an award winning experience since anyone with a phone can play them. You know what else is playable to everyone, is popular, yet is one of the shittiest games to ever play? Candy crush saga

913d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So its still shitty but because its popular that must magically overwrite the fact its shitty?

913d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The headline says "No plans to use leaked santa skin" but the actual quote is "and so whilst we have the skins, we presently have no plans to utilize all of them this Holiday."

So once again the headline twists the content of the quote to get people to think the santa skin is being removed when the reality is they are just referring to some other content that was datamined that won't be used. It is clear it's not getting cut just because of that ...

914d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

They've sold jump boosts since 2015. They never level you to max, just to the beginning of whatever the newest content is. I don't like them and people will rightfully call out players who clearly used them, but the whole reason they exist is to get friends to play together at the same time regardless of if they just started today or not. They were a thing specifically because people were willing to pay to play with their friends.

914d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am not going to bash my head against a wall trying to get 5 killing sprees in a specific mode or praying a single wraith spawns so that I can be the one to blow it up. That may sound "easy" for you but this is not that kind of game people want clearly.

916d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

How about just not having super specific challenges that require insane rng to do like everyone else. Apex legends challenges are just dealing damage with any submachine gun, getting knockdowns, reviving a teammate, doing damage with a character, etc. All of those are easily done passively in a match.

If Apex adopted Halos style of challenges youd start seeing ones like kill a squad thats driving a vehicle, down an enemy with wattsons wall (they arent designed for downing),...

916d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

A scam disguised as the future of investing

918d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


That might have to do more with the fact they've spent the last 10 years porting most of R*s games to mobile and the mass majority of their work is all of R*s games. They've done other ones like Ark and some shovelware mobile games, but naming your studio Grove street associates with R*s IP so it brings that prestige with it even if it has nothing to do with R*. Similar concept to the Tom Clancy name just being tossed onto whatever military themed game Ub...

919d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's more people using a cronus zen on console then what you'd see in a typical pc match. Disabling crossplay will not stop cheating because now you have to deal with Cronus users who can't be detected nor can a report hope to stop it. They typically use Recoil and dropshot assists on it but nothing too suspicious to the naked eye. This is a more serious problem since this device is frequent in pro play matches.

920d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


Nice job reading the part where I said "as a focus"

923d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The bigger issue is that historically, Halo has always had customization as a focus since at least Reach. 3 had it but it was barebones, and every game after has added to it in some form. This new one has 0 progression beyond the battlepass currently, and it forces you to pay in money or insane time to get what you had in previous titles. There's no way to get easy time or easy money currently and it's no wonder nobody likes it. Currently speaking, that challenge system anyone can dis...

923d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment


They had almost 8 years of failures after Gears 3. They had failed to gauge any interest in IPs like Paragon and that Unreal Alpha they barely touched. Finally released Fortnite, but then they spent 3 months making a copy of a popular game at the time which was PUBG that everyone wanted to play. The problem was Pubg required expensive PC hardware and it was $30. But here comes fortnite with a free 2 play version, and all on console. It was the perfect ...

924d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, the only ones you can earn are on the free tier, but they punish you by limiting you to 3 challenges at a time and the items are bloated with challenge swaps, and the challenges themself are set to be RNG, so you'll get really impossible situational ones and are forced to use up a swap to get an easy one. There is no earnable credit like 5 other F2P service titles to buy the next pass, the fracture events are built around FOMO in that you can only ever rank up like 8 times in the time...

924d ago 26 agree5 disagreeView comment