I like Tea


CRank: 5Score: 108770

Most of this article was focused on player interaction and complaining about the community rather then the game being void of content. The only part I agreed with was the last part calling it an "early access MMO" because for all intents and purposes it is, because they rushed the game out to staive off PSO2's leaking playerbase that's been in freefall since Episode 5. However, making the whole game bad just because some trolls made symbol art with the N word spammed all ove...

1018d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's never enough time when the leadership is incompetent and can't make decisions and things are constantly scrapped or redone and work is wasted.

1018d ago 29 agree0 disagreeView comment

I do agree FOMO and the constant push to keep playing and spending on one game are burning people out faster by the day. The best advice is the last part to tell people to take a break. Switching platforms, trying something new won't fix most people's burnout, neither will have even more stimulation going on at the same time. People are just overwhelmed with stimulation these days and it's getting too much when people get older and only get like a few hours of freedom a day.

1021d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"No character was trans"

Then what the hell was Lev?

1023d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Battle Passes and cosmetic skins are part of every mp game. The Playstation doesn't have such things, because the PS doesn't have multiplayer games"

You think that stopped companies like Ubisoft?

1023d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Couldn't you just choose to not hold the button down and just perform the regular kill? I mean the whole point of them was to make the kill a spectacle and obviously doing it right next to enemies is on the player for doing it there.

1024d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

He always says things that people want to hear, while continuing to perform the opposite. All of MS's major games are service titles that use things like battle passes, MTX, and season passes. MS has historically never bothered investing into good experiences until they were forced to when Sony showed them up last gen. They are laughing stock of the entire market, and only now does he decide to make bogus statements with no backing to them.

1024d ago 39 agree4 disagreeView comment

Things like the act of shooting a zombie is dragged down due to the poor animations, impact of guns, poor physics, and lack of any detailed gore. There is many more problems beyond that but this is a few of the issues thats easy to spot off the bat.

1026d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Theres no proof to say he didn't change. His entire Twitter account paints the opposite picture.

1028d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's like why even bother improving or changing if people can just use anything you ever said in life as a grudge? The only thing I can rightfully say is to stay off social media or privatize everything from the get go so people can't use your words to start a forest fire that gets you fired.

1028d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

The only reason this dirt got released was because of how broken Seer is and his comments claiming something that wasn't true prior to his release. He's got a giant thread on kiwifarms even. There's a bunch of other humiliating dirt on him besides this, but it's not something you can get fired for. I don't agree he should've been fired if he changed since that point, especially since it was 14 fricking years ago, many players on Apex weren't even born then. To also...

1029d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm glad people hated on this trash from the get go. It'll be like Marvel Avengers all over again, just nothing appealing and used as a vehicle to sell skins over any game.

1029d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

One reason many characters are written so terribly these days is because the people writing them do not have any personal knowledge of other cultures beyond what's on youtube. White characters were made as a norm because that's who was writing them, they know what works for them. But now you have all these different races, sexualities, and what not being mandated and written by people who have no idea how to write them without offending anyone, because they have no idea what's off...

1030d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We already have too many right now. All they've been doing is slapping on a more masculine looking frame and doing the exact same thing as the men. Look at Hellblade, HZD, LoU2, the last 2 ACs, Returnal, and even newer Far cry all do the same thing of making "Strong" into "Masculine." Newer Tomb Raider did it right at least where Lara retained her femininity while performing over the top acts. But I'd like to see a clear difference between created characters at som...

1030d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The card system is the least of the games problems. Just that basic act of killing zombies just feels bland as shit. There's so many details lacking that would make the experience better, but it seems this team lacks any of the know how or talent to do these things taken for granted by Valve. I really don't like how they gaslighted the fact they made L4D but they really only made the concept of it and not all the parts people liked that Valve did.

1033d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed. I had played the alpha back in december of last year and knew instantly this would suck. The physics, the gore, the feel of weapons, and doing the most basic function of killing things in the game is really terrible. You would think these people would dedicate themselves all around building that basic act of killing zombies down first before they started making nonsense like the card system or the whole background lore with the cleaners. Even in the interview Chris Ashton just starts ...

1034d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

All this does is get someone else to make what he did without the diva personality. This is a guy who removed a mod just because he didn't want people using it in Skyrim VR. His mods also consist of stolen content from other mods some used without permission. Even funnier, this dude added a function to add Oblivion gates in the open cities mod, someone else made a mod called Gategate to remove the Oblivion gate, Arthmoor flips out, even tried contacting Bethesda to get them to change the ...

1034d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Epic started EGS specifically because they knew they couldn't rely on Fortnite forever. That's also why they are constantly buying out every studio or other platforms, so they can keep making revenue well after Fortnite moves on. Prior to Fortnite, everything they made was just niche barely alive experiments that never took off and Fortnite was the miracle they needed. I just don't think anything Tim does to get revenue beyond Fortnite, is smart because the market was oversatured ...

1036d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't trust them to give good predictions on business states. This is the same company that said if Valve didn't react to their tactics, they would control 50% of the market share, and if Valve reacted they'd control 35%. Right now all they do is throw around Fortnite player log ins as "market share" data, but it's complete BS because clearly nobody is buying outside of Fortnite. They also stated if they stopped paying for exclusives their market share data woul...

1036d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

They still made both female protags in both those games the canon choice. What's even funnier is the male option was added after higher ups demanded it because women don't sell, they were right of course considering almost everyone picked the male option despite it being downplayed and added as an afterthought.

1037d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment