Boing Boing


CRank: 11Score: 148930


The Vita's display is 5-inches diagonally with a resolution of 960 by 544 pixels — a density of about 220 pixels per inch — while the primary 3DS models have lower resolution displays of 800 by 240 pixels on top and 320 by 240 pixels on the bottom.

Easily beaten by even a midrange 2018 phone

1795d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just want a new and decent phone cradle for the new DualShock 5 and will be sorted.

Spesh with all these new phones releasing with 6 inch screens for not much money
The Vita's display is 5-inches diagonally with a resolution of 960 by 544 pixels — a density of about 220 pixels per inch — while the primary 3DS models have lower resolution displays of 800 by 240 pixels on top and 320 by 240 pixels on the bottom."

, so we already have the t...

1795d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What latest games.?

1796d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeh I've heard this before. Last e3

And the one before
And before
And before that.

1797d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

Also the only reason they sold so many 360s in their heyday, is because they kept blowing up! personally I knew everybody who owned 1, actually owned about 3.

Check the scrap heap. Evidence is there

1798d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Er no. I just got Detroit become human for free.

Best ever probably.

Keep it comming.

1799d ago 26 agree11 disagreeView comment

"Let's guarantee people are talking about us & gain Free media coverage"

"how can we do this"

"oh yeah, let's just not go!"

1800d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

I agree. But also, I do believe ps4 is 10percent faster.

1800d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

Just been playing detroit. Absolutely a masterpiece. More of an interactive movie than a game so far.. But still has my heart racing. Emotions stirring. It's good. Very, very good

1803d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Diddy Kong racing. Hands down greatest game to have ever lived.

(I am 33. So n64 was my childhood)

Also people use the term "game changing experiences" too much these days...

they know nothing about goldeneye 007 with the rumble Pak!

1804d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Better be sold at half the price over normal game then after God of War and Spiderman kept me playing for 30 hours, while keeping me engaged the way through, with no filler.

1804d ago 2 agree44 disagreeView comment

@ oathbreaker. just because someone mentioned (jimboms) that they need to.... so I was pointing out that I don't think they do need to.... and can anyone give reasons why... because I don't really understand it

1804d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure why they need to. There selling close to 100million ps4's. Double what microsoft or nintendo have sold.

Why do they need to... Tel me again?

1804d ago 65 agree32 disagreeView comment

Take my money. If I could preorder a ticket. Probably would.

1805d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My two pence I'm so excited about ghost of tsushima and I still play GT Sport all the time it keeps getting updated every month with new tracks and things I'm not even thinking about PS5 Killzone on the other hand would make me drool a little

1808d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm hoping for Killzone Jaws will also drop

1808d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is a very sensible comment I'd also like to add that if Sony pulls his finger out and put in mouse and keyboard support will PS5 and also does it better phone cradle for DualShock and sorts out remote play and they're being a really strong position to take over everything adding psvr 2, you've got everything you need from one box.

Imagine playing your PS5 games on your laptop on the train with a DualShock

Or perhaps on a plane or maybe a ...

1808d ago 3 agree30 disagreeView comment

I reckon since they have stopped giving ps3 games.. and only to the two ps4 games, it have got much better, for instance last month Sonic and Borderlands 2 collection, are still games currently being sold for reasonable prices, say 10 or 20 quid's worth. If we get that every month, il be very happy

1811d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeh God of war with a full orchestra playing music was pants! (-not)

1815d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

edit- this baby had naitive pcie, M.2 SSD, before they were even released into other laptops.

I expect PS5 to have similar new wizardry and blow past current standards.

1816d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment