
CRank: 5Score: 14520

12 - I've had a number of customers complaining about the Playstation 3 version freezing up. After playing it on the PS3, I made warnings of the Frame rate issues (to a lot of people and on this site). I'm playing the Xbox 360 version and I've had no problems what so ever.

I'd be tempted to believe what I think you're trying to say if it made sense. So you own a shop and people you've sold AC to have complained about the performance on PS3? Then you played it on PS3 and made...

6045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Their main product is PS2. People forget Sony<>PS3!!

They've written off PS2 r&d by now. It's a big fat cash cow now. I actually can't believe they shift so many units per month!!

People say sony are slow with PS3. I say they have a shrewd strategic head on their shoulders. They need to milk ps2 for as much as possible, and build a user base whilst extending the ps brand and cashing in on ps2 to the full extent possible.

Releasing ps...

6045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...and anyone who buys a piece of av electronic there is either limited in money or knowledge. It is very much a budget place (perhaps only imo), but is widely frowned upon and derided by the masses.

Of course, like most places in this mould it doesn't sell things with much real knowledge behind it. But it certainly does represent good value for money (although HD-DVD at any price represents only limited-time value, as most sane people know).

6045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know you should maybe consider the button is NOT broken as most likely!!! It's called diagnostics - look for the most likely solution

So if the button aint broke, and your pad bluetooth aint broke, and your ps3 bluetooth aint broke, then maybe FW 2.0 did something? I'm not saying you're wrong, but installing 2.0 firmware is probably quite low down the list of most likely culprits...

6045d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think you'll find it got a 23 out of 27 on i-have-no-mind-and-must-be-tol d-what-to-think.com

According to wiki-this-could-be-75%-true-if -you're-lucky-pedia.com, 23/27 rates as a quadruple A title. Go buy it now - before you're the last of mankind to do so.......

According to my recent blog post on my-blog-is-gospel.com (mirrored at you-must-believe-the-internet. org), you are hereby officially rated BBB.

6047d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love the fact that it looks like it's PS3 only. How do these ads work? Does USA also have ads like this (that give the impression of exclusivity)?

I assume that, in this case, sony agrees to pay a certain % of ubisoft's ad costs in return for this "exclusivity" (like pay 20% of total ad cost for 2% of the actual airtime)? CHeaper than paying millions to make the the actual game exclusive - I like it!

Now that I think of it - could this actually be ...

6047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

kholinar is talking sense. Whilst the microphone array may be good tech (not heard anything about how well it works so far), I presume the camera is just a camera.

What's innovative here is the idea and the software that implements it. Possibly this needs cell processing power as well so can only be done on a console on the ps3 (I don't think that's likely though).

Stop taking any critical analysis of a story related to the ps3 to represent criticism of the ps3...

6047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Absolutely correct.

Since I got PS3 in March I look to buy every movie I want on blu-ray. If it's available and not ridiculously over-priced I get the blu-ray version.

As it happens, I have bought only 7 BDs since March - mostly because BD impulse purchases in the UK usually cost 45-60 USD (I know, it's frickin' crazy), but also cos the movies available haven't inspired. I'm planning on also replacing some classics in my DVD collection - lucas, LOTR, etc - when...

6060d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Very few receivers accept HDMI, & in most cases, even if they do, your 5.1, 6.1, or 7.1 Surround System will perform better with a dedicated optical cbl handling the sound directly to your receiver's digital input."

The first part of that statement may have been true 12-18 months ago. Today it is difficult to buy an AV receiver without some form of HDMI interface - unless you buy really cheap rubbish i guess. Many receivers have 2-3 HDMI inputs, including 7.1 s...

6065d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sarcasm - is there an american word for that?

6073d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

anyway, couldn't care less. RWC Final tomorrow and have to go and buy an inhuman quantity of booze - clearly no time for footy games!

Just to keep it on topic... I wonder what will happen once 60GB SKU has sold out? My guess is that they might make the 40GB the "Gaming system" (bundled with PES, HS or Lair) and release a much bigger HDD for the "Multimedia system" - clearly they'll need a SKU with at least 120GB HDD for when PlayTV hits early next year......

6073d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

To Microsoft it's just an off-the-shelf drive that they'll sell games on for their next console. They may have gone HD-DVD as an *add-on* for this gen, but i doubt they're wedded to it.

This is a very big and successful company. Clearly, they will evaluate the HD disk market at the last possible moment (like 12 months before production begins) and choose the format which provides the best cost, performance, media cost. No doubt they would also look at all the data on sales o...

6073d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Online co-op is fine, certainly better than the deathmatch-style stuff, IMHO.

I would say that off-line co-op is much, much better. I think it's just more social... Sadly, the offline co-op mode doesn't seem to have been that popular over the last few years (I assume army of two may fix that).

Best ever - Baldur's gate dark alliance on PS2 (maybe other platforms?). It really was satisfying playing local co-op on the same screen, both running round trying to gr...

6076d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

PS3 is meant to be a high-end piece of AV electronics. Mains supply is usually not good, which is why most good AV kit is meant to be connected through mains conditioners (not that different to surge protectors).

Non-certified does not mean invalidated warranty - unless of course Sony lists all specific certifications (house builders, electric companies), which I doubt.

6076d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is nonsense. Some guy doesn't know WTF he's doing, is a bit dim (possibly a little unfair) and posts on a forum for ideas about what to do next.

This isn't meant to be a forum, but hey - if this story counts as news then I feel justified. Just look up a decent legal-sounding form of words (not too much - see step 2) and send it to Sony, PS3 retailer, surge-protector manufacturer, surge-protector retailer. If you're lucky one of them will offer you something half decent. ...

6076d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the intro is a quote, then this is a really badly written piece. If it's not a quote, then it's nonsense flambait lead-in to an article. Either way, it's not worth clicking on - actually I'm annoyed at myself for commenting...

6080d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What has capcom done to upset people? there's a lot of negative comment on this thread. I don't get it...

6080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I always thought that six-axis was over engineered as far as the battery life is concerned. I've never had one run out of juice, and they always show at least 2 out of 3 power bars in the XMB whenever I've checked - even after long gaming sessions. I'd guess something like a 15-20 hour life.

The conclusion I came to, very soon after getting my PS3, was that these things were designed for rumble, without a doubt.

6089d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

but I really find it hard to believe that the official playstation site wouldn't have been updated when the GTA IV delay was announced. Maybe it's just an automated web page and the original GTA release date wasn't updated - who knows....

6091d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that Sony really wouldn't have wanted too many people to buy PS3 too early. There wasn't the content to support it. Sure, die hard fans would pay a premium price to be an early adopter... That's why I was prepared to buy one at 425ukp!

Could it not be possible that Sony has conciously decided that now is the time to go for the mass market? The content is getting to the point where there's pretty much a good game in all the main genres, plus more and more bluray hitt...

6093d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment