
CRank: 6Score: 53970

1) It isn't xbox exclusive
2) We wouldn't "hype" it like this for no reason, i and many others really enjoy this game, it has great replay-ability, I've got three characters going, one completed as a solider, the other nearly completed as a sentinel and the other i'm just starting as a vanguard.

Why don't you want people to enjoy games? Because you seem to be telling people that this game "isn't all that" and stop "hyping it" which translates t...

5225d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yep, there are performance improvements in DX11 over DX9, i've got two 5850's and tried in DX9 then DX11 and got around 20 - 25 extra fps out of it. Really happy with that.

And yeah, the beta supports DX11, just not DX10.

5225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It probably will go to 360, Jack trentton worded it very carefully. "When FF14 launches, the PS3 will be the only CONSOLE it will be available on"

So that was implying two things, it was going to be on PC, which it was, and two that it may only be a short while that the PS3 keeps its /console/ exclusivity.

5225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are multiplatform. You cannot bend the meaning of the word just because you want to call it exclusive. It is as simple as saying: You don't need to buy a Xbox 360 to play them, as you can play them on another platform.

I game on PC, PS3 and X360, these games are not exclusive as i can play them on either my PC or Xbox 360. Or, if you can call them exclusive to the xbox 360, can i call them exclusive to PC?

Oh and lol at people saying its exclusive because Window...

5225d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

"RPG Elements" What are RPG elements? Since when does "Role playing game" mean that it has to have loads of skills and levels to grind up and loot to collect? You're playing the role of a character to detail not explored in other genres, that is the definition of a role playing game.


As for the gameplay, i think the cover controls need...

5225d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I thought i would think that too at first, Dragon age was the first RPG i really enjoyed in years.

Then Mass effect 2 came along and smashed it, becoming one of my favorite games evar!

5225d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

#1: Mass effect 2 (PC)
#2: Dragon age: Origins (PC)

No questions, no doubts, no second thoughts. Its those two.

5225d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know, Mass effect 2 is probably going to be my game of the year, despite being a complete God of war fanboy, but ME2 is one of the best games i have ever played.

The exclusive lists are as follows, as far as i'm concerned in 2010:

Heavy Rain
Modnation Racers
God of war 3
The Last Gaurdian? (Not sure if this will come out in 2010).

Xbox 360:
Fable 3
Alan wake
Crackdown 2

5226d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm hoping for a big expansion pack like they are doing for Dragon age, which is like a whole new game, you don't even have to carry on with your current character.

That'd be so epic for Mass effect 2.. i hope they do it, can't get enough of this game.

5226d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

For those saying Gabe is a 360 fanboy need to go back and find out where those PS3 comments started off from. They started off from him talking about how Microsoft don't make much effort to make things easier for software developers, and with the 360 not having a standard hard drive it was making it even worse for him.

Which brought him on to the subject of the PS3, yeah - he may not like the PS3, but you can't call him a 360 fanboy when its just a money maker for his company now...

5227d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

1920x1080p is starting to become old news for PC gamers now, moving on to higher resolutions and multiple monitors. So 720p is hardly HD in comparison, it may win over some people, but it'll take years of advancement for it to take on the PC gamers, because we like our hardware!

5227d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Watch this article heat up to the top quickly.

5228d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This one started off slower than most, many games felt empty and just last-gen games with updated graphics.

5228d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This generation started off slow, but i've already got a few games that i would class as some of the best games i have ever played:

Mass effect 2
Metal Gear Solid 4
Uncharted 2
And as a God of war fanboy, i can see GoW3 joining this list.

The industry is on FIRE!

5228d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

A 7 in Edge's world is a great score, it doesn't follow other outlets.

5228d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love how MGO had the media hating on it because of the konami ID stuff, yet the game behind it is fantastic - some of my best online experiences on consoles has come from that game.

It still holds its core community, and that is why the game is still supported.

5230d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yep. His posts are among the most irritating on this site, simply due to his attempt to appear neutral make him look the opposite.

5230d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

RPG = Role playing game

What do you do in Mass effect 2? You play the role of commander shepard, you make his decisions, you build his personality and relationships, you effect the world you live in and people around you. The ultimate definition of a Role playing game.

Just because it has good shooter mechanics and not 100 different skills to grind up does not mean it is not an RPG. Infact, i'd say this is one of the better examples of an RPG within the last 5 or so ...

5230d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its true, the UK government need to wake up. Encouraging game development in the UK would give the economy a much needed boost.

5230d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it is the best for any company to do this, make the tech available for very specific customers, you know, made to order - but really, no average customer will pay £4k to a 16" tv. Fantastic technology, looks great and it will eventually become the standard, but i think all these companies are trying too hard to rush it out there.

Let it develop, wait for it to become cheaper before you go into manufacturing this stuff.

5230d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment