CRank: 5Score: 4460

As much as I love PES (I really, REALLY do), how the heck did it outsell Uncharted 2? Maybe the pertinent question is WHY did it sell more than Uncharted 2? People need to have a serious look at themselves. I wouldn't usually mind but imagine if PES2010 had actually been GOOD this year. I know us Europeans love football but do we love it more than one of the defining games of this generation? C'MON!

5324d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

an update for a game featuring Nathan Drake!

5326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So, for example, if a feature/mode was released with the first update, I wouldn't get that feature because I missed it? That sucks a bit. Wow, that's really disappointing.

5326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm hoping someone will be able to answer this for me. I'm getting the UC2/PS3 slim bundle in a few weeks. By then (hypothetically), if Naughty Dog have released TWO updates for UC2 (for arguements sake, let's say one was released on the 31st October and the other one was released on the 29th of November), will I be able to download BOTH updates, one after the other OR will I only get the update that was released on the 29th November (thus totally missing the 31st October update)?

5326d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah - you do get the odd anomaly once in a while, but I suppose maybe that particular reviewer REALLY likes his boxing! Although it's funny you reminded me that when Fight Night Round 3 was being released on the XBOX360, I was discovering the delights of Resident Evil 4 and Hitman Blood Money on the PS2 (I'm a bit of a late adopter of systems...).

5327d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bloody hell, guys! Thanks for all those suggestions. Now I'm off to find a bank to rob!

UPDATE: Out of the suggestions, I'll be heading for Uncharted 1 & 2, inFamous seems a favourite (despite some low review scores), and WipeoutHD! Thanks everyone.

5327d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Considering they are an "official" magazine for one particular brand, they are very fair in their reviews, and their analysis is also excellent. Something which can't be said of a few supposedly unbiased, "all-format embracing" websites.

P.S. Same goes for the official XBOX360 magazine - they're also really quite good when I use to read them a few years ago.

5327d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I definitely have...awesome isn't it?

5327d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was wondering if any of you guys could recommend me some PS3 games to catch up when I get a PS3 in a few weeks. MGS4 is a dead cert because I've heard (and read) some pretty amazing things about it over the years. Long cut-scenes don't bother me - I love all that "plot/talky" stuff anyway. As a Batman fan, I'm definitely getting Arkham Asylum on PS3 because of the additional Joker levels, etc.

Now if only you guys could recommend me some great games for the PS3. A fe...

5327d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This "update" was released LAST WEEK upon the game being released. This is old news. The proper update (which will update squads, kits, etc.,) has yet to be released - if it ever will...

5327d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like Hugh Jackman but lately, he has the unfortunate aura of "fail" around him. Australia was panned (on the whole), Wolverine suffered a similar fate this summer, and a film he did with Ewan MacGregor and Michelle Williams also didn't do too well. He should lay off high-concept films for a while, and let someone like Nathan Fillion or as someone mentioned Bradley Cooper go for it. For all that is holy, don't let Shia LeBoeuf or *shudder* Paul Walker near the Uncharted movie.

5328d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't you dare bring Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers into this!

5329d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When I think, my thoughts are in the voice of Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) from American Psycho. I'm also partial to a bit of Huey Lewis...

5329d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The best game I played on my XBOX360 this generation was Bioshock (when it was still exclusive to MS), and I'm hoping Uncharted 2 will provide me with the same joy when I eventually get round to getting my PS3. I also eagerly await (an understatement) The Last Guardian and Agent. I'm not a Halo fan in the least so none of those titles will appeal to me, although Alan Wake looks curious (if anything, I want to see what it's actually about since it's been hyped since the XBOX360 was launched), ...

5330d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Microsoft need a new, exclusive IP (much like Uncharted in terms of quality - NOT content) to come out of nowhere and just shock everyone with its quality. That will shift a few million consoles, I'm sure. As great as Mass Effect is/will be, even action-orientated RPG's don't really scream "pick-up and play" for the casual gamer. Splinter Cell is looking to be great too, but whatever it's innovations, it's still a Splinter Cell game. Alan Wake might be that elusive title but it's to...

5332d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

UNCHARTED 4 = in Space
UNCHARTED 5 = Jurassic-era
UNCHARTED 6 = Wild-west
UNCHARTED 7 = Heaven & Hell (possibly Limbo, too) couldn't resist.

5333d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

If OXM's Mike Channell was one of those that was flown out to Italy for 10 days, then I won't be putting too much stock in this review. Don't get me wrong - I want AC2 to be awesome, but news of that sojourn to Italy left a foul taste in my mouth.

5334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes - I agree with you. It does seem like a risky move if MS add an internal Blu-ray drive to the XBOX360 SKU, but as they seem to be suggesting the Blu-ray drive might be an external accessory (i.e. like their HD-DVD drive) so it may be more for movies than XBOX360 Blu-ray games. But I can definitely see the NEXT XBox(720?) being equipped with Blu-ray because MS don't want to face the criticism that is welling up at the moment that they're holding back the quality of PS3 multi-platforms beca...

5334d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Blu-ray for XBOX360 games would be excellent - it would solve complaints about compression, squeezing everything onto DVD9, etc. But for Blu-ray movies on the XBOX360 - there's no point until the noisy internals get fixed. Even when running current XBOX360 games from the hard disc, there's still a discernable whine from the XBOX360. This would be so annoying when watching a movie, especially during the quieter scenes without action/explosions, etc,.

I've not got a PS3 Slim yet bu...

5334d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

where's the obese lady? All I saw was a hot one.

5336d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment