CRank: 5Score: 10310

I had such high hopes for this game. Infact there is a hint of something great within this mess of a game. For every good this game does it, counters it with something 2x as bad.

Great moves, terrible controls.

Cool attacks, clunky targeting system.

Interesting art design, bad game engine.

Interesting concept, terrible story telling and lame ingame cutscenes.

The list goes on. So much potential. Don't even get me on ho...

5462d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

After watching the god aweful Terminator Salvation and hearing about Natal- I'm starting to root for Skynet. Yay, I can pay a few more hundred dollars for something that doesn't even really exist yet. Mean while Sony made a WORKING 1:1 motion controller.

5463d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

But PS3 owners will not be able to buy their next game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: The Modern Future of Warfare in Space- the milking edition with pay-as-you-go DLC content or Rockband: Tejano edition with 500 dollar maracas and horn accessories. Don't forget Call of Duty 12: WW2 Veteran Nursing Home Modern Medicare.

5463d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

you can't hide it. your misery is all over your words. youre the worst kind of person, the emotional leech. you seek to spread your unhappiness to others and attempt to contaminate any joy people have. you seriously need to seek a psychiatric help. It pains you to look at something so wonderful and can't help but hate it, because you are incapable of bring anything or anyone else what you really want... happiness. Probably just a nasty little itch you just can help but paw at. Must be lonely ...

5464d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

look, even that being so the L4D is still content shy. That is why Valve opted to offer the L4D community free updates. It has been said by Valve themselves. What good do updates and promised content do for a title that will become obsolete for many.

5471d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Steam is an over glorified DRM! It makes honest gamers' lives more difficult. I'd rather have my friend burn me a cracked pirated copy than be FORCED to use Steam to play some over hyped average shooter Valve farts out. You'd think a game with such a strong following would have a decent single player campaign. Valve could have saved itself some DVD9's and just released L4D on XBL arcade, because that is all L4D is really worth.

5471d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

fermcr11, Left 4 Dead was released only a few months ago. That fact is made worse because the game's single player campaign (if you can call it that) is criminally short. It takes around a little more than 4 hours to beat. The only thing L4D fans have left is the multplayer and even that portion of the game isn't as robust as it should be.

What L4D fans are angry about is the notion that Valve would make such a content starved title, then promise to release DLC to make up for it ...

5471d ago 18 agree11 disagreeView comment

After a few years without playing Half-life 2, I dusted off my copy any tried to play, but I had forgotten my Steam account info and since you can't create another account for the same game YOU bought, it can't be played. After several attempts to retain my info, I gave up and just asked my friend to download a 'crack' for my HL2. Not to mention all of the games I had lost my CD-key to.

I've just gotten so sick of games not running because the DRM conflicts with my DVDr drive e...

5482d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So some unknown Gears of War fansite, a home for 360 fanatics, claims they contacted Epic Games and got an answer? Why is there no author for this? Why is there no quote for the actual statement they were given? How can this fugly unprofessional claim get a statement from Epic Games and not the Examiner, who reveiled the rumor. I'm not saying this rumor is true.. but wow, the lengths fanboys will go to comfort themselves.

5483d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I bet that is really how you think "sucks to be you" is spelled. Reading your inane comment is proof.

You are comparing Sony, who is helping to publish the game, decision to exercise their investment the way they see fit; some how equal to Microsoft's constant dubious, deceitful practice of using money to divert content away from the PS3 and it's owners along with countless other ethically questionable acts?????????

I hope every 360 you ever manage to ...

5492d ago 38 agree7 disagreeView comment

All this over a Tony Hawk game? Please, this is a way for the kangaroo f**king twats to backtrack from that other anti-PS3 article. Even they themselves pointed out how they seeming overlooked Microsoft's 'finger giving' exploits and try to make excuses "ooooh well it was because of it was PAL specific... bla bla bla", they are so full of sh*t. They now they openly made such a contradictory article they feel they have to use a game ANY game to some how appear to be unbias. Only they...

5492d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Funny, Microsoft has been manipulating 3rd party publishers buying exclusivity since the 360's release and also diverting development time away from the PS3 and the moment Sony chooses to exercise a decision over the Ghostbusters game (which they are now assisting with publishing) this site jumps all over them. Why not make such a stink over Microsoft's constant underhanded tactics that end up only hurting PS3 owners and at time holding back games that could benefit from using the unique PS3 ...

5492d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

they only problem with your 'logic' is that you are completely wrong.

5492d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Does he have to? Are they making observations based on what FFXIII engineers have told them or are they making unfounded assumptions from their one and only semester of computer lab in HS? I think the latter is more likely.

I understand if they have proof or an interview from a seasoned professional or the FFXIII programmers themselves, but all they are doing are making wild assumptions based on nothing but pure amateur speculation.

Your bias is in your name genius. ...

5492d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's either a big company trying to steal something for nothing or a little nobody trying to sue for millions they never earned. Great way to tie up the legal systems and waste millions of dollars that in the end... us the video game consumers have to pay through higher video game prices.

5494d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and they can use a 360 for the roast.

5495d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nobody cares. Paranoid much? Seriously though, why does the author care? I play what ever I want regardless of what some anonymous pricks post on a nerdsite. I hate the Wii, but im not crazy. The Conduit looks great and I hope it convinces me to buy a Wii. Other then that couldn't care less.

5495d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

this article was written just for people who visit N4G. While most 'adults' and professional game journalists simply ignore these pointless articles,'s childish rebuttal only serves as more pointless rambling only to heal their fanboy hearts. Fact is, 360 fanatics have been touting how the PS3 is no better than the 360. So now some people are wanting to point out just how wrong they were. Yeah its annoying, but more annoying that you can't really refute their claims with facts, ...

5497d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I had a big smile on my face the whole time. Classic.

5499d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment

OK how about the fact the PS3 has an overwhelmingly larger market share in Japan than the 360, and hey it's only Capcom's home turf. Why would Capcom only release Lost Planet 2 on the 360 when it would seriously hold back sales in Japan? Sales in Japan are a big deal for Capcom so why would they release is ONLY on the 360? You are right, maybe Capcom is going to start making games for charity or just to make 360 fanatics happy.

Not only that the PS3 has still sold well here in ...

5499d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment