
CRank: 5Score: 22480

Could it be M$ has paid them off not to release the figues now that the PS3 is leaving the x360 for dead????

Edit: to 8.1 = Yes you're right - Stupid = M$

As stupid as having a built in hardrive in every original xbox and not in all the 'next gen' 360???

6056d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment

For me it is Guitar 1st, Drums 2nd and vocals (only when really drunk)

6063d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the best PS3 new I have heard in a long long time - I can't wait this is going to be amazing - Bring on the Stig!!!

6068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have been witing for this to get a tournament with my friends but looks like I will be buying FIFA afterall - could of had this weeks ago too - Arghhhhhh!!!!

6070d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed - very poor week - no PES 2008 & no WWE Raw vs Smackdown (live has it)I have an american store account also and it usually updates about 9pm Uk time. Here's hoping the US store is it's usual good self. Getting really sick of this now!!!

6075d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have an HD TV and Sky + (UK) is there any point in me having PlayTV?

Genuine question.

6076d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am a PS3 owner and these charts are good news - but I wish people would stop saying stupid things like ' when the 40gb comes out in NA the X360 is dead'.

1. Most people I have spoken with have opted to pay the extra £50 and get the 60GB at it's new lower price, so I don't see the 40gb having a huge impact - only a reduction in price of the 60GB is making an impact

2. I don't want X360 to die - x360 & Ps3 need each other for competition if either dies t...

6076d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

You're right this could be one heck of a day when we all look back in a years time and aknowledge that this was the day PS3 REALLY launched. Bring it on!!!

6077d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

What are you doing here? I reported you ages ago so don't need to read your drivel and here you are showing up in the messages and spoiling my morning.

Power of Green, you are the weakest link - GOODBYE!!!

6077d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

lol - bubble to you ;-)

6077d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I will be glad when in game xmb is up and running. The demo was on a debug system and they obviously came across several problems with it for them to not go ahead and implement it. But I'm sure they will be working hard to get it sorted and my guesing is that come the 30th October we will see 2.0 and it will include in game xmb - 14 days to go :-)

Edit: 2.1: I never said it WAS 2.0 I said 'my guesing is' and I still think it is 2.0 inc in game xmb and home open beta, you see f...

6077d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

He was tricked by eurogamer. after talking about Halo & Bioshock he said 'so to answer your question' but eurogamer never posted the question that was asked of him which would have been something along the lines of ' Do you really think that titles like Halo 3 are true next gen and showing the full capabilities of the system'

So you see Eurogamer have been fly just to get a controversial answer that they can post and generate traffic - thats all it is a traffic generator. ...

6082d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Refer to my post 4.1 thats all I'm saying - oh and you're wrong!!

6088d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That is correct, if you wan to play PS2 games either keep your PS2 or get the 60GIG. Trust me don't listen to the 'EU never had the Emotion ENgine to start with' becasue we did have the GS from the PS2 and this has now been removed also to cut back on costs (personally I think it's a big mistake as I stated in my 1st post.

But don't let it put you off there are lots of great games on the way and the Ps2 games won't get a look in after christmas.

6088d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually you need to get your facts right - LISTEN CAREFULLY - THERE IS NO BC IN THE NEW 40 GB PS3.

The software emulation was in place of the EE but the GS was still in the EU PS3 - this has now been removed completely so from launch there will be no BC until they find a way of doing it all by software - if they bother. OK, so thats NO BC, none at all!!!

6088d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Good news but still think dropping BC is a HUGE mistake as they are now looking for PS2 owners to take the plunge and upgrade but they still need to keep their PS2 if they want to play the games.

If the 40 Gig had BC - it could have been massive, surely the 60 Gig is more attractive still? Look what happened to 20 Gig!!!

6088d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have a PS3 and would love Halo to come to PS3 but it won't happen - EVER, Microsoft owns Halo property & name.

So yes Bungie can make games for PS3 & Wii but it will never be Halo. So if you really want Halo buy a X360 - I've been tempted as I loved the 1st one.

How will the ever live up to Halo though - I'll guarantee there next game will get panned, and they won't have the same production costs as M$ won't be bankrolling them.

6088d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well I've had mine since launch but this is great news & I'm not sour that I paid more cos I wanted to have it at lauch and paid a premium for it and it's the same for all electronics - the 1st DVD player for £1000 (yes DVD).

Anyway the more system sales this christmas the better for online community, the better for sony & the better for game developers who will commit more games with the bigger install base - which is then good news for gamers - everone wins!!! :...

6089d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I truly think this will be THE game of the year - it is new, going to be an epic story like Bladerunner, Terminator & Matrix all rolled into one!!! I can't wait, I have a PS3 and although looking forward to UNchartered & Ratchet I also can't wait for the multi platform Assasins, Rock Band and Smackdown vs Raw - going to be a great holiday season for all.

6089d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

according to the release date is 4th April 2008. PLay are always on the ball and up to date and I'm pretty sure GTA will not be out this year - Delaying GTA til next year seriously affected their share price, they woulnd't have done so if they didn't have the game ready.

6091d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment