"The PS3 is just an overpriced, internet ready, game machine impersonating, blu ray player
CRank: 5Score: 10570

"Wow what is Microsoft doing? "
Microsofts beating Sony ass at selling consoles and games. That's what Microsoft is doing. World say, "Show us your sales numbers!" Sony says,"Ughhh we have Resistance 3 coming out." ROFL.

4686d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Why share their numbers when you have the NPD stating that 360 topped the sales AGAIN and is set to have a record year, and I quote, "Despite a slowing of console and software sales across the industry, Xbox 360 remains on track to have the biggest year in Xbox history – an unprecedented feat in the sixth year of its lifecycle."
When gears releases this will even send sales rocketing even higher.

4687d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Kinect is a true innovation and not an hd version of the Wii like the move. Microsoft struck gold here. As developers get more comfortable with the development tools the games will get better and better. Oh and as millions and millions of Kinects sell that'll even attract more developers because "Sales Matter".

4687d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Really no surprise here. 360 has sold extremely well since it's release. Also, why on earth would you buy a ps3 for 300 bucks when you can get a 360 with better graphics, better online, bigger game library for 199 bucks? Then there's the question of security. With Sony's recent breakdown in security Microsoft's xbox looks even more attractive to consumers which are largely made up of parents. Sites like Lens of Truth and Digital Foundary also are contributing factors as then p...

4687d ago 13 agree11 disagreeView comment

building a pc to kick any console isn't that had if you have the money. Bur remember. BANG FOR THE BUCK. Consoles are unmatched in bang for the buck.

4687d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

The 360 will rise to the occassion. The last game was a rushed last minute port due a deal with Microsoft very close to release time. That's no the case here. 360 will get the full development time and I have NO doubt that the 360 version will be the one to get. The ONLY advantage that the ps3 will have is a single disc. I'll just install the game to hdd and nulify that.
I can't wait for this one to release and read about it on Lens of Truth. Hey I've noticed that ther...

4687d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Man this game rocks and we on xbox live ALWAYS get the dlc first baby!!

4687d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

The emotion felt will be anger becuase you spent your 60 bucks on a snail paced record setting wanna be when you could have had MW3 running at 60fps with fast paced on the edge of your seat action. Being part of the huge modern warfare community.

4687d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Oh that's easy
Killzone 2 should be at the top of this list.
Then Heavy (interactive quicktime movie) Rain.
Then Crysis 2, what a joke.
GT5 (6 years and 60 million dollars but still avg)
Definately MAG, pitiful game.

4687d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well this is a no brainer. MW3 all the way baby! Activition rules! 60 fps on 360 great dlc, largest online community, slick xbox live functionality, very fast paced action and not the sloth-like action of the BF series. But I can see why ps3 owners woule be excited about BF3. As for the rest of us MW3 baby!! Activision rules this genre. Period, Fact!

4687d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Wow. This game is going to rock. I mean it's MW3 for cryin out loud. It's going to be freaking awesome. Looks like Activision has yet another record setting game on their hands. Activition rocks.

4688d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

I'm not even sure why Microsoft gives a flip about that small closed market anyway? Anyway, the japanese gaming community are much like Ps3 owners. They only buy their own manufactured products just like ps3 owners only buy exclusives (even if 99% of games aren't and perform better on 360).

4688d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I notice that most of the pro ps3 guys and gals (still mind boggling) use the term sheep on here alot. Hello PSN hack but still trusting Sony with all your info.
But on topic..
1. If you're a ps3 fanboy
2. If you hate Activision (refer back to 1.)
3 If you only own a ps3 (also refer back to 1)
4. If the only games that perform well on your console are exclusives.
5. If you actually read sites like lens of truth or digital foundary.

4688d ago 1 agree20 disagreeView comment

The coolest thing about the millionth firmware update is that it's trying so hard to be like xbox live. But still isn't even close.

4688d ago 11 agree20 disagreeView comment

Oh give me a break. This was a garbadge flamebait article written by a ps3 fanboy for cryin out loud. I mean he even used the phrase "xbox fanboy". Then using phrases like, " I stopped my cat before he stepped onto the disc tray." LoL . OH and he stated that he'd take content loss over paying anyday. I think I'd take paying over identity theft and personal information leaking to hackers. OH this character also stated that the ps3 was the only console that had 3d ga...

4688d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

What? You mean PSN didn't already have auto trophy sync? Xbox live has ALWAYS synced up everything for you. I mean I could be cross game chatting and the achievements were auto-synced for me without my even knowing about it. Oh but then psn doesn't have cross game chat either. This is only for the 'paid' plus members? What? but haven't I had my ears rang off on the god forsaken site about how psn is the bestest online service ever because it's all free??????? Hmmmm.

4688d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Crysis 2, Heavy Rain, Uncharted 1, ODST (Aweful),GT5, Darksiders. Just to name a few.

4689d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

Ps3 members get very butt hurt when you point out that the ps3 is in last place and has been from the get go. 360 millions ahead of ps3. fact.

4689d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

I can't wait. Borderlands was an incredible game on 360, which ended up being the best console version of the game http://www.lensoftruth.com/...
Borderlands 2 will be freaking awesome too. I can't wait. Oh and getting DLC first on xboxlive is a given. awesome.

4689d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Exclusives are the only thing keeping the ps3 afloat. Sony knows that if they don't keep buying up these studios and limiting them to the ps3 only that the ps3'll sink. Having studios writing solely to the hide the weaknesses of the ps3 hardware so they don't have to go head to head with 360 on like for like comparisons, we all know how that turns out, is a good business plan for them. Microsoft doesn't have this problem. They're already winning the battle against Sony and...

4689d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment