
CRank: 5Score: 13530

20 million does not represent what Dynasty Warriors 3 lost. It's what the company as a whole lost.

Even when they don't have any games, they still need to pay salaries for the employees and rent for office spaces and whatnot. 20 million represents the gap between what their games made this quarter and what the company spent as a whole, including what they spent on DW3.

it's just how things go...

5229d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Holy sh!t, I'm happy I kept on reading through the comments (and mr. masterg, you seem to overlook the fact that latency, lag and bandwidth are three entirely different concepts; FYI baka and redemptur are right)

@MNicholas: Damn dude, all this time I was so focused on the limitations of the technology that this idea never occurred to me. I think you are onto something here, and it makes a whole lot of sense; both from a technical and business point of view.

Since O...

5237d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's not in PR, he's in Marketing (Product Manager).

But even if he were in PR, he's usually more focused on bringing down the competition than highlighting the strengths of his own product. And the LIES! Oh my, the blatant LIES are just... yeah...

I respect Microsoft for their tenacity and their strong product offerings (probably as strong as the hardware can allow; whereas Sony still has no clue what to do about their machine), but liars like this really taint Mi...

5247d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I always cringe when people claim something isn't being adopted fast enough when it "takes XX years for it to reach YY% penetration".

Do people have any idea how long it took CDs to reach 80% penetration? Do they remember WHEN CDs were introduced? And how long it took for that technology to reach "mainstream" status?

I hate late adopters who are vocal.
They're the most ignorant bunch on the internet.

5252d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was this same dude that said those things too...

This is what he's paid to do.

And so is that Don dude over at CNet.

5254d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Again, people on the internet put words in my mouth.
I never claimed that sales were bad. All I said was, the unit sales are NOT weaker because of a smaller install base of the platform. That said:

@ lordgodalming: Yes, I know. I've bought every version of Final Fantasy in the Japanese version, so I know FFs tend to carry higher pricetags. Still, FF13 has the highest price EVER.

Also, to your point "If price were actually a factor, the sales numbers w...

5263d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Quite a few of you guys are making some horrible misstatements here and misleading the rest, (falsely) asserting that this is somehow an indication of smaller console market penetration.

Here are the facts (and FFS keep in mind these are JAPANESE numbers):

The following are comparisons of each FIRST FF title that was released for each respective PS hardware. The first number is the week 1 sales figure (from the link), and the second figure represents the number of c...

5268d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

While the length of the cutscenes never bothered me, they are NOT SKIPPABLE.

Now, under normal circumstances, I wouldn't complain about this, but Yakuza 3 allows/encourages you to re-play the game over and over again (the EX-Hard trophy requires at least three playthroughs, if I'm not mistaken). It's sort of like Dead Space or Borderlands, where your characters' level and skills/moves are retained in the subsequent playthrough.

I refuse to be FORCED to watch the sam...

5275d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Seriously, do you guys NOT watch the news?

EVEN when there are VIDEOS of wrongdoing, these people get away clean (with maybe 2-week suspensions) JUST BECAUSE they are part of the authority.

I bet you all my bubbles that this is what happened:

(Dude gets off car)
- Dude: "What seems to be the problem here?"
- BG: "Sir, stay in the car!"
- Dude: "Well can you at least tell me what's going on?"
- BG: ...

5282d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just because YOU never had a bad experience, doesn't prove that these incidents don't occur. Like I mentioned somewhere else, go google this. There are enough videos out there that prove this stuff happens ALL OVER THE COUNTRY.

5282d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Really?? You guys must not watch the news.

Nearly every WEEK, there's a report of law enforcement officers tazing and beating people without sufficient justification. Yes, sometimes people will ANNOY them, but the way they punish that annoyance is WAY beyond acceptable.

Just google "police violence video", watch the videos, then come back here and tell us if you STILL think you need more info.

My favorite (you know what I mean) is the one whe...

5282d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

... how NOBODY seems capable of making the connection between the 600,000+ bans that Microsoft delivered four weeks ago, and the surge in Microsoft's sales.

w/e I'm just going to laugh at all the douchebags when December's results come out and people struggle to explain the sudden drop in sales.

5283d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

So your reasoning is critically flawed.

5283d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

600,000-ish 360 banned during the week of MW2's launch.

Let's say half of them bought new 360s (and chances are more than half bought a new machine); that's 300,000 360s they re-sold to existing 360 users. Subtract that 300k from the 360 number and you have 500k for 360 vs 700k for PS3.

I suspect Microsoft was saving this trick up its sleeve this whole year, knowing that it'd give a massive sales boost to its hardware.

Now if the 360 STILL outsells the ...

5283d ago 37 agree48 disagreeView comment

Yeah, as long as the premium only applies to CONTENT (i.e. videos, downloadables, themes, etc), then I don't see an issue with this.

But if they fold Cross-game voicechat into the paid service, I swear I'm going to flip. Let's just hope the morons don't do something THAT stupid, but you never know... Sony's been pretty stupid about many things over the past few years...

5301d ago 13 agree20 disagreeView comment

@ Ultimate: Yeah, that's the "only" real use for Xgamechat, but it's a HUGE benefit nonetheless. By making it that much easier to set up games with friends, you'll actually end up playing with friends more often than you would otherwise. =D

Actually, let me be honest here and say that playing with friends on the PS3 is A CHORE without xgamechat. 90% of the time, I just give up on trying to get into the same game and end up playing by myself.

Online gamin...

5305d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think X-game voicechat is misunderstood by many.

The purpose of xgamechat is NOT to just chit-chat while playing different games. Instead, it allows you to communicate with people BEFORE you actually land in the same lobby for the same game.

In other words, without xgamechat, you can't talk to each other until you:

1) boot up the same game
2) invite each other into the same lobby/match
3) are on the same team

So, during that w...

5305d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Face it you bought the wrong tv"

Wait... people who bought HD TVs bought the wrong TV?

This conversation is over. You're sooo far off the truth, and so completely behind the curve that I am not going to waste my time educating you here through exchanges of comments.

That said, the reason why I disregarded your "upconverter" argument was because it's an OLD ARGUMENT and one that is now commonly accepted as being WRONG. Yo...

5305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Scissor: Really? Your argument is "upconverter"??

"plus you local news will look a lot better."

Wow... I'm going to screenshot this. It's just too funny.
You're a thoroughly clueless kid, and everybody can tell from your spelling and dysfunctional arguments.

@ Seferoth: How can you be so sure that those games would not have sold better if they were in HD? And although on-rails shooters are indeed a bit of a relic, my entire ...

5306d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

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5307d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment