
CRank: 5Score: 29760

Very well written article, and i do agree. Architecture is a much better term for games, than the ambiguous definitions of Art.

Though, Architecture doesn't roll off the tongue nearly as well as Art does. lol.

4796d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let me just ask, who reviewed LBP? Now, who reviewed LBP2? That should answer your question on why the score is different.

BUT does the score really matter? Really? Maybe if there was another game like LBP where some casual gamers might want to compare scores, but LBP is the only game of its kind releasing this year.

On top of that, if you're an actual gamer and you want to know what game to purchase f*ck the score. Scores are not important. READ the rev...

4900d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game looks great, drives well, but lags behind in just about every other aspect. Not only does it lag behind but it can be very inconsistent(damage, cockpit view, game features, etc.) or just have down right primitive game design. So thats why they say its a 10/10 sim but a 5/10 package resulting in scores like an 8.5 which isn't even a bad score.

And reviews are just meant to inform, the score is just there for fanboys to masturbate to. If you READ the reviews, you&#...

4901d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Lets say this is what many people say is the greatest story ever:

"I am a man with cancer. I met a lady, she has cancer. This lady is a cop. I was 32 years old when that happened, now im 33 years old. The lady cop killed 30 men. The lady cop just killed me."

That's a bad story right? So many "why"'s we don't know.
Now 'person A' comes in and say:

"No no no, its actually a great story look, ...

4904d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Reload canceling" or whatever the f*ck people call it, has been in the game since Cod4. Thats fact and its been purposefully left in for vet players since then.

4948d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i personally have no idea why someone would pick this up beyond just to try it out...

DS3 is by and large better to use for every genre besides point-and-shoot. Not even FPSs or TPSs would work better on move because you have zero independent camera control(and you have to worry about calibration). I'll be damned if you think im gonna seriously play Socom4 or Killzone3 online with Move. I'll give it the occasional hack-slash, i guess that'd be fun...for like an ho...

5058d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Can you guys just not be happy. Good news for the ps3 and what do you do? Come up with more conspiracy theories...jeez

Looking good for ps3. Sometime next year, i'd assume ps3 will be ahead in the US. But with Halo:Reach coming this year, i don't know know if ps3 can catch 360 this year in the US.

5068d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

First, let me say...wtf is up with that sh*t....

Next, it kinda seems plausible. I mean, they have been leaking EVERYTHING so maybe they were just doing it to make way for a PS4 announcement for then they'll talk more about it at TGS. Release more info next years at GDC and E3. Then BAM, PS4 in the fall/winter.

Or maybe the OS reboot that they're gonna do is so drastic that they are gonna change the name!

idk, im just riff'n here....

5109d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

That was funny, but you do realize you aren't the only person on PSN right? Not everyone sits around and plays MAG hoping to there mothers that their teammates doesn't have a social life. Some of us like playing single player games such as GoW3, Fallout3, Bioshock2, etc, and chat with friends.

And this myth of no immature kids on PSN....stop it. Thats ridiculous. People don't just migrate to xbl to talk sh*t. It just happens that xbl has a more robust community of...

5131d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

or are the people that wrote the article and the people that believe this really that retarded?

5434d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got my game last sat. and a beta was in the game case so...

5477d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Dark

What's wrong with MP? It's still a great single player game but now it has MP. I really don't see this as a negative.

5477d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like KZ2 but WTF! Whats the next article gonna be? Killzone2 best 3rd person shooter! Killzone2 curse cancer! This is f*cking crazy. IT'S ANOTHER SHOOTER WITH NICE GRAPHICS; the damn thing isn't Jesus!

5515d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Are people really that desperate for N4G that they need it video form? HHG is N4G w/ a dash ungrounded assumptions.

5532d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Everyone is saying that "Sony would never let this happen." It's like people forgot that FF13 was once a ps3 exclusive.
Businesses need money in these hard times so it's all good if Polyphony need to spread the game to get more money to make there awesome games

5538d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Ok, look.

She really doesn't have to put that she's lesbian but she did...expression i guess. The thing is people were harassing her so why no just change it? Its not like it would kill her to just remove the part about being lesbian; its not like she changing her sexual orientation for good; she's just just changing text. But instead of changing it, and ending the harassment she kept the name which is breaking the TAO. The TAO doesn't allow for ANY type of sexual mention. People...

5576d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder if Killzone2 will beat (or tie) Gears of war2 at metacritic. This will be interesting. Can't wait for tomorrow!

5577d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

How much more work does it take to move you finger up from "c" to "s"; or do you just not know how to spell "site"? Actually, "s" is on the home row...

Anyways, i've never heard of it either. Probably because it's not coming to the ps3. I couldn't careless about 360 releases.

5606d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Not that i don't think Killzone2 will be awesome but what enable you to tell him which of the 2 games, killzone2 or Section8, is better? Neither you or him have played either of the games. Even worse, none of you guys even know what section8 is.

5606d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Wow... so it takes sony losing a projected 2.9 billion before people start doing anything smart.

And yes, tordavis, look at killzone. Without throwing a f*ck-ton of money at that game, the game would of look like just another shooter.

5611d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment