
CRank: 5Score: 11340

Yeah, sure... Cos we all know through the compression "techniques" xbox 360 owners think exisit anything is possible. I mean, we only have 7 of 9 gb available to use on our disc but if we utilize our special compression skills and pull out some hope from our boxes of Capin' Crunch Cereal... Anything is possible. I mean anything.

I swear... In this world, a world where Justin Beiber is a viable form of entertainment, anything can and will happen. Where's Bin Laden w...

5211d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

This is so lame... It's like having a birthday and your siblings getting pissed about you getting gifts and $#*T for it. It's like the mom has to come over and comfort the other sibling who didn't have a birthday that "their turn is coming too" ... Shut the F*CK up. There is no turn. Xbox 360 sucks monkey F*CK and that's that. There is no "good" exclusive too. There is nothing. There is so not nothing coming to the xbox 360 that they don't even have a birthday this y...

5211d ago 9 agree12 disagreeView comment

Didn't they use this concept in Castlevania 2 for the nes? The peaceful town at day, evil by night? Yeah, of course they did. Nothing's original these days, though.

5211d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment

I've been saying this for a year. Ps2 playback is tied to their paid subscription PSN. You don't get it you don't got it.

Me, I have 2 Ps3's and one happens to be a launch system so I'm good.

5211d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Good on Sony. About time someone took a stand against used games and pirates who steal them. This is ultimatley what will drive the price of software down someday too. Right now the publishers aren't in control past release. The hackers and theives and used gamestores are. This here is a way that the publisher can have back their control and I applaude it. 100% all for this.

5211d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Last we heard there was still an attachment to the controller that hasn't been shown or talked about. Also of interest, you are able to use your DS3 controllers in conjunction with the new Ps3 wand controller too. You will use the thumb stick and shoulder buttons on its side in one hand and the motion controller in the other.

This was demonstrated last year.

5212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

His next game is not, I REPEAT: NOT TWISTED METAL!!!!!!!

It is an action/adventure/rpg game in style of Zelda and or Alundra. I've seen pics of the damn thing. It isn't TWISTED METAL!!!!!!

5212d ago 1 agree16 disagreeView comment


I sound like a dip$H*T because I feel, in my own opinion, that Killzone and Resistance are better franchises? No, you sound like one because you can't accept that at face value.

The fundementals on which all 4 franchises are built on is what I'm talking about. Resistance isn't trying to be anything else other than itself. Killzone 2 isn't trying to be anything its not. Bio Shock tries too hard. It's this and it's that and it's this layerd with...

5212d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Talent is subjective... I once knew a plumber who couldn't unclog a toilet for "no pun intended" $*it... Called another one and he got it done right away. Without using Rid-X. Imagine that. I assimilate Swifts talents with that of a plumbers... They both deal in $*IT. One cleans out and the other spouts it.

I read an interesting article lastnight... About Disney. How are they afloat? Their network is one of the lowest in the nelsons. Their movies tank often an...

5212d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

When don't they? I love how they have these big attitudes and mindsets that they're the best and everyone else making FPS sucks. Much like Levine and his absurd 2K team with BioShock... When just about every FPS I've played is better than either of the franchises they offer.

Killzone and Resistance are both better franchises, built on a wealth more depth than either of the above franchises. Universal aclaim means nothing... Taylor "no pitch" Swift is super popular ...

5212d ago 10 agree9 disagreeView comment

EDIT: Wrong spot. This was for Kigmal, who I'm not discrediting by the way. I'm just debating with you.

You aren't seeing the real side of he coin, man. He isn't saying that at all. It might appear that way but he is lashing out at the industry as a whole. Life isn't fair, and that's true. But he's working for the average consumer here and evangelizing for a cause. How many times have we got burned buying a Capcom or THQ game at full price? how about an EA game? Too many...

5212d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

I think if some of you were to partake in some of the actual events and undertakings that go on in a day to day basis in this industry you'd see that the future of gaming is going to come to a head in terms of quality and quantity. There is a deal inked with a major, as of now, 3rd party developer with a major Publisher that is a game changer for the industry. This deal is coming to a head soon too. Really soon.

So, while 3rd party games might come to an end soon... I don't...

5212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, I think you need to take your own advise. He never said that. He actually opposed it. We've, me and my vgtilt crew, met Jason 2 years in a row during and around E-3 and GDC and the man is a class act. He speaks his mind and he tells it like it is. He also is the most brilliant developmental mind in the biz.

He is saying the vehicle of delievery in how we, the consumer, gets/buys and or recieves our gaming content needs to change so the consumer isn't getting ripped off...

5212d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Perhaps to fans, yes. This is my last bubble so I'll use it up by saying... What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander. That is until the Gander gets smart enough to realize the Goose was always getting the short end of the stick to begin with.

5213d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Kevin Butler isn't even his damn name... But if you insist he's the "heart" of these PS3 adverts, what would you say the writers are? You know, the ones who come up with the arcs and words that smack says. Like in Hollywood, the writer, the most important person to the machine, still gets no credit. They get paid less money than anyone yet do all the work. Lame.

5213d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

Does it affect the gameplay so much it renders storefront add ons useless and make you want to pay 60 bucks for the same game you bought last year? If it does, then sorry. My bad. But if you don't think the "changes" Capcom put into this "remix" version couldn't have been done via patch and uploaded store content, then it's your bad.

This game better not be full price. And if it is full price the people who buy it should write it off on their 2011 taxe...

5213d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

Classic Crapcom... Same game, "SUPER" tacked onto the front of the name and 4 new characters added to the same tired gameplay. What is this 1993 again?

This, in this day and age, shouldn't fly. This content should be on the PSN and xbl storefronts for 1.99 a fighter and .99 if you want the word "Super" added to your boot up screen. I hate Capcom.

5213d ago 3 agree15 disagreeView comment

Activision hasn't produced a game good enough for me to buy at full price in I don't even know how long now. Maybe instead of Sony dropping Ps3's price you need to up your development teams quality and lower your own prices in the meantime.

Hey, you sell your systems for pennies on the dollar and that way we can rake in even more money at your expense on our lousy, paper thin games. No thanks, Activision. Go ruin some more spiderman and Tony Hawk games.

5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Won't pay a dime or a penny for the service as is and as was laid out to a few people I've spoken with on the matter. The perks for the paid sub, to my understanding, aren't going to be very inticing for those like me who game very little online.

Ps2 emulator and Ps2 gamedownloads are said to be in the paid service too, but I have a launch Ps3 still sitting around somewhere that says I don't need that service either.

As it is, unless they up the package to incl...

5213d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The next Motorstorm is going to have "some" free roam elements. Think Burnout, on a smaller more user friendly scale. You are able to drive to specific races and events. There are production stills of your driver/avatar walking around the map too.

Insomniac are going to be showing 2 games this year. One at GDC and the other at E3. They are working on a 3rd person action/deventure/horror game.

Infamous 2 will not be a prequel.

*These ...

5214d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment