
CRank: 5Score: 35340

Nintendo fans who cares what other gamers think.we have a HD system with game like.cod,ac3,tekken tag 2,darksiders2,all great multiplatform 3rd party games.then game like zombiu which is amazing and only on wii u!

and we also get Nintendos great first party line up.and great download games like

so you know people are going to hate. games we never had we have we also have the great Nintendo games we always had.

so you...

4175d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I just got this game today it's amazing!

slowly people are starting to realize wii u is a really great system and it didn't even have years yet to be updated and tweaked to make it even better.

and I think all the systems out are great.and most people who hate on wii u don't know what it's is or haven't had any real playing time on it.

once people put away there fanboy side (which I have too)and just try and enjoy it they ...

4175d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I haven't had a chance to play using the pro controller but I do plan on getting one a little bit after Christmas.

but your right playing with the gamepad is incredible!

4193d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I call bullshit on this dude he's a secret Nintendo hater.cause I love my wii u!

and everyone I know who owns it loves it
that's 6 people and they are online everyday and they are all adult hardcore gamers.

plus any of my Microsoft or Sony friends who came over and played it and seen the in and outs of the system love it.

once people play c.o.d with off TV play in person they love it.

all people I have met who...

4193d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

great article!our hobby will be under attack once again.and its sad they always go for the easy target.

4194d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait for the next PlayStation and Xbox so yinz can see even with better hardware there game will only look a little better then what's out know.

only the most hardcore will notice so Wii U will be fine.

that's why the next Xbox and PlayStation will both have some kind of gimmick.not saying its a bad thing.but sense the only things getting better will be AI and bigger game world's nintendo can relax.the target for Sony and Microsoft is...

4194d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm from Pittsburgh and saw this story and my local news this morning.I think the Guy took his cell phone.and he might of been online and his friend heard the whole thing and called the police.

video games saving the world one person at a time.

his Xbox live was definitely worth 60 a year.

4198d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

hey whatever makes you guys feel better!

i know i love my Wii U it's my favorite console!and i love it and play it so much i dont even have to worry or hate on the other consoles.

so if hating on Wii U helps make your system seem better good for you.

4199d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

nintendo fans who cares about the haters.instead of posting comments on sites like this we have the miiverse our own social network to discuss games without hearing people cry all the time!

its awesome!i go there more everyday and here less cause talking to other adult gamers without crybabies is just incredible!

4200d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

man I love how many people on here say it's not about graphics lol! wow there are so many hypocrites on this site.

its never about graphics if it's you favorite system with the weakest graphics!

4201d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

i been saying this for awhile.the systems out now have graphics that are already great!so when the new consoles come out its only going to be noticeable to the most hardcore gamer.

thats why each system will have a gimmick.vr glasses,vr projector so they can separated there selfs from whats out already.

4201d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

I showed this video to a couple of my gamer friends and they thought it was a 360 game.

they are not hardcore gamers they just play c.o.d. and Madden.

but it shows regular people wont even notice much difference if this is next Gen.

so I don't think wii-u or 360 ,ps3 for that matter has much to worry about cause the graphic leap will be hard to see for normal gamers.

that's why all the systems are going to have a gimm...

4202d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

lets see how many people hate on the wii-u today many without even playing it.

4203d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

nobody is hating!? yinz hate on every single Nintendo story on this site everyday!

even if the story talks only about Nintendo stuff and has nothing to do with Sony.

go look every single story has some Sony fan crying about something.

but go to Sony stories and you almost never see a Nintendo fan saying anything bad. but only defending Nintendo against b.s.!

but yinz can't wait to say stuff like I would like this game bu...

4205d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

this is how it should be done.its funny and he's having fun.

but Sony fans on this site will never understand they are to sensitive.

Wii U is a great fun system and it has nothing to do with ps3 or ps4 so theres no reason to hate on it.

and even Sony's head Guy knows that and is having fun on his Wii U.and busting each other chops should be fun.

not some crybaby whining about who has the strongest system or what it ca...

4205d ago 9 agree14 disagreeView comment

there's only 1,200 players online for call of duty on average on a console thats out for 2 whole weeks in one country and one week in another!

yep what failure he so right!

what a asshole!

4206d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

I would bet a million dollars if this was on ps3 or 360 people would say it the best thing in the world and have no prob with it.

but its on wii-u and people have acted like its the worst thing in the world.

guess what don't download it!its that simple.why is something so small getting so much attention it makes people seem like jealous crybabies!

wii-u is getting Google maps oh no what how will the world go on?

4206d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

whats funny is people keep bringing this up when it's taking xbox 360 and ps3 6 years to get games to look as good as they are now.

mean while some developers like ea had only six months to make games like madden look as good as the other two. and some games look better then those two when it also has to stream info to another screen.

so a system with slower cpu clocks speeds just comes out and has to run games on two screens at's launch ...

4210d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

people were saying it looks worse but we know its not true.I don't got this game yet.but my friend does on wii u and said it looks and plays amazing.

I have call of duty black ops 2 on wii u and it looks and plays amazing also.

4214d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

or you could just use the free option it come with and they say that.

but any thing they can say to put it in a bad light.even if they leave stuff out.

and my four friends and me who have wii u love it.and everyone who I talk to through the miiverse loves it. the only people who hate it are people who don't own it and maybe played a in store demo.

4214d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment