
CRank: 5Score: 35340

this article is great because it shows the blind hate that nintendo gets from the gaming media!

this person has no idea what they are talking about!

indie devs have had nothing but great things to say about nintendo and wii u the last 3 months so do some research before you hate just to hate.

4031d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol i'm so jealous as i right this from my wii u!lol!

i have cable box so i will stick with my wii u for gaming. and ps4 will look great next to my wii u and the cablebox i already have so i should be covered!

4038d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

they sound scared.

4040d ago 7 agree29 disagreeView comment

nope!how many people have been saying this the last ten years!

the first year 3ds was out everyone said vita will crush it and they shouldn't make hardware anymore.

how did that Work out?

so calm down wait till after next holiday season and shut the Fuck up with this shit.

because everything will be fine by then.

but you won't see any article about how good Nintendo is doing only the two time in over...

4069d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

thank you gribblegrunger.

this is why nobody should take what people on this site serious at all

If it's your system of choice it can do no wrong and how dare anyone trash talk it.

hypocrites run deep on this site.

4070d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

what about us wii u owners?

it don't count if we feel that way right?

4071d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

see Sony fans it sucks to see a system you like doing bad.

all you do is get on wii u which is on it 6 month on the market.

so Nintendo fans and Sony fans are going through a similar things and yet all they do is hate on each other for it.

that's what sucks about this site and video games.

we should joke about it to each other but getting serious about it doesn't help anyone.

and I'm guilty of get...

4071d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

good was a positive wii u article so bring out the crybabies!

4074d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I just wanted to see how many people would agree with me because of the wii u hate on this site.

I own wii u and love it!it's my favorite system even over 360.

ever single time I say good stuff about wii u I get a bunch of disagrees.

so I wanted to see if I would get a lot of agrees if I talked bad about it.

4078d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well we knew it would suck cause it's coming to wii u!

right n4g!?

if it was only for 360,ps3 it would be one of everyone's most wanted games.

but wii u makes it bad.

4078d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

well you can't say wii u is failing and vita's doing better when with no price cut wii u was the top selling home console this week in Japan.and portables always outsell consoles in Japan look at 3ds it is always crushing it.

and wii u is beating vita worldwide. this week with no price cut.are you people crazy?

4084d ago 12 agree8 disagreeView comment

the tales team is working on the story mode for smash and the tekken team is working on the fighting side of smash.

but I think both systems should get a good tales game in the future.

4085d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

so what about 3ds crushing vita for a year straight and I'm mean crushing the fucking shit out of it 30 million to 4 million!

then one week vita outsells 3ds in Japan and its huge news.

did you feel the same about that?

I bet your one of the people who couldn't stop making comments about it and now your judging wii u people for being happy.

dragon quest x was out for one day and it had this good effect that's why...

4087d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

nice comment!its the truth all the way!

and even though it's the truth and you hated on no one people will still disagree and be big crybabies its crazy on this site.

4088d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

Nintendo fans should start getting

hey 3dsxl and vita are the same price now in japan why isn't God's gift PS vita to the world outselling it?

I'm mean it has the best handheld graphics so that must mean it's the best by default.

and yinz tell us it has a better game selection,and 3ds has bad games and graphics nobody would choose it when it's the same price right?lol

now lets see how many ...

4088d ago 11 agree15 disagreeView comment

oh when Nintendo systems are on top we are not aloud to talk about it. but as soon as Sony system is the top seller in Japan it's always the most important breaking news.

hypocrites run deep on this site.everything I said was the truth lets see how many disagrees I can get.

4088d ago 9 agree16 disagreeView comment

its was on sale for one day!so if it sells that everyday for a week its should be fine so lets wait and see.

but even though the 3ds was the top selling system and handheld,and wii u was the top selling home console this week.they have to spin it in a bad way.

its only one good week so it just small victory it would be nice to just enjoy it.

4088d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

wii u gets games and starts selling units!I see many fanboys crying today!

4088d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

its a companion app for the you can message your friends when they are away from wiiu and ask them to play and see what people are talking about.

its only a good thing.

4090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wii u cost about 480 In the UK.they dropped it to around 350 like we pay.

so this is good news because sales jumped up in America to and it didn't get any price cut just good games.

they need to lower the price in the UK.

4093d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment