
CRank: 5Score: 8190

1080p is a meaningless statistic. There are 1080p images that are difficult to render because they contain millions of polygons, several shader calls per object and complex lighting. The easiest 1080p scene might have one polygon that can be displayed at a super high frame rate. It's all about gameplay anyways and Nintendo will win or fail based on their games, not the hardware.

4294d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I could also see a Steam capable console with Apple TV, App and Store support. Actually, Steam with Apple TV would compliment each other very well considering the offerings on Xbox and PS3 and would put it on equal footing.

That's my prediction.

4410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I have no doubt Valve will want to serve up downloadable games from it at some point." But, I don't think a couple exclusive apps from Valve would be the crushing blow for the big three console manufacturers. It's Steam itself that would be a game changer, literally. That being said, I'd quite like a Pocket Portal app. ;)

4410d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a Steam app on my iPhone right now and I have no doubt Valve will want to serve up downloadable games from it at some point.

But...most existing games on Steam won't work on iOS without porting due to graphics chip compatibility, memory requirements, and an engine coded specifically to PC architecture.

Then again if Steam did an OnLive-like Cloud based solution where the game is rendered on servers and the graphics streamed to an iDevice - that wo...

4410d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Brand loyalty in the long term is more important than a few bucks for a new ending and a small profit. Gamers who didn't like the ending will not like to hear they will need to pay more money to get the 'complete' ending. But, whatever, if they release it as paid DLC, people like me will buy it because we love Mass Effect regardless of how some people feel. My point was that the gaming community would soon forget any issues if the 'fix' were free. It's a perfectly ...

4432d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bioware could release it as Free DLC if they want to win back certain people. I think it might ultimately feel like a grand epilogue. They could make it free if you have an Online Pass, but that means used copies wouldn't have the 'whole' ending without an online fee.

I haven't seen the ending of ME3 yet because I keep getting distracted by the awesome Multiplayer mode. I've loved every second of my experience with the Mass Effect games and I look forwa...

4436d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Given how long it took Gran Turismo 5 to come to market (about 5 years after the announcement), I think it's a bit premature to announce Gran Turismo 6 as a launch title.

4443d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Never used the Cart so thank you for the info on automatic installation. Though I wish Sony would fix the issue by making the process more transparent (like 360). Also, do I really need to run the whole PS3 to charge my controller? (Yes, I can plug the controller into some other USB device, I know.) Sony needs to add a low power mode for downloading queues and charging controllers like MS.

4478d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

VITA is a sweat bit of kit, no doubt, but the public face of Sony has a tendency to be self-delusional and I count three moments of corporate stupidity here. 1) $250-$350 is not mass market for a hand-held. 2) "Missing the holiday season" will not be a good thing like they portend because the PSP's sales really aren't the watermark they should be trying to hit. 3) 63% of PS3 owners (or 14 million people) just isn't realistic in this economy and is a statistic more lik...

4580d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

While I agree with most of the criticisms, Rocksmith is still a superb game, deserving of a much higher score than the author gave it. 9/10

4585d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Pro-Reviewer Tip: Next time clean your f-ing room first. lol. Just kiddin', man.

I wish I had the scratch to buy a $2,000 Les Paul to play it with. Game will be dope no doubt and I love that it actually makes you a better guitar player for reals.

4597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony didn't want to risk alienating the 100 million+ PS2 owners that they wanted to sell PS3's to by changing the controller radically. The infamous 'batarang' controller and the wave of negative press over it, IMO forced Sony to retreat to the safety of the Dual-Shock design. I'm not bashing the Six-Axis because it works fine, but it couldn't be considered a leap forward in ergonomics or functionality from the previous iteration unlike the extremely comfortable 360 ...

4986d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

I first watched a demo of Sony's Move, back in 2000 at Siggraph in New Orleans. It was running on a PS2 and used the original PS2 eye toy camera. The controller was a toy baseball bat with a large foam ring around the middle that the camera could track. If I remember correctly, the bat was replaced onscreen by a mace (with chain physics) and you could smash things in a simple dungeon. I was making games for LucasFilm at the time (in their children's software division) and I rememb...

4986d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Neil Patrick Harris would make an excellent match for the live action movie adaption.

5017d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's like...when you change banks, they take back the toaster.

That's like...when happy hour ends, you must give back the drinks and finger foods.

That's like...when you end your favorite MMO subscription, they strip your character naked.

That's like...posting jokes on-line and forgetting the .

(just amusing myself y'all)

5019d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shadow of the Beast 2 - Best death sequence ever!

5039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, I am playing more PS3 than 360 since I bought a Slim. Un2 is great. Natal could be extrordinary. I'll buy top exclusives for each system but mult-player will likely be the 360 version because PSN isn't as reliable in my experience. And reviews of the different versions count. For example, I would not buy the PS3 Bayonetta because it was ported from 360 by a different Dev team and the performance looks choppy.

--written on PS3 with a DualShock3 ;-]

5303d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Watching this is a complete waste of time. Are we still arguing over which machine is better? It's so sad.

5334d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is officially the worst post to N4G I have ever seen. It doesn't even make sense. It's just an unsubstantiated lie.

5373d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@DeathroW22 - Will do. ;)

5404d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment