
CRank: 6Score: 48440

What an absolute joke from Square Enix.

An old demo then a quick 'Wait for the E3. Ok, BYE" Screw you, do something productive.

4120d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was kind of a mix from the fans. Some old school fans hated it, some loved and some new fans plain just didn't get it. The launch didn't help as well.

Still, Blizzard continue to patch it, have fixed it, are trying to balance it out, they've brought in PVP. If they have worked hard on the controls and made it work well with a controller then it should be good. Also if they can introduce Battle.Net with some kind of cloud or integrate that with PlayStation, you ...

4120d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nearly had a heart attack when they said Blizzard. But hey did say they were looking at a possible console version. There ya go.

4120d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait for this to come out and watch the prices drop for great cards like GTX 680. Get one of those babies and you're set for many years then.

4122d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Dom & Marcus

4125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know there are probably far more out there on different platforms but looking at this list, I think it shows how horror games have silently slipped from the mainstream. Many of the releases are PC and/or 360 (which I assume will be XBL) with only one game on the list being for the PS3.

It tells me many of these games are from indie developers which is good and bad. Good because horror has been kept alive by a new generation of game developers that probably aren't being ...

4125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think I'd class TLoU as a horror title.

4125d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

To be honest IGN isn't a site I look at anymore either. When their reviews for a big game pops up (and it's normally there on the day the embargo lifts in order to get the first rush hits) I just shrug at the score.

IGN to me, feel like those people that would come to your school when you were a kid and the teachers would call an assembly and these people would put on a show. It would be some anti-smoking, anti-bulling 'we're all unique' kind of thing. But...

4128d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

IGN and other sites tend not to step on toes when it comes to the big releases. I've noticed this a lot. Any hugely anticipated game will rarely receive bad scores from well known sites.

I've also noted in the past that some games get a pass on bugs. Take the Call of Duty games. Often after a release, I see many people complain of the sheer amount of bugs and glitches that pop in the multiplayer that the reviewers never mention.

It's about money -...

4128d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gearbox shouldn't change a thing.

People getting offended by stuff and demanding it be removed cause they've taken offense. Grow up and get over it. I've done the Tiny Tina stuff and yeah, forget that she ties a guy to a chair and tortures him because he murdered her parents. Nah, the way she TALKS is what offends the guy. Please. It's a fantasy world, I see plenty of middle class white boys that think they're some black kid from south central in real life...

4129d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

I keep seeing people say "This isn't Dead Space, it's just an action game". For anyone that played two, did you not know this is where the series was going? Dead Space was an action game in a horror setting. The first game was the closest the series would ever be to horror.

With the sequel, it was clear the developers were taking advantage of the smooth controls to put it in a more action oriented experience. Then the third game comes along and people get an...

4129d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every game should have a demo, every multiplayer should have a beta.

I also think when you have a demo, you shouldn't just cherry pick a segment out of the game, you should create something small for the demo only, one that pretty much shows the player what they can expect and that shows them the game mechanics they can expect to see. People like to try before they buy.

4129d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's bad enough Capcom try to rob you of your money, now they're trying to rob you of your time. I can imagine the Capcom forums becoming quite tiresome quickly. You go in, join a discussion and about RE6 or something, giving your reasons for you think the game is poor. "EHMERGERD RE6 WAS DA BEST GAME EVAH! YOU NOOB! GET OUT!" You get the idea,

4129d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow PC gamers get a lot of stick around here for saying PC.

I'd certainly get it on PC and yes, if the option was there which I know it isn't YET.

As for the console version, I'll see. In the looks department, GTAIV wasn't as good on the PS3 as the 360. I'd know, I got on the PS3 and then saw my friend playing on his 360 and was like "That does look better".

However, that was 2008 when not all the multiplats for ...

4133d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just need one and that being it's a new GTA. It kind of a big deal when one these comes around.

4133d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A good game finds success: IT'S OVERRATED!

4133d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

I remember seeing all this ages ago. Wasn't it on the original God of War disc on PS2? I vaguely remember an interview with David Jaffe and he talks about creating Kratos and originally he had loads of armor on and then wanted someone more primal and brutal. So yeah, kind of old news, this.

4134d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

When I popped into GAME last Friday to pick up a standard edition, I was horrified to find it had sold out. I was just stood in the shop like "Really, a JRPG has completely sold out?" so when I wandered over to another shop they told there was little to no chance of finding one in Town. So I had to order it online where I only just managed to get a copy because most websites it was back-ordered.

Thankfully I have it now and after playing it for some time, I can say...

4134d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"What's your opinion on Esports?"


4134d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's an issue that will sadly never go away. We'll see it next gen, infact, we'll see it in September when GTA V rolls around and the next mass shootings happens.

If you watch the video, it's fascinating to me to see them talking what Obama's new proposal for tighter gun control could have on the companies the produce these weapons. It's millions and millions dollars. They then follow that up with 'It's violent video games'.

4138d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment