
CRank: 6Score: 48440

N4G is a very pro-Sony community. Yes, fanboys are everywhere and each for a different product but N4G is full of Sony lovers and it does get annoying, mostly because they can't handle criticism.

Like the guy points out in his blog, he plays a PS3 and owns a Vita. But if you say anything remotely against Sony or you disagree with something, watch your disagrees build up and expect comments of being called a MS fanboy or someone throwing a list of exclusives in your face,...

4071d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

I like the idea of the 'collectors corner', like The Antiques Roadshow of gaming. But like the Antiques Roadshow, you should with telling us how the item could get if! Although this edition of inFamous is relatively easy to find, I saw in CEX for like £3.

But with other items, I'd like to hear how much they're worth to other collectors.

4073d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dunno about Assassins Creed IV. I wasn't at all impressed by III and it looks like they basically took the ship mechanics from the third game and build a game around it.

I haven't even completed AC3 because I was so bored of it.

4075d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

Very nice review. Despite this games low score, it still creeped in as the third highest selling game the week it was released in the UK. I tink Colonial Marines got to number 1! Goes to show these terrible, quickly made money makers won't end anytime soon.

And why do you hate being able to carry more than two guns in a game?

4077d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I personally think it's a great game, the only thing that ever held this game back was the hype. I remember reading how many people were excited for it and their hype levels were beyond reason.

I think with Infinite, you should know that, yes, the combat is good. Is it the best combat in the history of gaming? No, but it works. The environments and setting feel wholly unique and are detailed enough to bring it to life. There's a well written and thought out story that...

4079d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some friends and I couldn't be more excited for GTA V even though we play GTA IV on the PC. It's the kind of thing where one of us invites another and another invite someone else etc and before you know, we're all online having a laugh and having fun and shouting down the mic.

GTA IV is also the game I'll jump onto when I fancy a quick killing spree, which is what I've always done with GTA's. Some can argue that Saints Row offers more fun and Just Caus...

4079d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Piracy exists on nearly all formats but yes, its far easier on PC.

You said so yourself though, you work your ass off to play games and most of them were shit. You probably felt ripped off and like you wasted your money. That's why some people do it - to try before they buy. People also leave comments like that because they're offering their opinion on it. People may be downloading because they haven't been paid or have no money at that time. I've cracked a co...

4084d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Great news. I built my gaming PC last year and have loved it since. I'll definitely be taking it into the next generation.

As for the debates and that always kick off around these articles - the games industry is HUGE and there will be always room for games and gamers of every type. Whether you play consoles, PC, iPhones, handhelds, whatever, everyone has their preference and whatever choice you choose is neither right nor wrong. Just enjoy what you do.


4084d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


Very nice and fair review I thought. Some may claim you're simply going against the grain but I think your argument and reasoning are sound and understandable.

I completed the game this evening (will probably do a review soonish) and at first was a bit hazy on the ending. It felt unnecessarily grandiose. Saying that, I've been sat here processing it and thinking it over and it's quite a decent ending I...

4084d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I reckon he'll be in there somewhere or he'll be used again for later games. Solid Snake maybe a clone but remember, there were other clones. Liquid was British and Solidus sounded far different as well. Big Boss should rightfully so have a different voice.

4084d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Liquid was also a clone and was British. Solidus was also clone and he sounded different.

4084d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder why Kojima didn't ask for David Hayter back?

4085d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I meant divide not in a bad way. I meant the Trial of Archimedes is a challenge and there may be some people that struggle with it and others that don't. It could of been remembered as a more challenging aspect from a game this generation. It could have been discussed and remembered and debated about long after it's many people have played, completed and shelved it.

I personally think Santa Monica should of left it the way it was.

4085d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

All it took was a bit of planning out. It was a challenge but it was doable.

It's a shame this has been patched. This is the sort of thing that should divide gamers and when the the younger generation are older, they'll talk about the Trial of Archimedes and its difficulty. But now it's just another forgettable walk through the park for people.

4085d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

But he's not a man in this game. He's the exact same as he is in every game because in every game he always loses his powers and ends up back at square one. He isn't a man, he's still a demigod because this is past his deal with Ares. We've never really experienced much of Kratos as 'a man' before and this game is no different.

I suppose it's just a case to agree to disagree. Some fans love this game and think it's the best in the series. I...

4086d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't agree with his views on the trophy and thought it was over blown but the guy is a fine games critic. I think he talks about games with a lot of enthusiasm and, for the most part, reviews games very fairly.

4087d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah I loved Ni No Kuni but I'd agree, a 4/5 or 9/10 should be the score. It's brilliant in its presentation, the beautiful music and the childhood innocence of the game.

But it has its faults in some areas. The combat gave me the most gripes I think. Having to manage your familiars around your companions stupidity and their amazing ability to waste their MP isn't a good way to play. I think I would of preferred a classic turn based system over this turn based/rea...

4089d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

But why would I play through the game, then replay it on titan just to APPEASE YOU and say the boss fights are a challenge even though upping the difficulty doesn't make it a fair challenge but wholly unfair?

Besides a boss fight should be something that tests you up to that point. The boss fights in GoW 2 were marathon where using magic and keeping your health up were something you had to do. I didn't get this here.

4089d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Since no one here has played it and the overall gaming community wouldn't be able to form an opinion on it yet... no.

4090d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whether or not other games have scored similar scores shouldn't matter. you judge the game on it's own merits and the games predecessors.

Also I wouldn't let other review scores sway mine. In working out the scoring for this game, I originally was going to go lower but thought about and you can't deny the quality and fun the game offers. Personally, it just wasn't up there with GoW 1, 2 and 3.

Edit: It's also worth noting as well that...

4090d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment