I smell something funny..... OOHHHH it's me :(


CRank: 5Score: 19400

I can see why people would want to buy this but, I would advise against it. There is no way to control input lag on the consoles and using a mouse would serve only to high light the short comings of a this console generation. Anyone who has played on PC will know the affects of low and unstable frame rates while using a mouse.

1959d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

"No load times" Ok...so whats the chance of seeing stutter or low res textures while new elements are loading in? This day in gaming, no load times have been done for years. I cant help to feel they are compensating because of the interviewer not letting go of the past. Either way, I'd rather have game play over trying to generate news.

2174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can it even mine cryptocurency? No bitcoin...no way ;-/

2215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

10? Why such a large list for racing on PS4? Why not just say..."every top rated racer except Dirt 4 and Project Cars 2" I would have been impressed is they could pick a few and validate the choices.

2246d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No I rarely comment here...simply because most articles and interactions are for the lowest common denominator. I get most of my news from tech sites like Guru3d. I mainly swing by here for a bit of hyperbole.

2268d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

It mainly has to do with design of the engine and how it manages its resources. There has been no game that can touch the amount of memory I have available through VRAM or Ram. It would be nice to see an attempt to smooth out texture loads and shaders by preloading in vram.

2268d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

You didn't read this carefully did you? Made some assumptions and now you look ignorant. Steam box...does not have 12gb of VRAM. The only GPU to currently provide 12GB of vram is a Titan xp...which costs 3-4 times the cost of a oneX. GDDR5 is not system RAM...it is an extremely fast VRam. On average the current GPUs have 8GB of VRAM, which is not being fully used. They might change this but, most games I've played use more system ram then Vram...hopefully they decide to use more high ...

2268d ago 18 agree9 disagreeView comment

Super powerful rig? Is that an educated statement?

2833d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

4690K and single 290X gets me 4k @ 30fps. Some games wont play on ultra but, neither would the console!

2974d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

4K curved TV hooked up to a console...almost equally pointless.

4K with the PC version. Now thats something worth seeing

2981d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Joe did a pretty good job of explaining it. Bethesda did a poor job optimizing on all platforms. Beside the glitches the game is very engaging.

3118d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Where in lies the problem. Your many configurations translates to different systems. Three different CPUs but, no variation of the GPUs per CPU.


The article conclusion sounds like a sellout. Cherry picked results on varying systems. To seal the deal, "oh it was all a big mistake! Look at how well the 980ti runs (with an I7 cpu) vs the fury (with an I5) Remember your integrity when that Nvidia marketing money comes up short ;)

3161d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL Its because your 980ti was a poor investment with DX12 becoming the standard in a few years. Oh yeah...maybe not, considering Nvidias dx12 performance.

You know as well as most you are trying to gloat. As with most games, pushing your card takes the use of DSR.

3169d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Knowing Nvidia. They will price this thing over the price of 2 980tis but it will perform worse and have all the same dual gpu stutter. Ooooo better yet they will ruin the performance of the dual 980ti set up with a driver update ....just to sell more shinny turds.

Ok I kid. Nvidia will be sure to rape us coming and going

3169d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Where I agree 3 well placed rpgs is the thing...no tanker with an IQ above 70 is going to just sit there and let you hit him 3 times over the course of 30 secs. Then include the idea you are on the minimap for 30 secs, you're lucky to even get off the 3rd before you're dead. YES...it takes a team...YES...bf4 is a team based shooter...YES...no one gives a shit about that.

Personally, they should bring back the 3 m2 slams to destroy and le...

3177d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm going to just go ahead and make the assumption...without reading. Let the hacking begin!!!!!

3250d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I just dont get it. If someone is so desperate for a PS4 that they trade in their PS3....I'm sure they are trading in all their games with them!

Seriously, what percent of users are going to use BWC? Who>? retro youtube accounts?!? small children? Your cool uncle that you havent seen in years that wants to reconnect with black ops????

BTW...I have an old 60gb fat with BWC and take some guesses how often I used the feature?

3271d ago 13 agree15 disagreeView comment

"The way we will make you pay for it!"

nVidia to all there 700 series customer base ;-)

3303d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

perpetuating NVIDIA propaganda does not make what you are saying true.

I have owned 1 NVIDIA 560ti and 3 AMD cards. The 560ti tanked in the first 4 months. the AMD cards have survived me and were able to be resold and still running to this day.

Also I have zero issues with drivers...since I'm educated enough to understand registry coding and proper installation.

Oh and I've heard the market share is 40%...overall hardware of course

3303d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment


LOL come on dude. Those with a 700 series (one generation old) have to spend money to make investors happy. WTF are you on...per delusional fan-boyisms. NVIDIA is not only crippling gamers but, their own previous customers.

3303d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment