
CRank: 32Score: 340130

The thing that every single one of these lack is comic timing (and originality but I suppose that isn't really the point here).

A slightly haughty accent and a few well placed long words juxtaposed against some ohsoinyerface swearing is not nearly enough. The reason Yahtzee is good at what he does is because he has a natural talent for wit and comic timing.

These imitators all sound desperate to come over witty and clever but only the history guy even comes close to ...

5900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am interested to find out more about this too but from the stills, I would say that this looks like it is on par with MGS4 and far from the sort of fidelity you get with Crisis on maxed settings. I would like to be proven wrong however and it could well look much better in motion.

5907d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the Wii should get a GTA game but not this one. Do you know what would be awesome? Lego GTA, Wii exclusive. Can you imagine how fantastic it would be if you could build your own vehicles and other in game content? It would also keep the family friendly Nintendo image intact too as the violence would be so much less lifelike.

As for GTA IV, like the rest of you, I can't wait!

5908d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

I think the poster meant to write "dissent" meaning to differ in sentiment or opinion, esp. from the majority not 'decent' which means something else entirely.

Oh, and HL2 is the best FPS ever created.

5912d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I heard Braun outsold Cuisinart again this week in the next-gen toaster war.

Apparently Cuisinart are going to release a toaster that can toast up to 720 slices at a time before the end of next week or they are just going to go 'f8ck it' and throw in the towel.

I really hope they do give up, Braun are the best in the industry, always have been, always will be.

5914d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gamesblow is absolutely full of hot air, his MySpace goes on and on about how he is such a success and he has a 100 percent approval rating on loads of sites (he lists N4G on which he has loads of ignores) which is just nonsense.

If a crappy myspace site (where comments are disabled I might add, what a coward) and a tiny slither of notoriety on a site like N4G qualifies as success in games journalism (which for the record it doesn't) then I hate to think what he would regard as a...

5919d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I can't wait for this one. It sounds like they are really taking it seriously which is great. I am a bit of an obsessive about the Alien franchise so I have my fingers crossed that this will be great.

Anyone remember the Alien FPS that was released on the PS1. A flawed but brilliant game I reckon. I certainly had a great time playing it.

5919d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It needs to be more of an open world. Sure the first game is essentially an open world but you are consistently fenced in by borders which really shatter the illusion.

It needs to go more sandbox I think because as a box of toys to enjoy in that kind of setting, it has way more going for it than GTA (though GTA IV will no doubt see to addressing that).

5929d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a 360 and so far have had no urge to buy a PS3 (apart from for uncharted which looks lurrrvly!).

But I reckon by the end of 2008 Sony will finally have a pretty compelling package to offer. It's longer than I would have liked to have waited but better late than never.

5929d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

A good idea for an article but not the greatest list.

Where is Condemned? I know it is already getting a sequel but that doesn't mean that the original wasn't unfairly ignored. Definitely the scariest gaming experience I have ever had. I'd also have included something like Space Girafe andwhere is Viva Pinata? That has surely got to be one of the most unfairly ignored games ever irrespective of the system.

Other games that were unfairly ignored (in that they were gr...

5935d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I disagree, I think surfer girl is great fun, sure her posts are hit and miss but at least they are credible more often than not. She is much better than someone like Gamesblow, has anyone been on that guy's site lately, what a joke?

A 98% approval rating? Good one, that will be why he has so many people on his ignore list. The guy is a fool.

5936d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why does everyone assume that when a high profile exec leaves a company that the company is going down, it's just daft? Microsoft is doing just fine without Moore and Sony likewise will do just fine without Harrison, it's not like there is only one person in the world capable of doing this sort of job.

People come and go from companies all the time, the only reason such a fuss is being kicked up over this (and likewise when Moore left Microsoft) is because these people are in the...

5936d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have to say though I am excited about going to Cologne, this is a real kick in the arse for Leipzig. Smaller eastern towns in Germany still need these sorts of boosts. The GDC used to draw a lot of water in Leipzig.

5939d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this is an XBLA title (which I doubt it will be based on that screen; sizecap?) then it will be a great release. If it is a boxed retail effort then it had better be a budget title if it wants to justify itself.

5939d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am going to conduct an experiment here people:


5940d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't be surprised if the game suffers some massive delays, but as Kotaku said (obliquely) it isn't actually a delay if there has been no announcement about when the title is going to released in the first place.

I suppose the upside is that if the game really is still two years away, it is bound to be pretty special when it finally launches. The devs can't have had their hands on a PS3 SDK for that long and FF games always take an age to make.

5941d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

looks like it could have some depth on the customization front, but otherwise looks underwhelming. the worlds don't look very open, the particle effects with explosions and suchlike look very last gen and the visuals in general look like like top a tier xbox title rather than a 360 title. i wouldn't mind if the game hadn't been hyped so much but as it stands it just looks like a bit of a tired slash em up with some rpg aspects chucked in. roll on fallout 3.

5941d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I had my first experience of the Oktoberfest last year (I am currently living in Munich) and I have to say I have never seen anything like it. Forget any music festivals you have ever been to, this place had more drunk people per square inch than anything I can imagine.

Great fun though.

5950d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I reckon that GTA IV will sell more on the 360 simply because of the installed user base. I think the game will drive more fresh console sales in the PS3 camp however.

5952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I keep thinking to myself, maybe one day someone will take them on, maybe one day the supreme court will step in and shut them down, maybe one day all of America will wake up (instead of just under half of it) and realize that Fox is about as 'Fair and Balanced' as your average fascist political party.

It will never happen though, and as long as Fox news is around, the world will be a darker less pleasant place to be.

5954d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment