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Nomura: "It's become difficult to get new players into the Kingdom Hearts series"

Make it for a real console for once and you just might. SE is so stuck on keeping the series portable and taking the easy way out.

4690d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Other than Alma, which video game character would you say is your favourite to voice? On a hunch I’m going to bet you’ll say ’Chell’ from the ’Portal’ series…

Alas, I never did ‘voice’ Chell. Just did the character modeling for her."

*facepalm* for that hunch

4690d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No RPG after FF7 has had as much of an impact on RPGs. This debate can go on forever, but when FF7 first came out you could swear the devil developed that game. No one was prepared for how well the game would turned out, and personally the game hit me like a freakin bus. The only game to amaze me like that was Half-Life 2.

Again..I'm not talking about which RPG is better opinion-wise, I'm talking about the impact it had on a whole genre. Does anyone feel that any ...

4692d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Women act like they wouldn't get annoyed if a guy mistakenly named a certain type of makeup or a cast member of the Jersey Shore.

"So that's Snooki right?"


4693d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that know-it-all mentality can apply to anything.

You know what's even worse than know-it-alls? Wiki-ers. Seriously..if you don't know what something is, don't run to Wikipedia and come back to me like you've been knowing it all this time.

"Well actually N00B! Nintendo was formed in 1889 as a card company"

It's like...whatever man, you know if Wiki wasn't there you would've stuck with it was mad...

4693d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah I think these are two of the 20 games to chose from when the free games program kicks in, but they all aren't free. You can pick 20 crap games on the EShop, and if you don't pick these two than you don't get it for free. You get 20 free games and that's it, the game titles aren't specific.

4693d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Well that's the thing nickjkl...a car manufacturer makes race cars, but if people aren't making any roads for the race cars to drive other than on a regular street, then what's the use of owning one? You can only drive at the limit and only know about its potential.

4696d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

It was jaw dropping and would've got hammered by reviewers if it came out at the time it did. That was when they used to grasp for straws to flop a PS3 game.

"Uh...too much variety on the animations, 6/10"

4698d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yay @ naming multiplatform games. You sure settle that dispute. /s

I'm sure you can get people to agree that Alan Wake and Halo can be handled by PS3, especially since Mass Effect 2 is arguably the best looking 360 game and multiplatform, but good luck making people believe the 360 can handle God of War 3, the Killzone series, and the Uncharted series.

4699d ago 21 agree9 disagreeView comment

You had a Catherine dream? many times did you die before you woke up? lol

4700d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's hard to play a fighting game on the 3DS D-Pad, my whole thumb can cover it and when you do diagonal motions its hard to slide over the edge of it.

4700d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's a comparison to ILM's Yoda. You clearly don't know what went into making the CGI Yoda in episode 2 and 3

4700d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just picture him pointing at the other characters to take damage

4703d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good versions of the series? You do know this would be only the 3rd Legends game and these games aren't anything like the 2D side scrolling ones right? This game is just begging to be released this gen, now is the perfect time for a new Legends game.

4708d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The article mentions there's a Mega Man Legends level, but Capcom can easily play that off and say the level is only for Tron.

It does suck that X isn't in the game though. Imagine having a super that gives you 50% super armor, or a better plasma cannon, or boots that increase speed..something like Rogue boosts when she kisses someone. Sigh..all we can do is dream I guess :(

4708d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Sub4Dis "If a game is good, people will buy it".

LOL that's a good one...sadly that doesn't always apply, there are a lot of gems out there with replay value that are amazing games that don't sell well, vice versa too...crappy games that get plenty of sales.

The point everyone else is making makes perfect sense...having less of a choice, it's an easy decision to choose what to buy, especially if you only own one console.

4712d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This and Skyward Sword might be the last Wii games I get if true

4715d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another nail? Where was the first nail?

4716d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Street Fighter 4: I actually did all the trials for SF4, I just need to gold all of survival and do the online medals. I even playtinumed MK vs. DC.

Warhawk isn't bad but it's really time consuming getting all of those rank trophies. If you didn't play it day one then you can forget platinuming that.

Star Ocean 4 is ridiculously hard lol...I want to get it though :D

Lost Planet 2, never was interested in the game really. I rent...

4725d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Eh...Gears 1 looked good at the time when it was being compared everyday to Resistance 1. And that was before anyone knew to take into account the amount of things going on on-screen at once. Gears received credit when it was due, but it hasn't been much of a dramatic change since the first one

4726d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment