
CRank: 5Score: 6880

"I don't think MS would ever have anything recalled, they'd rather leave it out there and run the risk because there's lots of money up for grabs."

Not only is that a stupid comment, its extremely bias. They wouldn't recall anything because their Microsoft? C'mon, thats a non sequitur argument and shows you have no grasp on what is being talked about within the article, and thus you should probably take that opinion to the open zone.

Are you George Lucas in real life? Replace Star Wars with Mario and you've got Miyamoto. My point? There is a point within the lifespan of every idea/ideology in which they need to either take a break or stop. Otherwise you lose touch with the magic behind that idea/ideology.

On topic though, I think KOTOR is a good basis from which to launch a MMO game. Just as l...

I'm definitely betting that this is going to be a great game. Looking at what it offers, and the style of gameplay, really makes me more interested every time I read or see something about it.

5845d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Playing the PC version now and I have to agree with most of his assertions. I haven't finished it yet, however I believe he was a little to skeptical in comparing it to other races, GT/Forza. Perhaps I'm just being picky myself since I do enjoy it a lot. His point on the learning curve is pretty on point. Now I just need to get a wheel for my comp instead of using the keyboard to steer. Overall really good racer.

5845d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So, the delays were mostly due to cocaine, hookers, and getting to 70 in WoW. That explains a lot. Though I have some bad news for people who looked at that video and thought that maybe it might be released soon. Not only are hookers and cocaine on the rise, the level cap in WoW is going to be 80 soon... http://www.worldofwarcraft....

Duke Nukem Forever eta:2015

5846d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope all these lopsided opinions on ethics from the people who've posted above are retained when Microsoft asks a reviewer to overlook "minimal" factors that are within a game they publish. Sadly I know that won't happen.

I'm not trying to defend gamespot individually, however I think the stated opinions above are rather bias.

It's not like gamespot is the most ethical of journalistic sites;
"As MGS's biggest fans, if we owe the series anything, it's unburdening it from the weight ...

Oh the glory days of blowing into the cartridge before I put it in my game system.

On a serious note, it would be awesome if this was incorporated into games. The access time of SSDs is amazing, .05-.08 seconds for most. They say the current lowest pricing per gigabyte is 1 dollar so thats not going to happen anytime soon, but perhaps next gen if they can drop that cost per gig somewhere below 20 cents. Thats a big leap, but if there is more investment like this article suggests ...

5850d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think this whole conversation was off track to start with since GT5:P (which I assume you meant even though you said GTA5) isn't really a triple A game and really just a demo that people payed $40+ for...

...just my opinion, I don't sound bitter do I?

5850d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure Breakfast was being facetious as he included the concept of stereotyping in his statement, which is what this commercial is essentially doing.

5851d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sorry but nope.
"Firstly, cooperative play has been completely removed from the game in favor of a solo experience."

Last paragraph.

Even without it though it still seems like it may be good. Need more information released about the game and more videos to decide though.

5851d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Lair was an excellent example of how graphics do not make a game good. Taking that lesson into account, and hopefully they have, lets hope the gameplay for GA is good.

5851d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"What's more, extremely good players will apparently be able to travel from one end of that world to the other by chaining together a single, lengthy acrobatic combo,"

Can't wait to try this.

"Elika, by contrast, will be with the Prince constantly, and can fend for herself to the point where she'll actually start trying to solve puzzles on her own."

Sounds awesome, but I'm pretty sure that is there to help people who can't solve puzzl...

5852d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, what a loaded article. Not only did he twist quotes and opinions around to suite his conspiracy theory, he also misspelled some words in the process...

5852d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FF ftw

5852d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Heres to hoping the game is a little more inspired than what it seems so far.

"Firstly, cooperative play has been completely removed from the game in favor of a solo experience. It's a disappointing departure from the arcade original. Second, the subtle complexity of the tempo-based combat system could go either way—a nuanced way of pulling off advanced, cinematic moves or a lackluster mechanic that makes button-mashing more attractive."

Found that interest...

5853d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just to start off, I think you need to relax a little. It seems like your taking his statements as being from someone who is trying to be superior to you and he is not at all. Just my perception of your reaction to his post.

Anyway, you start off your argument by first refuting wikipedia as not very scientific and call him a kid at the same time. You then proceed to make assumptions and accusations on statistical information about population quantities, income levels, consumption...

5853d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment