CRank: 5Score: 5660
5549d ago

David Gage talked about alot of moral choice in Heavy Rain, I could be wrong but I don't think that hitting QTE is what he means by making "moral choices".

There's more to the gameplay of Heavy Rain than what we've seen. And I don't expect that Heavy Rain is about action, so that's why he says that QTE play a minor role. That means there probably isn't too many parts that require QTE.

Just because the part he demonstrated had QTE, doesn't mean the game ...

5549d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game looks like it could be done on the Nintendo 64.

Sony you're in a lot of trouble. Time to drop out buddies, I don't know what you put inside the PS3 that's draining all you're finances and forcing you to sell it at a price way above you're competitors. But whatever it was, it's obviously nothing that produces superior games.

You're just falling behind more and more with your price, and already losing money on every PS3 sold. You're not succeeding on any...

5563d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

Sony is still selling an "expensive" multi media device, and people don't want that. They just want a "game console", and since XBOX 360 provides that, they're taking all the market share and penetrating the market more and more everyday. All Sony is doing is eating sh*t, waiting till people start demanding more blu ray and Wifi and whatever other non gaming things the PS3 provides that nobody cares about. Hell, I think the PS3 has gold weights in it or something, that's w...

5563d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I just have to get myself to jump off the sinking ship.

They need to drop out of the gaming market fast.

Still selling a high priced multi media machine, when all people want is gaming console, which Microsoft is very happy to provide in the XBOX 360.

Sony still hasn't learned, they aren't changing their ways this gen, so it's time to drop out.

5563d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

are being repeated, I think we already had the review from gaming nexus, but I'm not sure.

5565d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hopefully the game can rebound from Edge's horrible review. It will be interesting to see what Gamestop and Game Informer end up giving it.

I loved the demo, every time I think I mastered it, I still haven't. The gameplay is a lot deeper than what it seems at first sight.

5566d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

I don't have a gold membership.

5568d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

The PS3 is the next Sega Saturn.

5568d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

Halo Wars seriously blows, I'm thinking as a gamer, no way I'm wasting my time playing that.

5568d ago 8 agree19 disagreeView comment

The PS3 is in a lot of trouble, even great games like Killzone 2 can't save them, because their console costs customers a fortune for crap they don't want like Blu ray.

Sony just shot themselves in the foot with Blu ray, and now the PS3 is damned, even with great games. Sony didn't even give themselves a chance this generation.

Edit: Yeah I say the same sh*t because Sony keeps making the same mistake, screwing their whole gaming department by continually chargin...

5568d ago 0 agree24 disagreeView comment

David Reeves just finished handing Microsoft the console war, saying PS3 will suffer in market share in order to make profit, or Sony will pull the plug on the gaming market.

Who cares about Killzone 2 now, the PS3 is f*cked!

5568d ago 2 agree25 disagreeView comment

Just buried the Playstation brand. Making the system cost a fortune and ending any chance they had of market share, and in the end the future is probably indeed downloads.

Sh*t the day Sony thought of the word blu ray, it's was the downfall of their business.

It doesn't matter what great games the PS3 has, they don't even get a fair fight at the console war, because their system has to cost customers a crap load more for something they don't even want.

5568d ago 8 agree12 disagreeView comment
5568d ago Show

Do, I need bubbles?

I've been in a good mood recently.

Two reasons, PS3 and XBOX 360 both shipped the same amount of consoles worldwide in 2008. And Killzone 2 is the other reason.

I've heard people say that I'm acting different, if it has something to do with bubbles and it doesn't.

As soon as crap goes south for PS3 again, I'm gonna let everyone know how I feel about it, and they will take my last bubble again.

5568d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

nevermind. I see what he means. Uncharted does play the most like Gears of War. They are both third person shooters. And use similar cover system.

Personally, I think Gears of War is overrated and Uncharted underrated. Hell, I beat Uncharted 6 or 7 times, the gameplay just works.

5568d ago 21 agree4 disagreeView comment

That's my kind of dude. Have a sense of humor please and see the joke in it.

But damn, up to 20 years in prison just for using a Wii controller? it's not like he killed anyone.

You gonna tell me, you don't get mad sometimes and feel like doing a little bit of choking of someone? And some people are so damn senstive. They think you were trying to kill them, when you were just messing with them.

For all you know, they just got into a little scuffle a...

5568d ago 6 agree21 disagreeView comment

It has been rough for Sony, and they have shot themselves in the foot so much this gen, especially pushing an unproven disc format. They do need a price drop in my opinion, because the competition got one.

But in the end. 8 million back of 360 with 1 year less on the market, and they appear to have a console meant to last a bit longer than the 360.

What I hate is when people bring the Wii into it, trying to make the PS3 look even worse because of what the Wii is ...

5568d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game doesn't sound so good, just the enemies and the pacing described took me back to Resident Evil 4 too much and seemed too typical.

Toward the end, he makes some interesting points about racism. I personally, don't give a damn about racism. But, I sorta see it also, and it just makes me laugh.

5568d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not because this article, but he's just generally bias. Fanboys are ruining game journalism.

Dan Shu already drove EGM to the ground because of his XBOX fanboyism. It's been a tough generation.

5568d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment