
CRank: 6Score: 48580

Wouldn't be the first time a future title was featured in print Magazine and then later only appearing on one console.

I don't think ANY of the sales advertisements or magazine articles prove the existence on any system currently.

4322d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Semantics at best. They are Reviewing the Beta... not Previewing the actual Dashboard. The difference is that a Preview will have detailed information on known options. While the review of the Beta is simply that, a review of a Beta that might have different options when it comes out of Beta stage.

4322d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

"The controls pad set-up was a bit clunky though." Maybe because the controls were not meant to be played with one hand only? j/k

4323d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

DANIELRBISCHOFF is an A-Hole who is just trying to get hits. Let me make an article about peoples favorite franchises and show that I am indifferent to what the masses really want.

None of these games is taking away from new IPs.

4329d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even if it was limited to cable that doesn't lessen the fact that it is Taboo by many and still has a forum for people to view it.

Video games have ratings for a reason... just as do Movies, TV shows... etc.

Walking Dead had a Zombie kid that had to be killed. Why can't video games follow suit?

4332d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

So if a killer thinks his trial shouldn't be made public as he doesn't want to be seen publicly then he can over ride the judge on a public trial?

What about all those mug shots that are given to the press?

What about public figures? Are we allowed to persuade people not to take a picture of use and put it into the paper because we don't think it was a good picture of us?

How far does this consensual thing go with you?

4332d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think KOTOR is one of the few games that could have a next generation remake and do it using the Mass Effect Engine and people will run to it.

Best STAR WARS game ever. People that don't agree are likely those that haven't even played the game for the most part.

4333d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

He could have saved a lot of money and time by just buying a powerline adapter. http://www.tigerdirect.com/...

4335d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


You do realize that those stats are just active players online at the time? They do not show the actual numbers of people owning the game. As we obviously know that more then 100,000 people have purchased the game.

Also, fluctuation of people on BF3stats has been one day doubled or tripled and the next reduced to a fraction. I use BF3stats but it hardly is accurate on reporting users.

Here you can see a comparison of PC alone on MW3...

4341d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I was tired 1/4th of the way through the first AC. Never went back....

4341d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One of my favorite vids in a long time! Soon to be a classic I am sure!!!

4347d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I effected bullets on target in a Battlefield 3 game today. I had no issues.

4350d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yes but the fact is that regardless if monster hunter comes to xbox 360. They already have other systems that play monster hunter games. And Japanese are loyal to their systems.

4359d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Japan has no aversion to the letter X. One of their more popular bands even used the X as their name. I lived in Japan over 10 years and that is bullcrap.

And they have totally gone crazy for the new X-Games sports. But by your logic it would be called fail games and they wouldn't accept? Sorry your theory fails.

4359d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not by a long shot!

4359d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Way to create your own numbers for MS... seeing that in your post it doesn't even post numbers for MS in it. Only that it is presumed to be in 3rd place in Europe.

While a poster taking the overall numbers calculated it to be above Nintendo in Europe for 2012.

And you can still see that MS has a global market share that is still in the lead. Until Sony takes that lead they are still behind. Runners don't win the race unti...

4364d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

What people don't see is the DVR. If it is able to record GAMES also then MS has hit on a very important feature... self advertising. Every kid will be looking to create a video of their Xbox gaming experience. We see videos now... but if this is built into EVERY system then it could be masses of free advertising. Regardless of the fact that a lot of the videos will be crap filled with teens screaming... this will be a sytem seller if it is true.

4370d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am pushing 50. I have played almost everything. I have toyed with my own small game creations and have been gaming all through my life. I have had a full military career and raising 3 well behaved children.

Am I a normal father, aged man, gamer? I would beg to say there is no normal... but for anyone to say they know at what age someone should quit something... especially when the demographics of the issue at hand are against their said results... step down and rethink your...

4370d ago 33 agree0 disagreeView comment

It should be similar to Turok. Have the same battles but place the Dinosaurs in the middle of all the carnage. Harder to snipe when you have a set of raptors hunting the area. Better get in a safer area! And running from cover to cover or even to different flags would take on a new meaning. Maybe vehicles might be the safer way to transport people to a fight now... ? (like it should be)

Add some similar tactics as they did in Turok multiplayer... were you can use blood bags t...

4373d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


That still doesn't help you with the crappy thumb sticks and awful triggers, and the wings that stick into the palms of your hands like they are trying to make you let go of it.

The PS controller hasn't changed hardly at all since it first came out. Ad it shows to those that like an ergonomic controller for gaming and have tried something better. MS has went from great controller and improved it to what it is today. It just works. ...

4375d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment