
CRank: 6Score: 48580


All it proved was PS3 has Japan support where MS doesn't.

When it comes down to it. Sony lost the core fanbase in the Americas and was able to sustain sales due to their strength in their home market where majority of consumers hate anything not Made in Japan.

4115d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't see it as that. We are simply just used to seeing a product at a reveal. Simple as that.

The question that arises is why they did not show it? What would be the reason?

Would you have a car reveal and just tell us about how it corners and how the engine performs and such without showing the vehicle? No... we couldn't imagine that.

And us as gamers just don't understand why they would have a 'reveal' but not '...

4116d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow a Sony Fanboy makes yet another Pro-Sony Anti-MS article on a weak website and just to get attention.

To even think MS and Sony won't be going at it in the next generation is ridicules. And knocking MS even though he is going off of rumored specs and then giving the nod to valve which we know even less about?

Trolling article.

4118d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Pssst... @majibeast,

You didn't hear this from me... Buuuuuttttttttt.... you are going to be a little upset when you find out MS has a few more Destiny secrets up their sleeves. ;)

4120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I see what you did there. You threw out figures and then slipped in the new price quote of $500 instead of the talked about $600 and perceived a $200 savings based on faulty inflation logic.

You do realize we are in an economic downfall and virtual recession in the making so the inflation point is mute.

Not to mention that the price of the previous PS3 system was considered ridicules then.

Some people can't ...

4129d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

I would love more then just an HD remake. I want a complete new engine with same great gameplay!!!

4129d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe you are correct in your thoughts on that.

Everyone wondered why MS allowed Bungie simply to go off on their own after putting so much development into them.

And the simplest answer would be to allow a company to grow on it's own. And set the conditions for it's freedom to it's loyalty to the company that led them into the console market with a bang!

The redevelopment of Halo from a PC oriented RTS game (though it was ...

4129d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think the points in the article about "The problem is that timed exclusives are flawed, from the publisher and developer’s perspective." is wrong in it's concept.

A timed exclusive allows for a new IP to test the waters before having to invest in multiple platforms. Allowing the publishers to gain extra income (usually the exclusive is backed by an up front profit incentive) along with insight as to how the game is favored and how they can further develop it i...

4129d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

"...it was revealed that the first Destiny game and its first major DLC will be an Xbox 360 and Xbox 720 timed exclusive for Fall 2013. Bungie and Activision then have the “option” to release the game on PS3/PS4 in Fall 2014 if they still wish. The next 3 Destiny games after that would then be multiplatform."

Any speculation after this is just that... speculation. Microsoft is not likely to just give up the exclusive period on the game.

4129d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Worst Photoshop I have ever seen.

4129d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment


"If we can accept that the WiiU is stronger than the PS3, then why shouldn't we expect the WiiU to have great content and visuals?"

I am sorry but who is this WE that has accepted this fact of yours?

WiiU is a joke. Not Next Gen... and really not even This Gen. As it is doing little then offering what has been offered at the beginning of This Gen.

4129d ago 11 agree12 disagreeView comment

"Then I realize just how similar I felt when writing to a woman that broke my heart."- WTF?

4136d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


hazardman was totally accurate in his statement. Your inclusion of a title that would likely never see the light of day on a system due to it's affiliation with another systems ownership is too the point.

Regardless of your thoughts on it being GOOD to see for you on the Wii-U, it was the broken COG in your list.

If you want to make the point of drawing games to the Wii-U and not caring about the possibility of them ever app...

4149d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment


And in this case we are getting the recipes of the pudding they are making and wondering why we are yet again getting the same pudding we were fed as a baby?

4149d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


Yes everyone is guilty of milking franchises. But the main issue with Nintendo is the type of games.

They have a very young themed game franchise. They are more family oriented and Disneyish.

When supporting Nintendo games it is almost like saying... OK I might be old enough to realize Santa Claus isn't real... BUT I still want to believe.

I am not saying Nintendo is only for kids... but come on. The titles are ...

4149d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

First off Xbox is not for sale. And secondly Sony doesn't have the pockets to afford what it would cost.

It would be like someone telling me to buy Trump Enterprises Inc. Just not going to happen.

4151d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Root

So every other personality must now put on a wig and hide their true features based on their previous work holding some kind of right to his likeness?

That idea is just asinine.

4155d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

Not much different then letting an idiot or psycho put a Ducati between his legs and ride it down the highway.

4164d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Likely your friends fell for the internet scam of putting in their password and e-mail address to get free MS points. Because they are stupid don't blame it on MS.

And if it was something else then explain and we can go over why it had nothing to do with said network.

Because the market has made it the Gold Standard. Until other such systems prove to be the Gold Standard then it is. If you don't think so then go someplace else. Nobody is...

4168d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Is that what he is saying? That isn't what he typed.

And MS isn't charging you to play online. They are charging you to connect with other players online using their system.

And trust me... I know about peer-to-peer systems and how they operate. (and no not all games are P2P) And I also know the cost of linking these systems in a secure way so that nobody can hack the systems being linked.

As for being dumb? W...

4168d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment