CRank: 4Score: 2900

on a serious note, im glad to see sony is really listening to their fanbase. I remember a couple years ago all sony would brag about was the tech specs of the PS3 and they would hardly mention any games. It would always be blu ray this or cell processor that but since the PS3 fans complained that they need to focus more on games, thats EXACTLY what they are doing and i love it! Even when david reeves was interviewed the other day and he was asked what will make the PS3 so good in 09.. He didn...

5628d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

If im not mistaken wasnt Sony suppose to announce at CES that they are going to officially discontinue the PS3? thats what the 360 fanboys have been telling me and mamma always said teh 360 fanboyz are always right.. even if they are wrong

On topic, this should own! glad to see sony making the right marketing decisions, this makes MS CES look like a snoozefest. lmao Halo wars and Halo ODST, even Nintendo arent stupid enough to announce 2 biggest games of the year from the same f...

5628d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game should own.. If only Sony would have bought the publishing rights and made this a PS3 exclusive, that would have been a HUGE BLOW to the 360 and would have been great, i say this because it is Sony that now OWNS all the movie rights to the ghostbusters. They should have picked up on this and bought out the rights to make it exclusive, oh well.. Day 1 purchase for me

5628d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Same here, came back from my gamestop to pick up my demo card and they had some serious killzone 2 advertisements going on

5628d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

are still living in 2006, they are using the same arguments that maybe where valid in 2006 but dont hold up now.. "PS3 has no games, PS3 too expensive, Blu ray is awful" etc etc, its kind of like before the bulls got Jordan, pippen and the other great players that the same people that said the bulls sucked before they got the good players WHERE still using the same arguments even during the Jordan era in the 90s, the argument just doesnt hold up anymore.

If PS3 was gon...

5628d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Then gaming would become like WWE,remember after WWE bought out WCW wrestling went downhill from there because ther was no competition so Vince mcmahon just didnt care anymore, same would happen if sony dropped out of the console race. MS would be the dominate one and they would churn out crappy games because they know there is no other competition so why bother.

Off topic I see a very bright future for TNA, awesome potential there and while i dont think it will put WWE out of bu...

5628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bathy bubbles for you man, bubbles. I just cant wait for this game! This video looks upgraded a lot graphically, i think this is the final version and if so it looks AMAZING

5628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bu bu but Home is so stupids, its a stupid game, even though its not a game it is because i sayz so, sony Home is pointless and a waste

5628d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

OMG HOME is a stupid game, its pointless, its a waste i hate it, even though its not a game im going to call it one anyway because i sayz so

5628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That means one less biased bad score for Killzone 2 as a result of everyone at 1up losing their jobs.. btw i do feel for them about losing their jobs

5628d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Your right, if it was a bush one i would have given him agrees across the board. Call me what you will, thats just how i roll

5628d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Incase your wondering, i was the one that gave you the disagrees. I dont like your avatar therefore you get a disagree

5628d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Im totally confused. 360 fanboys have been telling me the PS3 is doomed and will be discontinued, yet the actual CEO Of SCE is saying the PS3 is here to stay and will have a great year... Hmmm tough choice on who i should believe

5629d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

:::WAITS FOR THE 360 fanboys that have "Tried" Home:::::::::::: But but home is boring and pointless and waste and is stupid and is a pointless game even though its not a game i think it is so there!

5629d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I want a new twisted metal black!!

5630d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But why do 360 fanboys say ITS IMPOSSIBLE for sony to catch the 360 even with a price cut?! ok do they forget that when the Wii came out, the 360 was at 17 million consoles sold, in matter of a year the Wii caught up to the 360 and a year after that the wii is now up almost 2:1 to the 360.. 360 is only up by 8 million consoles, all it will take is a price drop worldwide and Killzone 2 to live up to the hype and the PS3 could EASILY catch up to the 360 in terms of sales..

Sure at...

5630d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Honestly, i hate to say this but greenberg is right. I dont think hes doing it to just try to slow down sells, i mean think about it. Who else outside of N4G and hardcore gamers actually pay attention to these kind of interviews? now unless he said this on CNN or a major news network that everyone watched then yea i would say hes saying it just to try and slow down the sales of the competition.

I definitly think sony will cut the price of the PS3 no later than March if not soone...

5630d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony is discontinuing the PS3 right after Killzone 2 releases.. Because lets face it, it makes perfect business sense for a company to discontinue a product when they start making money on it as opposed to discontinuing the product 2 years earlier when they where losing money on it.

::BTW i hope you guys sense the sarcasm::

5630d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

OMG!!! That first video of the helghast getting flipped in the air a million times by the grenade.. EPIC FTW!!! WOW I Laughed so hard i literally fell out of my seat!! LMAO

5630d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think we all pretty much know this game is gold and is finished, they just havent announced it yet.. WHY do they have to wait until the tail end of FEB to release it?! I want this game so bad

5630d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment