CRank: 4Score: 2900

Did the Wii sell 50 million consoles in the last week or something?! How has the wii outsold the PS2 when the PS2 has sold 100 million units and the wii only 50 million

5616d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not quite. The first review was IGN AU, this is IGN US and so far IGN US just has the PS3 version up, so we have to wait for the IGN US 360 review as well

5616d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I play the demo everyday and i have skate 2 pre ordered. Gamedaily game this a 9.5 by the way, i see this game getting good reviews everywhere else. im calling a 8.5 at gamespot

5616d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just called gamestop and cancelled my pre order for killzone 2 and put that money toward the new 50 cent game "Blood on the sand" Sorry guys, 50 cent game will own killzone 2... Maxim says so

5616d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

But im BIG on grahpics, if the graphics are garbage i dont play it.. there is no excuse for a game lacking in the graphics department

5616d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well in that case.. Thank you Dutch and President Obama!!

5617d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This game owns so hard and it is very underrated.. I bought it the day it came out and i still play it a lot, its great online.. I want Johnny Cage and Reptile

5617d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank you President Obama for Killzone 2! I say that because this game comes out while Obama is the president and anything that happens as soon as he takes office and gets inagurated, he deserves credit. Obama is already improving the gaming industry!! Oh and Thank you Obama for lowering gas prices! anyone else find it funny that Gas prices went sharply lower after he got elected?!

and im being serious, im both a big Killzone 2 and Obama fan.. Killzone 2/Obama/PS3 09!!

5617d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wont sell that big,they made a big mistake releasing the game the same day as Killzone 2. BIG mistake, infact im ALMOST willing to bet that if this was a full new Halo title being relased on the same day as Killzone 2, that killzone 2 might even outsell it by a small margin.

We all saw what happened when MS released Ninja Gaiden 2 the same week MGS4 came out, they thought they could hinder MGS4 sales just a little, look how that turned out.

The hype for Killzone 2 is...

5617d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

No way Halo wars will sell 2-3 million, i say it sells 500k its first month and maybe 1.2 million lifetime sells. MS wont market this game a lot like you think they will, sure they will have commercials and what not but it wont sell 2-3 million, not a RTS.. Halo fans arent THAT stupid to just buy any game with the name Halo in it

5617d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

IS AMAZING.. I love it, major upgrade from the first. A lot better grahpics, VASTLY improved frame rate, it moves at 60 Frames now.. controls better and just a lot more fun.. I already have it pre ordered, remember a 7 from edge= a 8 or 9 from everyone else and the first skate is in the high 8s on metacritic and i can already tell from the demo skate 2 is a lot better

5617d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Wii is not a gaming console. I wrote off the wii as a gaming console ever since it was announced. To me the Wii is like one of those cute toys you see advertised on TV that you plug into the TV and it helps little kids learn "the fun way" and it shows those little kids jumping up and down (forgot the name of that thing) thats what the wii is to me, its a little toy.. YES A TOY.. the PS3 and 360 are gaming consoles and this console war is really between the PS3 and 360.

5617d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Is it just me or has Gamestop changed their ways?! What i mean is this.. Ok when i would go into gamestop a year or 2 ago and buy a PS3 game or ask about something PS3 related, i would either get really short answers or sometimes no answers at all.. I remember i went to buy a PS3 one day and the manager told me the 360 was way better with better games and how the PS3 was a major disappointment, keep in mind this was a year or 2 ago..

Well the strangest thing happened, i went in t...

5617d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Im still waiting on that 6/10 score for Killzone 2 from edge.. Seeing as how they gave Left 4 Dead a 9/10, we all know Killzone 2 wont live up to the great and mighty Left 4 dead :::sarcasm:::

Edge is by far my most hated review source. They give the good games amazing scores and the amazing games good scores.. In other words.. the gave Left 4 dead 9, Bioshock a 10 and MGS4 a 8... Need i say more?

5617d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im so about to make a offer of $1,000.00 for this! Its not because i would be getting the game early,but also because this is so rare.. Imagine how much you could sell this for say 10 years from now.. Imagine if you had a review copy of MGS1 for the PSone or a review copy of Final Fantasy VII, you could get thousands for those i bet. I wouldnt play it if i got it because i dont want to ruin the hype for release day.. Infact i would probably frame it somehow and put it in my safe.

5618d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some of you might remember my previous posts over the last few months and i have been really really harsh and fanboyish against the 360.. Well let me apologize and say im sorry.. Normally this comment would be bashing Halo wars and making fun of it but instead im going to say it looks good. It might come as a shock to a lot of you that i also own a 360 and not only a PS3.

I know i act like a big PS3 fanboy and i bash the 360 probably more than most on here do, but i cant deny it...

5618d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

LOL Wedding crasher, nice

5619d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5619d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thinks back to the mid-late 90s gaming days when gamers didnt care one bit about sales, attach rates, price drops or any of that non sense. What ever happened to the good fanboy wars?.. Like Street Fighter 2 is better than Mortal Kombat 2.. Sub Zero is better than Scorpion or Mega Man X2 is better than Mega Man X.. Mario is better than Sonic.. Now the only arguments is "LOL OMGZ 360 version has better lighting" or "OMG LOLZ SALES SALES SALES"

Gaming isnt what ...

5620d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its funny how something so simple gets so much discussion. A. We are in a recession. B. 360 is $200.00 cheaper than the PS3 and C. Ofcourse the 360 is going to outsell the PS3 in these conditions. If it was the other way around, PS3 would be outselling the 360.. Its not "Ownage" its common sense

5620d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment