
CRank: 5Score: 13120

what is amazing is that all the ps3 fannies keep saying what does the 360 have but what does the ps3 have? gt5 yuck a rehash ofa old racing sim, R2- looks great the 1st 1 sucked , k2 a rehash with better graphics, LBP could be great or could be a viva pinata. What else? 360 and ps3 are equal get over it.

Bluray make no difference for this gen because only 1 or 2 games on the ps3 have used more than 9 gigs.The wifi in the ps3 is a waste who actually plays games over ...

5779d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember for the half 1st year most ps3's went to bluray buyers not gamers. Also who really gives adamn who buys the systems.All 3 system will sell over 20million and thats awesome for gamers and the buisness. The ps3 is a awesome system and has its pros and cons as the 360 but at the rate both systems are selling the ps3 wont catch the 360 .It would take the ps3 to outsell the 360 by 100 - 200k a week. Thats not gonna happen.Maybe when it has bug name games coming out but...

5779d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just wasted 3 min of my life reading this crap.

Controller is fine with batteries maybe he should stop buying bootleg duracells for a buck

Headset is strong, i have my launch 1

Core was a waste but it gave people a choice

vista is great"my opinion" i have it on 1 of my pc's and love it

The old big controller was crap

Customization not for me but people like it

Reliability Issues you win so...

5781d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

eactly how will trophies work. is it like a typical trophy system best score,time gets you to #1 and then the rest try and beat you?If so that sound crappy who is gonna want to play mgs4 or uncharted and games like that over and over? Just a question ty

5782d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The ps3 is built more like a pc than the xbox

5783d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the big three want 3rd party ex. IF they say they dont they are lying.

5783d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

e3 is nothing. There used to be over 400 companies and now its like 50-100 and next year its getting even smaller. E3 is dead just wait for ms ,nin, sony to have their own conferences

5784d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I cant take you people complaining about psn being free. Are you all that cheap you cant afford 4 bucks a month? Come on people.Then there are argument that well I shouldnt have to pay,Yes you should because the company says so.You all pay for your internet now.Any you all are pauing 40 to 100 bucks AMONTH for that.Sony chose to go free thats fine for them , its great its free but no one can say that $4 a month is too much.Also the argument on dedicated means no...

5784d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I absolutely loved the too human demo. icant wait for the came to come out

5784d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the movies are not needed. Ok a few here and there but they are not needed. The game should tell the story not the movies.

5788d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the real sad fact is that the sony fanboys are so brainwashed by sony that they cant even admit that the 360 is a good gaming platform from network to games .Even if the 360 was in 3rd it still put a hole in the ps fanbase and is a great alt to the playstation. Like I said I have both and the 360 is still my system of choice but uncharted is like wow .

A 400 bluray means nothing because how many devs will use 400 gigs ? how many will use 100 gigs? how many...

5788d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

you cant say the y aren't the most pop in us. The isn't a factor. its ps3 vs 360. Early on the ps3 sold a few mill just because of bluray.I have both systems and prefer the 360 for a few reason but the ps3 is a great system.

5788d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

its amazing that peeps are saying where are the exclusives ms but where are they for the ps3? mgs, resistance,kz and lbp. thats it r1 was was garbage,kz1 was garbage and kz2 has been in dev for a long time and all it has is shiny graphics, mgs is great and lbp is up in the air . bluray should not be a factor because we r talking games. so what does ps3 have motorstorm, big whoop,.

Its sad that the ps3 has been out for almost 2 years have has 3 good games and the sec...

5788d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

this article is retarded and makes no sense. Maybe people " like myself " dont feel like hooking up a 360 to a pc or a pc to the tv " which i have done " having a 360 or ps3 in the room and watching it straight to that is jus t as good if not better than a set top box or streaming it from the pc . A hole article and whomever voted for this article is a moron

5791d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow its amazing how inaccurate vgcarts is. Someone take that site down

5791d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

ps3 is around 14 million and so far sony has sold 1.5- 1.7 this year million ps's and they expect to sell another 8 million by march at ok they are on crack! So what they are saying if the year for them starts in march then in 5 months they sold 1.5- 1.7 million should it be more ? im lost

5793d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

KZ2 and God of War come out in 2009 . Who cares about 2009. MS showed off whats coming this year and then showed off re5.The only think sony had going for it was the lbp thing and mag. But anyone who played pc fps's will tell you 256 is wayyyyy too much. Its a nice idea but its not going to work. Also the dc uni thing sounds interesting but i dont see that taking off too well. R2 is amazing and God of war was a cgi trailer so that does count. nintendo poo pooed on themselve...

5793d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

best part of sony's was that lbp thing were they showed att the #'s as usual. R2 looks great, kz2 is blah till we actually get it and the psn video staore is junk right now because theres nothing there. mag could be good but 256players in a shooter is junk and needs to go . GOW was a cgi video which doesnt count until we see actual footage of the game

5793d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

god of war announcement was retarded .Why bring a cgi and not a gameplay video. its like saying we are making the game but you cant see it. It serves no purpose. Sony once again showing off cgi crap.I want to see live game footage. Motorstorm 2 looks awesome thats going to be my 3rd ps3 game . Ps3 showed nothing. There was nothing exciting or new. Everyone new GOW was coming , other than that there was nothing. Ms had the game we all knew were going to be showed plus a few we did...

5793d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i just finished playing the demo and i liked it. The rooms are big and have alot of broken walls and statues everywhere,theres alot of enemies on screen and the graphics are above average .the music is good and the controls are ok but the right stick seems a little stiff.I do like the graphic style and the character models looks very nice .There * NOT * big and bulky like most unreal engine characters

graphics 8 1/2
sound 9
control 7
fun 8

5794d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment