
CRank: 5Score: 10705

Agree, this is old news. Few weeks or a month ago, XEL-1 hitted street in Japan. People already own this one. I thought that news was already posted here.

6002d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In the article, "But Nissan turned to PlayStation for design help with the graphics in the multifunction display ... just like in the Gran Turismo game."

Actually, Yamauchi and his team designed and programmed this multifunction display for the real Nissan GR-R. In the GT5P, GTTV gives us stories about this new Nissan GT-R and describe it.

6006d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FYI, q-games made this. A company making PixelJunk series. I wish if we could see more from other gaming companies too. :)


6012d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't understand what point ppl could disagree Timesplitter14 comments. lol. I agree you.

6012d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

So, where is beautiful moon? Where is HDTV ready moon pictures? Common, NHK and Sony!

6012d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Check http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... for FUD, please.

It's something like writing a rumor as a fact. It's ok for comments, but I dislike an article like this doing that.

BTW, EOJ rocks! :)

6013d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In Japan, the rumor ran around that EOJ is ended. It was yesterday. The source of rumor is a blog of a man working in a local game shop. Today, it is announced as a fact in another gaming site. lol.

Why people writing column on the web site never check whether it is the fact?

Actually, in Japan, it is not ended regarding to the maker. They ordered new batch of print. It is not just arrived yet. Booster cards are sold out for 2 weeks or more. That's it. T...

6013d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have the same question. I was thinking it is probably upscaled video since COULD contains only DVD.

On the other hand, there is another book released this month with PS3 trailers. It is Famitsu PS3, containing 1080i BD with about 40 game trailers that I already seen but never seen in 1080i quality. I wish if it countaind FFXIII trailers too.

6014d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the best game in 2007 in my opinion. It's worth to play. Especially, it's worth to play the hardest level of this game. Why? Because of enemies AI. The enemies at that level act very smart like the well trained army. Let me describe little, since I never saw reviews talked about enemies AI of this game.

Enemies take cover very well at normal level. They appear differnt places with differnt motion every time and fire their weapon randomly and take cover again. So...

6014d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The maker said it is about 5GB. I bought BD GT5P and it requires 4727MB to install.

6017d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No online yet. It is delayed. Only GT.TV is available for now as an online feature. Online event and races will be available at Dec 25th.


BTW, no GT5P demo on Japanese PSN. It was over few weeks ago.

6017d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT5P is already supporting rumble on DS3. Actually, it is rumbling my DS3 here. So, even if GT5 is delayed, you can still play GT5P. :)

6018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not afraid that mom and dad buy Wii and WiiFit.

I'm afraid that stupid top managers of gaming company decide to go Wii with an idea like their hard-core games are also sold well on the Wii. They are counting only numbers. Console sales numbers don't tell the truth like who bought the console and what kind of games are expected.

Many Japanese gaming company already moved to Wii/DS with those wrong idea and failed. I hope western gaming companies will not fa...

6018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow! PS3 attach rate in Japan gets 1.95!? It's very nice. It's more than double from 1 year before, 0.98.


360 attach rate is nice too. It's not suprise for me, since I know only ppl having big interest in gaming are buying 360 in Japan. I'm really suprised PS3 high attach rate compared with 1 year ago. Anyway, I'm looki...

6019d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's a real skyline. This is not only the first GT5P commercial but also the first appearance of real new skyline on commercial.

6022d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In my opinion, Heavenly Sword is the top of underrated game. hehe. It's truely great action game. I personaly rated it over GOW and GOW2. It's something like not-understand-until-you-play- game (sorry if you already played and didn't like it).

I believe it would be sold as a BEST series game and make million hits, someday.

6030d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

FYI, there are two different sources for sales records in Japan. One is media-create, and the other is Famitsu.

I'm not sure the reason, but media-create counts PS3 and PSP fewer everytime. On the other hand, Famitsu counts more.

Few days ago, Famitsu announced PS3 won 3 weeks in a row. However, today Media-create announced PS3 won only 2 weeks as this article described. I don't know which one is the truth. I just say don't believe both. ;-)


6030d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mario or sonic is not big title in Japan these days. Japan is occupied by RPG (DQ and FF). You didn't show the number of DQ4. It was sold 602,000 according to Famitsu. DQ4 is not a new game. It was already released for Nintendo and PS. Then, this time it was released for DS and sold 602,000 in the first week. It's unbelievable.

Anyway, Sony did good job! Hoping PS3 is beating Wii at least for this month.

6032d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In Japan, all games are bloodless or at least red-bloodless. It's a part of rating. I personally think it's stupid, but it doesn't matter.

The game maker decide to follow Japanese rating and took blood out. It's up to the maker. For example, Ninja Gaiden Sigma decided to left blood and rated for not child (rated for 17 or older). Uncharted could do the same thing if the maker wanted blood.

6039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Change your car. New black-masked GT-R is not realeased yet, so no in-car view. ;-)

6071d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment