
CRank: 11Score: 32490

Where did you get the idea of Hideo working with Naughty Dog? Did you read this site's dumb article? Plainly has a quote from Hideo saying he was "SHOWN" the demo.

So since I have seen all these games from E3...I am now working on those games too? That's news to me.

4379d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

They won't be smacking their heads into anything. Those people who are bashing on the game right now will completely forget and deny their comments once it is actually released.

4380d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This might be one of the most pointless topics to even begin to argue about.

One of the reasons, if not the only reason, as to why this is even being brought up is because some fanboy of some other system (Microsoft or Nintendo) wants to try to get a fight started between system fanboys. Just drop it. Since The Last of Us had the best demo of the major, exclusive games, it has to be the main shot of all complaints, but can't the same argument of The Last of Us be made ...

4380d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Storylines to still matter, for most games. Games that actually care about having a great story; Uncharted, Half Life and Skyrim. Of course there are games, and gamers that care less about the story, but that isn't the rule.

Plus, if the story in a game matters depends on the gamer himself/herself. I could play Uncharted and not care about the story, it would be dumb of me to not care, but I very easily could.

4392d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony has already came out and said that is impossible on the PlayStation 3. Sucks, but it will not happen on the system. Do what @Mody-Royale said or Skype.

4393d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Burnout did it great and really, I think Criteron (sp?) and EA should be given more credit for all that they did with that game as far as DLC - it was very impressive.

4441d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Day 1 DLC certainly annoys me as well...but when has a developer made you purchase it? Never.

Good article, good read. Now only if the gaming world would realize their flaws.

4442d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are right/wrong. No review can be objective...period. A review is based off the reviewer's opinion of the game they just played.

To be onjective you need to use facts/stats/whatever else that is factual/proovable data....which is not available at the launch of a game, so everything wrote is always going to be opinion/subjective.

4486d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My "review policy" is actually rather simple. Is it fun to play. Does the game make you want to pick it back up after finish a play session.

We play games for fun; no other reason. So when a game does that, and does it extremely well (like Twisted Metal) it deserves a good score. Then when there are no issues with the game, the game deserves and even higher score.

But above all else, the game has to be a blast to play...so 5/5 it deserved.

4486d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When I played the game I ran into no issues. Well, besides being horrible at the game for quite awhile, but you can't hold that against the game.

4486d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The hardware that is inside the PlayStation Vita is really impressive. Seeing a game on that handheld that could win Best Graphics of the Year would be awesome.

4519d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Many of us will pay that, and there's no doubting Vita's appeal to the "hardcore", but high-priced "core" products seem to be a risky venture for these major players in such financially unstable times. "

Isn't this how it is a lot of the time? A new system will come out, because of its price, that will turn many people off of the system. Once the price lowers, more are willing to pay the price for the system.

4535d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ah I would have loved to include The Last of Us, but as that has not bee confirmed for 2012 I decided to leave it out.

4538d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


You see, I do want them to be successful. I am very happy for them that they have the chance to bring their wonderful games to more people than just the PlayStation fans and I do hope they do well (look at my previous comment).
I just also enjoyed when they were only on the PlayStation.

4567d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Duh" - doctorstrange, December 2nd, 2011.

Of course any console developer would want a company to only develop for them. Microsoft would love it if Bungie didn't go multiplatform after Reach.

The only thing as a PlayStation fan I can hope for is that Overstrike will not do good...at all, and Insomniac will come back to the PlayStation only. But then, I don't want their new IP to fail either. So I am torn.

4567d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

I just don't understand why, like you, many people feel that if a developer adds multiplayer to their game, they are somehow skimping on the single player experience.
I honestly can say, from my perspective, they were not held back by making a strong mp experience. My reasons:
1. They already the vast majority of the development tools in place from Uncharted 2 (yes, they still had to make some, but the time spent on developing those tools was far less).
2. Work...

4574d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I get that people are entitled to their own opinion...but only when they are not completely un-true or completely ignorant.
I actually wanted to see if someone made a reasonable, smart critique of Naughty Dog's game. Sadly, all I found was an article that is trying to just bring hits to the site, nothing more.

4574d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Can't believe I am only about 1/4 through the story and at 30 hours...haha oh well. I have been having a total blast with this game. Good review.

4576d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good review. Not a fighting game person, but KoF13 sounds like one I might try and play.

4576d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel that it is more "realistic" scares that Afterfall: InSanity pulls. The events in the game acutally have a possibility of happening...unlike in Dead Space, and for me at least, that is what makes it far more scary.

4582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment