
CRank: 11Score: 32490

Hate to say it...but this really doesn't mean anything yet.

You need to have more than one occurrence of something to prove a trend has started.

Plus...IF these numbers are true, then why did Blops 2 reach the $1 billion mark quicker than MW3 did? Both games retailed for the same price so...

4196d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Marcus - you know, for once I would actually be okay with more Borderlands games...unlike most franchises

4242d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The sequel might not be mentioned yet from Gearbox yet, but with a game that has already sold 2.7million copies since its launch on Sept 18th ($162,000,000 in sales) and the no-brainer for publishers to want another title in a highly successful franchise. It will happen, just a matter of when...

...maybe a launch title for the new xbox/ps?

4242d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you read the second paragraph in the article, it explains why those games are not included;
"There is one stipulation that I will go off of; to make it a technical franchise on the PlayStation 3, there needs to be more than one game on the system; so sorry, but Twisted Metal, Sly Cooper and a few others cannot be considered."

4244d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is actually old news. We already knew when the game was initially revealed the game would take place in different decades. Awesome late news here being posted up.

4248d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm still working my way through the game...yet I have realized something.

For whatever reason, which I cannot place my finger on it, I am just not that impressed with the game. Hopefully if I keep playing I will start to feel better about the game, but as of right now not so much.

4251d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Isn't a little too early to say which console has won next-gen as it still hasn't even started?

Can you already say which MLB team won next year's World Series?

Stop making such a big claim when we still have no idea what 2/3 of the console makers are going to do yet for their next systems.

Until someone shows me proof that they can predict the future 100% of the time - these articles will always and forever, be pointless.

4267d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony has a lot of things they should talk about;
PlayStation 3 price cut, Gaiaki(sp?) PlayStation integration, PlayStation Vita support of some kind and if we are lucky - The Last of Us gets a new release date - August 28th.

4337d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I could have sworn this game had lock on.

It isn't activated by a person actually clicking a button, but your character will lock on the to closest enemy (well, if you are a melee character). Which is actually how I would prefer it, have the game be smart about it, but lock onto enemies for me, more "realistic" than having to press a button and a cross red circle showing up or something

4351d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry...this game deserves far less than 5/10

4364d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why can't it be? They are two completely different games. A FPS/multiplayer beast compared to a singleplayer masterpiece that has multiplayer added to it. They cater to different gamers and different markets. Each, in their own right, are great.

4364d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

The more and more I read/hear about this game, the more and more sad I am that I didn't pay attention to the first Metro game more. I need to play that to get ready for this, what seems to be, awesome game.

4373d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your PS3/Xbox360 vs the WiiU argument is really pointless. Nintendo is releasing a system that is neither far more powerful than the current consoles nor powerful enough to compete head-to-head with the next gen of PlayStation/Xbox. Sad, but true.

For the year or two before Sony and Microsoft release their next systems the WiiU is still a head-scratcher for a couple of reasons;
- IF the WiiU is more powerful than the PlayStation 3/Xbox 360, then that honestly won&...

4373d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

@Captain Qwark

ah, win some, lose some. I hope you end up liking it, or at least get to the point where you don't feel you waisted $60...that is never a good feeling.

4375d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What games doesn't need work though? Dark Souls was a blast, but even that game needs some more polish at points. I'm not saying DD is perfect, it sure isn't, but I have yet to have the same amount of fun in another RPG this generation.

Played Skyrim, The Witcher 1 and 2, Dragon Age Origin and 2, Final Fantasy 13, Fallout 3 - they all just seem to be missing that really fun combat and Dragon's Dogma has that for me.

4375d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dare to say, and might get some disagrees with this, but Dragon's Dogma might be one of the best RPGs this generation of systems.

4375d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment


Ah ok, well thanks for clearing that up with me. I know that my memory must be messed up since I clearly remember using my PSP to control my PlayStation 3 via Remote Play. My fault...

4378d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

But in reality...isn't the WiiU copying off what the PlayStation 3 and PSP did basically?


But in reality...isn't the WiiU copying off what the Dreamcast did basically?

4378d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

So wait...let me get this straight. You said;
"...will benefit Nintendo's library because they will easily port it to WiiU with it's bigger install base"

...I'm confused.

When did the Wii U have a bigger install base than the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, let alone the combination of those two?
Are you living in the future and know something that we all don't?
You know that a system, which has yet to be ...

4378d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Before I bought the game I was really on the fence if I was going to like the game or not. From what I had seen, Dragon's Dogma looked decent enough for a purchase, but I was going into it not expecting much.

As you can tell from my review though...I absolutely loved the game. Would have been nice to have a bit more history into the world and a little stronger story - but the story is still good for what it is. But really, it is the combat that steals the show. Hands do...

4378d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment