
CRank: 5Score: 63640

for developing a bad matchmaking algorithm considering there will always be beginner players. Not everyone spends hours a day playing games....

5860d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Linux is certainly rock solid as a webserver, but not so when it comes to graphical applications. It also has extremely high learning curve is highly unintuitive (for people brought up on Windows i.e. the rest of the world).

I was able to setup a webserver with IIS in 30 minutes without knowing anything about Windows Server 2003, but it took me 1-2 days to figure out Apache configuration files with Linux... I'm not even confident it is setup properly.

5863d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both AMD and MS is stating that this is the result of OEM improperly loading incorrect images. MS is just being nice and trying to work around the OEMs....

The irony of this is probably most of you (MS haters) are typing this on a Windows PC....

5863d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

540 suggest it is an upgrade to the consumer, which a hardware revision is not. It is a cost savings measure for MS and has the side effect of running cooler and can be housed in smaller casing i.e. cheaper electronics packaging.

5864d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It doesn't matter how innovative an idea is if you can't monetize it and build a product consumers want. So don't blame Microsoft, but blame "innovative" companies unable to compete or are willing to sell out... Fact is there are plenty of smaller companies that turned huge competing with MS, such as Google.

Now all you MS haters out there, go ahead and disagree.

5866d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

as a business model for Activision, they are releasing a game every year in the franchise like EA is doing with Madden etc...

12 months is hardly enough time to develop a game these days and people are easily pushed beyond 18 months. This is in some ways a good thing, as Infinity Wards get to develop the game with proper amount of time and we get a new (sometimes average) CoD version each year. Prices drop fast too, just look at CoD 4. If you don't like Treyarch's games don't b...

5867d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can tell you that I was very concerned about this myself, but after getting the falcon and doing power tests of my own discovered that the falcon consumes less power at its peak power consumption than the original did at idle.

I have had my box for 7-8 months with constant play and not even once did it crash or hang. On the other hand my brothers PS3 has crashed numerous times.

Reports of RROD falcons are considerably less. I suspect you are more likely to suf...

5869d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

To think that a company would treat their customers in this way. Not only is their DRM inconvenient to legitimate owners of their game, it could lock you out of using the game (until you get internet access).

I will not buy another Bioware product, as I can see that the company cares only for its profit and NOT its consumers. I regret buying Mass Effect new for 360 now. I said it before with Mass Effect on 360 and how glitchy and skippy it is (framerate issue) and say it again....

5869d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS is ripping consumers off and consumers are bending over. I love my Xbox, but MS is ripping me off constantly.

We need a fourth console manufacturer that cares about what matters to gamers!

5870d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm tired of these companies overvaluing a sinking ship. Yahoo although a great site for resouces is not a great search engine. It's user base comes from old users, not new and if anything is shrinking in market share. MS should bid less now than what they offered before. Yahoo is desperate!

edit: Meant to reply to Bladestar

5870d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am an Electrical Engineer & Computer Science graduate from one of the ranked top 3 engineering school in the US so I do know a little about computer architecture.

Anyhow, what I'm saying is the SKU is not related to the internals of the machine itself i.e. what chip it used or what DVD drive is in it. The SKU only reflects the features of the machine, i.e with or wihtout hard drive, wifi, wireless controller etc.

SKU stands for stock keeping unit and is the...

5877d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Actually, it is funny you should say that. Considering Target is only worth 5 times as much as GameStop yet they sell everything under the moon. This should tell you that GS has way more leverage in buying games from publishers at a bigger discount being a "specialty/novely/" game store. In addition, with a game as big as GTA IV you would think they would order many extra copies. I'm almost certain most businesses will order extra copies considering the gain versus the loss of not o...

5877d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is actually incorrect. The consoles on all sku's should have the common specification on the 360. On the PS3 on the other hand, the actual machine on the different sku is different as the 20GB does not actually have Wifi.

The bottom line is you are more likely to run into problems with different parts i.e. Nintendo Wii's read error on Smash Bros Brawl. In this case, the cache should be the same across all sku's of the console. This is a mistake in the design decision and s...

5877d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

I don't like EA buying up any company as it has ruined many franchises dear to me (C&C among others). However, the way ttwo is going it might end up in bankrupcy which means GTA franchise might be sold to highest bidder. That could mean a worse company could take over....

EA might not be stupid enough to muck with such a successful franchise as GTA.

5877d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man are you guys hard. This is a free gift for the children. MS even went through the trouble of setting up a private Xbox Live network for the kids to play. Yet, all you guys do is complain.

How about contributing to society instead of wasting everyone's time with your negativity.

5883d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally, I think this based on maturity level and age group. If you are 15 and mature I think you are fine playing it. If you are 12 and mature, maybe. If you are 10, and mature still a little young, but maybe. Shielding children from reality is a bad way of protecting them. Educating them is the key. Kids need guidance, not just restrictions.

If you are 25 and immature, no way. The sad fact is there are twenty something, thirty something and older that are more immature tha...

5883d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you are too poor to buy the product, it still does not make it right to steal. If you were dying and needed it I would understand, but it still might not make it right.

I was a student once, I worked and gave up other things to afford my games. If you spend your money somewhere else that is your problem. Stop making excuses for stealing. Gaming is a hobby and an entertainment, if you have time to entertain yourself perhaps you should get a job to feed your spare time!!!

5883d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sick and tired of people complaining about currency differences. The cost of your game is probably right around what the game cost in the US + a little extra taxes (ask your government).

Fact is, the cost of products in your country is priced accordingly to your purchasing power. For instance, Norway whom has a 24-25% sales tax comparably pay less for their PS3 and Xbox 360 in relation to their average income in comparison to the U.S. Yet the cost of the an elite 360 is $60...

5883d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

CoD 3 was pretty big and no doubt CoD5 probably will too, but remember even with CoD 4 developed by Infinity Ward, Activision had to lower their price 33% on all platforms to reach that level of sales.

CoD5 is WW2 and developed by Treyarch, which makes good games, but not as good as Infinity Ward on a sales and acclaim basis. Other than, MGS4 I do not see any huge releases from Sony this year (MS has Gears of War 2, but that is about it). By that I mean epic proportions, not a ...

5883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This sucks, but is one of the drawbacks of the 360. However, the choice of putting region on a disc is by the publisher/developer and not MS. They just let the manufacturer decide, just like how Blu-Ray's region setting is optionally set by movie studios. HD-DVD was completely region free and one of the main reasons why I preffered the format. RIP HD-DVD!

However, to my suprise a lot of 360 games are region free. In general, publishers do not want to limit the availability of t...

5883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment