
CRank: 5Score: 2760

"Why do you guys ALWAYS ignore the points they bring up?"

Perhaps if the points being brought up weren't expressed in a matter of pure hatred and as a simple unbiased opinion instead, more people would be open to your comments. Here a question for you. If you are a PS3 owner that doesn't have a 360 and don't plan on buying one, why do you feel compelled give the 360 masses your opinion.

I don't comment on how the PC owners have to constantly upgrade t...

5675d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@kingme, although I can see the point that you are trying to make. Your approach could use some work if you want people to listen to you. Although on this site, people are destine to disagree because disagreement is what they seek.

@ultimolu "I didn't pay for it because I don't want to. With XBL, you *have* to pay for it." Owners of 360 don't "HAVE" to buy XBL if they don't want to. You would probably argue that they do if they want to play online gaming...

5682d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment


Have you ever shot a gun. Besides a shotgun, what gun can you effectively shoot while sprinting. Sure if you just like pulling triggers (which is pretty obvious) then sure I guess you should be allowed to waste ammo all you want. But the point you make really makes no point. It's all fair as long as no one else can do something that you can't.

So stop making up reasons to hate on the game. The reason you don't like it is simple. It's because you a...

5754d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Double Post see 8.1

5754d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see it a little differently. I am impressed with this game and perhaps because it's a proven franchise. A few great tweaks from gears 1 and you have yourself another winner.

Now, Killzone 2, All though it's a first day buy for me because it does look great. I am still worried about it because if the past inerations of Killzone. It's still not proven, who care about great graphics if the A.I. is stupid, and the game play suchs so the jury is still out on that one.

5754d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see you made a brand new troll account. Are you down to one bubble on you other accounts. Just sad.

5754d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Sony beat Microsoft on their own home turf. That's more newsworthy than 13,000 in Japan."

Are you kidding me, Please tell me that you are not serious about your comment. DID YOU NOT KNOW THAT JAPAN IS SONY'S HOME TURF?.

That comment wreaks with hypocrisy. And it IS a bigger deal for the 360 to beat the PS3 in japan regardless of how it happened. Especially for it to beat it by 60% more consoles.

So UXO I agree with your initial commen...

5769d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I meet people with a mouth like yours all the time. Fun thing is, it's always on the internet. People seem to be a bit more intelligent when speaking in person.

5792d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


Dude, you such a DOUCHE!

I'm done dealing with you, you're starting to make me act like your 12 year old A$$.

5792d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Here's a person that obviously hates MS, jet they own a 360. I just bout it back in june even. Go figure! If I hated a company as much as you obviously hate Microsoft, there's no way I'd buy their product.

We have a name for that where I'm from. We call that: Blind Sheep!

Haha, nothing but bad things to say about the chef, yet you still eat at the restaurant.

BTW open zone -----------> Close the door on your way out.

5793d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Okay first off, I happen to know Kingme, play golf with him on a regular basis. He actually have all three systems. And from what I read he did say that the movies cost 15.00 on PSN to buy. I would assume he is talking about the newer movies. You can buy new release at different places like sams, best, etc (Depending the movie) for 15-18 bucks. I think that qualifies for being of about the same price.

What made me chime in was, why do you seem to be so frickin angry about ...

5793d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Damn man, when did you become such a big fanboy. The guy makes a personal opinion in his own blog and you call him ignorant and freaks out on him. That's a bit arogant of you isn't it. You probably should focus more on those jets, and not PS3 so much.

Wow, you're the last one I would have expected this from.

5826d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

I agree, and you are right aaquib is a moron! His hatred to MS is so bad that he can't even focus on normal things in life.

5868d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment


first off, this 360 ultimate is purely speculation. It is NOT fact until MS makes it official. But here is what strikes me as both funny and interesting.

Comments from the peanut gallery:

"Microsoft is going to ruin the console gaming industry if they keep releasing new SKUs." (uh, current MS and sony both has 4 skus, and one could actually argue that the arcade and the core are the same system. Where as the 20, 40, 60, & 80...

5996d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Does it seem like there are a lot of people that kind of go out of their way to spread their hate for HALO3. Almost to the point of being simple jealousy or typical fanboy hate.

It the work "Halo3" is mentioned in a thread, it is quickly followed by a tyrade of anti-halo3 sentiments.

Just something I've notice and thought it's strange how much fear this game's success puts into some people.

6011d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you sony fanboys are always whining that you're the victim. Do you ever read some of you own comments.

6012d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Did Sony not know that this wasn't going to stream over WMP11. It so, why didn't they mention it in the summary for the update.

Perhaps Sony shouldn't have rushed this update out inorder to keep up with the xbox 360. (wait, wasn't it said that microsoft rushed the divx compatability for the 360, why am I not hearing that in this instance?)

Just a thought.

6012d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh, BTW while you at it, why don't you go ahead a guzzle down a couple cans of "STFU" also Mr. 3 week old account noob. As if your response added anything to the conversation.

6032d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

This article does NOT lead or link to an official SNE press release. Besides, they can spin things anyway they want, it's what they report to the shareholders and the IRS on paper that really matters.

Some website reporting hear-say is not an official statement.

6034d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


6034d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment