
CRank: 5Score: 2760

I will try to be as fair and objective as possible.

Kinect did seem to have trouble, with responsiveness and tracking.

However, there are some elements there that are going to be different than at one's home.

First off, all of the people moving and walking around in the background are probably not going to be at your house.

Second, I felt that Warzonegammer and his cronies were trying to be too cool by trying not ...

5070d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Haha, you are so right Kingme. People let themselves get so caught up in stuff that really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. 9-12hrs worth of gameplay and these dudes get wrapped around the axle on a 30 second ad and let it ruin their gaming experience. (I did notice that most of the complainers are for the most part PS3 fans though. Can you say TROLLING!)

Anyway I agree Kingme. Everyone wants realism, then you throw in a little reality and they whine a...

5127d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

Wow, way to man up and admit when you were wrong. To be honest with you there ain't very many people on this site that would have done that. They would have just stayed quiet and faded away never giving props to fear88.

Man, Bubbles up to you. That say a lot about your personality.

5208d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"People who break the law are always jaded toward the system who catches them"

Yes, they are jaded toward the system who catches them. HOWEVER, they are not jaded for the REASON that they were caught. I rob your house, sure I am pissed that I was stupid enough to get caught, but I wouldn't be pissed at you for protecting your assets by calling the cops on my dumb-ass for stealing from you. So what will I say to you? How about this...You suck I can't believe you ca...

5311d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Words like BANNED tend to scare people off"

Word like banned only scare off people who are getting ready to mod their console and hear what happens if they get caught.

Other than that, people are going to do what they want to do. Why would I be discouraged from buying a 360 if I hear that I will get banded from XBL if I modify it so that I can play pirated games. (If I am an honest person.)

I totally disagree with your comment, I would ...

5311d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


You know what, forget it.


"After Microsoft attitude towards their own customers, who could blame the modders?"

Are you really that ignorant?

People are stealing games, breaking laws, and somehow you hate for Microsoft is blinds you so badly that you can actually empathize with the modders/hackers?

Wow, what a F*ckup world we live in.

My bad, got a little bit out a c...

5311d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

A full game cost 1/3 the cost of an xbox 360 arcade. People shouldn't buy games they are just too expensive.

5312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

From the looks of it, I say I have to agree.

5377d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have to agree with coolirisGB Piratethom does do a hell of a lot of trolling; and on a constant basis. His comment was a rhetorical question in the fact that he was looking for an answer, instead he meant it as a negative comment against the 360.

Future behavior can easily be determined by past behavior.

5395d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment


Edit: @Jmare (Below) After taking very deep breath...SIGH!

5476d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow Vavoom, it only took them 2 hours to rob you of a bubble. Can anyone around here have an opinion? This place is getting rediculous!

Bubbles up vavoom.

PS looks like Casey... logged on with all 20 of his accounts and made you pay for your previous

5477d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have this Natal thing got opponents of Microsoft in hissy fit. Why are people who are obviously allies to Sony so worried about whether Natal is going to work.

Microsoft never said anything about Natal being used to control Gears Of War or Madden; neither will the PS3 controller or the wiimote for that matter (effectively enough for people to actually want to use it competively.) Simply because the average gamer would rather use a controller for things like that. Just as RTS...

5477d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

That last line was classic.

I would definitely have to agree with you.

5483d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

What is this article really saying. Unless they can say how many units sold, the information is just a feel good bandaid.

3,081 percent of 100 units is 3810 units.

5493d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude, give it up. You're looking pathetic. You're using that 5th grade ole skool neighborhood hate. (The kind of hate that makes a person go completely off topic to try a slip in a negative response.) What does scratching discs have to do with halowars pwning KZ2 twice over this past month?

5526d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

whatever dude

5526d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Great point, I even took the liberty of displaying the actual numbers that show the unit sells differential. To further show how easily numbers can be used to mislead people.

---------------360-------%--- -----PS3------------%------360 Diff +/-
GTA IV-----6,963,840----23%------- 5,530,000-----26%______+1,433, 8 40
WAW--------5,240,000----18%-- -----3,130,000-----15%______+2 , 110,000
FIFA 09----1,760,000----6%--------2 ,080,000-----10%_______(320,00 0 )

5537d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Great point vavoom. You are 100% correct. pswi60, what's up with that?

Edit: @nathan above, You're a doctor now? Where did you get the diagnosis for maria and tai. Perhaps you are begining to enjuy the story, sh!t you have details about it that I didn't even come up with.

Also, do you realize what the D-squad went through to get to that point? Please, explain who there were to get out alive while carrying a drooling, mal-fed, tortured female back to safety....

5620d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

haha, dude, why do you continue to make yourself look stupid. Kingme is correct you can have multiple master accounts. All you need to do is use a different PSN ID/Tag and create another account.

The only thing that you proved above was that you know how to look up the manual for PSN. You are yet to show that you can actually comprehend what you are reading.

So AGAIN, you have not corrected anyone. Try this one, apologize for being wrong, recant you last stat...

5624d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come on man, 4 potential customers is not the same thing as 4 actual customers. You know as well as everyone else that Sony is trying to lead people to believe that 85 percent of PS3 owners are online. And they are taking the number of active PSN accounts and dividing it by the numbers of PS3s sold to get their 85 percent online, which is VERY misleading.

1 PS3 with 10 active should only account for 1 online user. Spin it how you want, deep down you know what I mean and you ...

5625d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment