CRank: 5Score: 1610

Whatever makes you feel better about yourself my friend. I do agree with you that I am living a fantasy though, one I never thought would be possible. But like most lessons in life if you want something bad enough you are going to work for it.

5874d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Um....maybe read the other million reviews out there and you may find out that many of them say the same thing. Love those fanboys, you say one thing critical of there love machine and they freak out. Oh how life would be so much better if I was a fanboy living in my parents basement at the age of 30 eating mac-n-cheese like these fools. Instead I have to work hard and make a six figure income working as a DBA...oh DAMN! Shuck it Trebek!

5874d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

First of all your comments made absolutely no sense. You sound like an obama fan......on that hope train of illogic. It's all about the future, LOL boy that Sony Marketing really pulled you in. This is my personal opinion, but I think GOW2 is going to blow everything out of the water that Sony has to offer this year so maybe that means I am all about the "FUTURE". How's that kool aid fanboy?

5942d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Wow my $150 digital camera does that......GOOD JOB SONY!! Once again Sony shows us what 7 cores can do. LOL!!

5943d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment
5944d ago

If you call my six figure income a blind belief in Microsoft then I guess you can believe that. I have worked as DBA for more than 5 years now and have worked within IT for more than 10 years. I am sure you haven't ever owned a single Microsoft product which probably means your 32 and live in your parents basement eating Mac & Cheese all day. Don't get me wrong if you like that life style then good for you, but 95% of business owners understand the importance of Microsoft products. I ...

5948d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here is the thing though. Microsoft provides such tight integration between all there office products for example that they entire business can run on top of them. Now I have used open office in the past, but I don't believe they are anything more than a simple office suite. I am talking about real business office apps like Sharepoint for collaboration, Proclarity for analytics, Excel for Business Analysts, and the other office products. At the end of the day I could care less about who p...

5948d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mac's are great, but remember they are a niche and they are not really trying to penetrate the business world minus certain production studios. Microsoft is one of the few companies that provides a complete sphere of business products made for business. Again IBM and others do similiar things, but just plan on getting raped on your investment.

5948d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You go ahead and use your Open Office. See if an actual business uses it then give me a call. Honestly, get out in the world a little my friend. I have close to 10 years experience in the IT field and have yet to see one viable business use Open Office.

5948d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea you guys are so right. They don't produce any good products.....Oh wait show me a Business Intelligence product out there that performs as well as Microsoft's Sharepoint, Excel, Proclarity, and PerformancePoint. Guarantee that everyone of you have never worked inside a real business...LOL you guys are talking about Microsoft's business model and I bet not one of you has ever worked in a mangement position within an IT department. Microsoft provides some incredible tools that can't be t...

5948d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I am so sick of every PS3 fanboy having to explain why there version looks like shmit. The typical comment is "The developers are lazy". OK, let's look at it from a business perspective since that is what it is anyway. If I can take x amount of hours and resources and develope for one console and have it look better and that console has a larger install base which one do I develope for? Or do I take more hours and more resources so I can develope for the PS3 which has a smaller ...

5963d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am so sick of PS3 Fanboys claiming......Yea, but PS3 is better in Europe and Japan. Guess what you tards, the US market makes up more than 60% of all gaming revenue so chew on that for a while. So go and enjoy your blueray console that does gaming as a second note.

5983d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

A new approach from Pony may change the lack of good games on the SP3, with the release of "Grand Tourisno Unfinished". Perhaps the first in a whole series of "Unfinished" games, it means SP3 owners won't have to wait until almost 2009 before any large name games finally come out on the console.

"You can pay full price now, and see half the game, then you can pay full price again later and get the full game"

6012d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Xbox 360 wins this one hands down. Xbox Live honestly is so much farther ahead of the competition. You need to remember that this is Microsoft's bread and butter. Being able to integrate all pieces across the board and do it in such a user friendly manner. Apparently I must be one of the 70% who didn't have a RROD 360 so I have love the hardware. 2008 will be interesting since Sony does have some good games coming out however Microsoft could destroy that with their own games, but more im...

6014d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Does anyone know when any providers will be utilizing IPTV? I am very excited about that feature and seeing it in the new update only get's me that much more excited. DIVX and XVID support is great! Way to go Microsoft!

6028d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love PS3DO fanboys who keep trying to make a case of how great their system is. Too bad no buddy else thinks it's great. How are those sales coming along by the way. So go ahead and keep telling the mirror how great your system is. Can someone help me out here with a simple math problem....360 sells ~450K units this month, PS3 sells ~100K this month so who is doing better...Hmm.... Let me guess next year will be better for the PS3. Just be happy if Sony get's to next year. Sony, your...

6080d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

If you think for one second that even the mighty MGS would compete with Halo 3 you are out of your mind. I bet you were saying the same thing about Lair and Heavenly Sword. Hate to break it to you, but those just haven't exactly panned out well for Sony. But hey for Sony selling ~200K is a good thing.

6102d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Doesn't the Halo 3 SKU xbox 360 utilize the new falcon 65nm chipset?

6109d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


No I am saying that the PS3 is running many games under 30 frames. My buddy has a PS3 and also complains that the games get choppy. He said this is especially true whenever you compare a xbox360 port vs. a PS3 port. He played the Heavenly Sword demo, but said he got frustrated with the frame rate. Many people I know who have a PS3 have stated this.

6112d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment


One more thing that is needed to compare is frames per second. I don't care what the PS3 can display in a single frame if I can only run at < 30 frames per second let alone 60.

6112d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment