CRank: 5Score: 1610

Sony also didn't have any competition before and if you say Nintendo was there then you are full of crap. Sony had it so easy before, but now they have some real competition and they are falling all over themselves. Hopefully they learn from this gen so they come to the baseball park next time with both their bat and ball.

EDIT: jmare are you telling me that Nintendo represented the same market that Sony was going for? By the way the reason the Sony I mean Sega Dreamcast sunk...

5700d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

You people kill me. You live in a world where people want to succeed and be profitable. Nothing drives people to be better more than competition and every single company wants to get an edge over the other. Microsoft is a very very very smart business. They provide proven tools to their developers so they can build platforms and easily move in between systems such as the PC and the 360. Sony comes along and introduces a completely new architecture that has never been used in gaming and e...

5700d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Let me go ahead and sum up the PS3 talking points for this forum.
1. Just wait..(We are waiting over 2 years now)
2. But we have this game...(What game is that)
3. We have Cell...(Yeah I agree Cell sounds cool lets keep saying it shall we)
4. Developers are lazy...(Most of them were the brightest in their classes, but yeah they are no talent ass clowns)
5. Exclusives....... (Losing them by the minute)
6. Our system is more powerful........(So is a Fer...

5700d ago 14 agree13 disagreeView comment

You are obviously an uneducated PS3 Fanboy. Let me help you out on a few things related to technology having worked in the field for over 6 years now. The reason the PS3 has been so hard to develop for is because it's architecture is completely different than anything else and not in a good way. If you are going to introduce a new architecture you better provide time proven development tools for it. That is where Sony dropped the ball. Microsoft has stayed with proven hardware architectu...

5707d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Great addition. That one hurt the PS3Fanboys.

5707d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Because Sony is getting their asses kicked. Down 6 mill to Microsoft and down 10 mill to Nintendo. Both Nintendo and Microsoft will come out of this generation a huge success. Sony not so much.

5707d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

If I didn't know better I would have thought this game was COD4. Don't get me wrong the game looks great, but no different than COD4.

5721d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

My only point is that the PS3 has pushed itself so far into a hardcore corner that it's losing serious market share. Microsoft took a good chunk of the hardcore gamers and is now trying to persuade casual gamers also Sony is doing nothing. Sony needs to get serious about their gaming market if they want to compete now and into the future.

5777d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Don't worry my friend you still have next generation to make come back. Atari was very successful at those methods.

5777d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

That is a killer deal wish I waited a few months, bought my elite two months ago. Can everyone sing the PS3 song, "Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Hey GoodBye!"

5777d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

PS3 Fanboys still crying I see. Guess what HDMI and 1080p are not needed for 90% of the market you tards if you want to get down to it. 1080p is only noticeably better on tv's bigger than 52 inches which I am sure is less than 10% of the market. That's not my opinion do a search on it. Sony doesn't give a flying bat crap about it's gaming division you fools it's pushing the Blu-Ray format. Yes it will produce games, but there agenda was getting the Blu-Ray out there and at $25-$30 per Bl...

5777d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Guess what only a few thousand ferrari's sell each year compared to the hundred's of thousand chevy's so whats your point. If you want to go there then maybe I should discuss how much more powerful my SQL Server 2005 cluster running 64 cpu cores with 128GB of memory is compared to your PS3. What a dumb argument. My Bently is better than your Ferrari.

5782d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I have to laugh my head off at the PS3 Fanboys, constantly stating just wait or but or what about this game. This is what makes me laugh the most. Here are developer's and engineers who have spent years in school and even more years in the field designing and developing. And then you have the PS3 fanboys telling these developers how to do things and how not to be lazy developers. PS3 Fanboys also are all designated MBA's since they understand business as well. Forget about the developmen...

5782d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

I really hope this game sells for Sony's sake. Check this link out.
I know it will sell, but the cost was already 20 million in 07 not to mention the beginning of 09. Can't believe MGS4 cost 45 million. They are not getting that money back when you take into account marketing, distribution, and development. I really think KZ2 looks beautiful, but I think Sony can't...

5803d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

The game looks beautiful however did anyone else notice how bad the AI was? Also during more intense scenes the game really seemed to slow down. Maybe it's just me, but did anyone else notice that. Game looks great just hope they can make some decent AI and keep the frame rate up.

5803d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Microsoft hasn't cut prices yet because they haven't had to you fools. Sony had to do two massive price cuts immediately to stay competitive, but Microsoft has not seen any competition from Sony up till now. So they will do a reasonable price cut and watch the numbers. Someone above said Microsoft hasn't done well with price cuts....what are you talking about. They have only done a very small price cut here in the states. By the way PS3 has cost Sony 3.32 Billion so far. RROD not lookin...

5818d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This just in.....beep, beep, beep. Ravenator doesn't believe in technology changing LOL. Do I need to remind you what has happened over the last 5 years. Come on. Enjoy playing on your Atari 2600 obviously it will be the console of the future. LOL

5831d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Everyone who says that need to hold onto something physical is really living in the past. Sony's Blu Ray will be short lived since all major players IE: Apple, Microsoft, Netflix, Comcast, Amazon are moving to the digital distribution. Any for everyone who cry's like a baby going Your HD download though isn't like my 50GB Blu Ray disc is clearly ignorant or just plain retarded. Obviously no one here is a CS student or has worked in technology before. There's a little something called comp...

5831d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

MGS4 visually doesn't impress me at all. COD4 looks about 10 times better than MGS4 and came out roughly a full year earlier. Seriously let go of your fanboyisms and give an honest opinion. Don't get me wrong I am sure it will be a great game, but the visuals look like less than good. I personally have lost interest in the MGS series since other games IE(Splinter Cell, and others) have taken some of the lime light away. Anyway I am sure it will sell well, but not like many PS3 fanboys ar...

5834d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Game looks great only one problem. The game will run past schedule and cost close to 100 million. It's gonna take more sales than GTA IV which is cross platform to even come out with a profit. One thing that is really gonna hurt the fanboys is this...look at the very bottom right of the shot. You will see some systems specs...guess what it's running off a server farm. LOL what a joke. Love showing those vides of in game that aren't really in game at all don't ya.

5868d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment