CRank: 5Score: 7040

The high quality dev that Sony has is unmatched. These the best game designers in the industry and it shows. The game is flawless, from graphics, to the story, everything is thought out to perfection, and yet its simple enjoyable gameplay. This is a game made for all audiences, anyone could pick this game up and have fun, that cannot be said for all the other games.

5421d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Alan wake, looks interesting, but i'll have to seee more footage. I still like the ps3's exclusives better since i've followed them from the ps1 and ps2 days. Something about the high quality devs they have that make the games fun and look + perform great. I guess thats why i bought a ps3, simply because i knew that he franchises i was most intereted on were going to stay on the ps3, and new one's like infamous,mag, and uncharted were created.

5423d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

it was $90.00, but i git it for 54.99 at amazon. It has 2 of the best movies ever made(third one was allwwwrriigghhtt).Holy sh!t, i can't watch the standard dvd version anymore. Bluray is looking to take over, and fast. Look at all the prices, they're coming down, probally will buy the matrix bluray trilogy next...

5423d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Funny, but I didn’t even need to see the by line.

A government sponsored format, in a totalitarian state, is beating blu-ray. And that’s the wonderful news for a dead format? Pathetic"

The article is stupid as F@ck. Looks like someone digged deep on the web to try and bash the bluray format? who knows.

5423d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

All these price articles that are coming out are just potraying the ps3 as the better expensive console. Now in retail, consumers usually associate an expensive product as being the best , or top of the line, when you ask a sales associate to show you their best model they'll usually show you the most expensive one, and the customer notices . Now this type of "marketing"(intentio nal ps3 price bashing?) is planting a seed. Once they price drop the ps3, even if its still expensive wh...

5426d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

All these price articles that are coming out are just potraying the ps3 as the better expensive console. Now in retail, consumers usually associate an expensive product as being the best , or top of the line, when you ask a sales associate to show you their best model they'll usually show you the most expensive one, and the customer notices . Now this type of "marketing"(intentio nal ps3 price bashing?) is planting a seed. Once they price drop the ps3, even if its still expensive wh...

5426d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

All these price articles that are coming out are just potraying the ps3 as the better expensive console. Now in retail, consumers usually associate an expensive product as being the best , or top of the line, when you ask a sales associate to show you their best model they'll usually show you the most expensive one, and the customer notices . Now this type of "marketing"(intentio nal ps3 price bashing?) is planting a seed. Once they price drop the ps3, even if its still expensive w...

5426d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Ps3 has three of the best entertainment qualities that anybody would like to have. First it has the best exclusives with variety. Their exclusive devs are top notch, these talented indivisuals now how to make fun games . You have a bluray player, wich is replacing dvd's by adding a whole lot of quality to your high def movies. And you have psn for mp, you can even buy psone games and play them on your PSP with no problem(i got MGS and it's bad a$$!). All the extra sh!t like netflix, t...

5426d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Im talking from my expirience, and most people who want a pice drop are the ones who bought the 360 first since it came out a year earlier. Now that the ps3 is gaining great momentum it seems like its going to be one of the better consoles with the best all around exclusives. Someone who bought a 360 is not going to want to pay another 400 bucks since he already spent that money on his xbox purchase, and you also hear those complaints about "bluray" being a waste of money since th...

5427d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Two of the best games released in this generation so far!

5427d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

with the exception of a few(3) good multiplat titiles. It's all about the exclusives because thats what sets counsoles apart, and the ps3 has alot of them and in many different flavors for you to enjoy.

5429d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah, i was looking at Sony's numbers and it's interesting how good they're doing with the ps3.Sony has a plan,and like always, it will succeed. They have to tweak their plan according to the economy, since Im sure they didn't plan for it(the economy) to be as bad as it is now. Since poeple dont have money they're steadily adjusting their product-line with complementry materials to gain some profit. The change is not happening overnight,they have to adjust things here and there, but they'...

5429d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

is not that MS caters indie devs by being slightly more forgiving, or even sony for that matter. These are companies that are based on profit. the devs who present their "profitable" idea must be approved by the company, so that both parties stand on common ground and agree that money can be made from this idea. Basically "if doesn't make cents, it doesn't make sense"

5429d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its like GG dove into my mind for ideas to create a f@cken BAD ASS game!!!!. it took me a while, but now im a killin'machine. Nothing like flying solo and going against a squad, 1vs4,and taking all of them out as you see your name is filling up the corner of the screen when you light'em up.WTF! i just got sniped,i respawn and spot and mark my target while cloaked, funny that he's lookin away trying to find his next unsuspecting victim,never had a chance,<POUghh!!!!>(Head shot)his hel...

5430d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony, take your time on exclusives, i rather have quality games than to have you put it out unfinished.
Hey if it gets pulled back, who gives a f@ck, i have a life and many other things to do that will keep me busy in the meanwhile. Next thing i know i will see the game on shelfs at its best form.
And F@ck the fanboy sh!T, i bought a ps3, and the nearly all of the ps3 exclusives are way above average. with the exception of one game(HAZE),in MY expirience all the exclusive ga...

5432d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thanks, bubbles right back at ya! screw it, bubbles for everyone its SUNDAY!!!!!
edit: "woshhh!, those were alot of bubbles"

5435d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i glance at the article as my facial expression shows a dry taste of dirt.
"VRRROOOMMMMMMM!!!!" . i drive away like a bat out of hell after taking a sh!T and digitally wipeing my a$$ with the "Should sony stop dlc suport for littlebigplanet dlc?" article.


5435d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


5439d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought a ps3 because of the built in bluray, at the time the cheapest bluray player was $350, so instead i paid 399 for a ps3 and it came with a whole lot more). But now i see bluray players for 150(who knows about the quality?), and movies are getting cheaper( i bought the donnie darko 3 bluRay movie pack for $30, godfather collection was $90 and now came down to $60, same for the matrix bluray trilogy). This Stuff is just going to keep getting cheaper.

5449d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the online audience is cool and mature, soon as they pricedrop, mommy and daddy will be able to afford a ps3 for tommy, while bringing their little kids to infest the mp expirience with singing teamkilling bullsh!. You just don't know how good it is to have your team play against another team whitout someone singing the latest britney spears hits.

5449d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment