CRank: 5Score: 7040

This is coming from the heart to all 360 owners. Which ever xbox your on(1,2nd,3rd...or which ever) if it breaks down on you one more time, tell MS TO GO F@CK THEMSELFS, send it in one last time and get a working one back. Sell to a stranger or trade it for money , use the cash to buy another gamming system (wii,pc,ps3). Even Ps3 is having a price drop, trade that sh!t in before the new 360 drops price aswell, that way you get the most out of your hardware/software. It has nearly the same ...

5408d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

you know mw2 will be lacking on something.

5409d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

When a ps3 owner mentions sales, it means that he got a SALE on his sony hardware. A ps3 owner bought a ps3 for cheap, since SONY sold the hardware at THEIR lost. Its a fact that sony lowered the price to the point where they lost an continue to loose money on every ps3 sold. Sony gives you a bluray player,gaming +media system,HDD,wifi, at THEIR lost, they sell the ps3 cheaper than what it cost them to make it. Dont forget that online is free. And they offer good services online if you want t...

5409d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the 5th KZ article that claims to be a review,yet the author doesn't review sh!t. It just makes readers believe that the author didn't even play the DLC. Looks like you "copied and paste" the maps discription, and thew a little conclusion at the end. Holy sh!t, i dont even know what you liked or dislike. You just discribed the maps and guns and slapped a score to it. That is not a review, since you didn't even write your take on the dlc! Now, from looking at the site, i...

5410d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

We'll find out once MW2 drops, they'll regret their ps3 threats and price hikes on all platforms! The economy is rough, , and if activision wants to screw us in our time of need , we'll make sure we'll screw them and pass over their sh!t product, better believe that!They try to take our money, we'll hit'em where it counts,their checkbook!
p.s.- better release a demo too, gamers don't want to end up buying an overpriced "add on content".(BTW-im not buying it either way)

5411d ago 27 agree2 disagreeView comment

Im buying a 2nd one for my living room. i wont give out his n4g user name(for obvious reasons) "Hey Joseph!, if you're reading this, can't wait for you to get the ps3,sh!t you'll get it cheaper than i did,just remember that i'll own you on Killzone 2 and U2 when it comes out, thats a fact,our clan will be reunited once again, see you on the darkside!"

5413d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would say it would be the presentation, and the fact that they capture a sense of realism into their controls. The game feels amazing when you're running towards the objective, it feels like you're actually running on rocks and not just floating 2ft above ground like the rest of the shooters. You're playing online and kill an opponent in front of you, but all of a sudden the screen starts to get blurry because someone is shooting @ you from the back. there's nothing like the feeling of pu...

5413d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

on "what worries me about the ps3's success", chillout!
I'm not even going to read your whole essay, but i notice something when i skipped to the end,
you said....

"FInaly, calling out games on the 360 as not being exclusive due to them being available on the PC would be like calling out say God of War as not being exclusive since you can get a version of it on the PSP, both still run sony OS's so they are still Sony exclusive"

Well ...

5414d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The ps3 always had the best exclusives for every genre, thats what it's all about. I'm not saying that all of us have the same view, but sony's exclusives are the best of the best exclusives. You can't deny that Uncharted and MGS4 are the best 3rd person shooters,God Of War is the best slasher, killzone is the best FPS, GT5 is the best Sim racer,MotorStorm is the best arcade racer,infamous is the best open-world, LBP is the best platform, mlb the show is the best sports game. I think i'll pl...

5414d ago 25 agree11 disagreeView comment

Exclusives, Graphics,& Hardware. If you can check all those you have a great console. I know graphics aren't everything, but if you spend hundreds of dollars on a next gen console, the games better look Bad ASS!
"we're at a stage where most players don't care about 1080p"

... maybe if you don't want the game to look it's best, sure have the devs crawl back into your comfort zone. It's all about pushing technology to its limits. When you have a great game...

5414d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

When a ps3 owner mentions sales, it means that he got a SALE on his sony hardware. A ps3 owner bought a ps3 for cheap, since SONY sold the hardware at THEIR lost. Its a fact that sony lowered the price to the point where they lost an continue to loose money on every ps3 sold. Sony gives you a bluray player,gaming +media system,HDD,wifi, at THEIR lost, they sell the ps3 cheaper than what it cost them to make it. Dont forget that online is free. And they offer good services online if you wan...

5415d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

The next GranTurismo and Uncharted installments are due this year. Ever woundered why sony did not agressively "advertised" their currently released gems? It's because they needed to hold off their marketing for this GT monster who's getting the VIP treatment. Be prepared have GT5(+Uncharted2?-imagine that!) bundled with a ps3 pricecut. I know I'm planning on getting another ps3 for the living room, so you can count my purchase already. And the one friend of our group that hasn'...

5415d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

for the SONY TAKEOVER coming this holiday season!.( Im thinking of buying a 2nd one as a bluray player for the living room)it's going to be a HD fest at my house!

5416d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

for the sony TAKEOVER coming this holiday season!.( Im thinking of buying a 2nd one as a bluray player for the living room)it's going to be a HD fest at my house!

5416d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"The reviews are meant to be quick reads and a quick take. Don't consider them full reviews, as I trust you know certain things about gaming and this game. I honestly don't think people need to read about the graphics, how the controls work, and other non-sense"
You should try to atleast "breaks-down" the score into a chart with categories on the "quick reviews". Also add a note to the review that its a "MP Review". This is constructive criticis...

5416d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why dont you finish playing the game before reviewing it? Doesn't make any sense to label your article as a game review when you only played the MP, and haven't completed the SP.
The controls are perfect. Running down the battlefield while having a sense of gravity just feels like you're in the warzone. The weight on the controls will get some getting use to if you like the easier COD or HALO, but now that i've played Killzone, i can't satnd those "floaters". Every other F...

5416d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

im sure uncharted 2 will win. Its going to come down to Uncharted2 and MW2. It's still too early, but from what i've seen, uncharted has improved A LOT!, it's going to come down to" the most improved" out of these two titles, and ND has worked their asses of in refining every aspect of the game.

5418d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

The price is justified. "The thing" is that the ps3 only has two models out right now, there's no true "core model". What's happening is that sony launched a year after the 360. Now sony has to compete with the other consoles and win back part of the 360 fanbase who would've bought a ps3, if it launched at the same time. The problem is that the economy has slowed down and the people who have a console already can't really drop another 400+ dollars on a system. Sony is ...

5418d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

because i know its going to be worth the memory!!!
Amd WTF is up with this article, is that guy going to bash pc games for their installs too, pathetic i tell you! PATHETIC!.

5420d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

think about the crazy ass tracks you'll be able to make and race! genius i tell you!

5421d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment