CRank: 5Score: 38460

I don't get why it is embarrassing .who cares if it was announced as a Playstation exclusive .Everybody knows its multiplatform and since both XBOXONE AND PS4 aren't region lock .Japonese people can still get the XBOXONE version if they please .

3633d ago 3 agree20 disagreeView comment

says everyone who purchased all the god of war collection ,shadow of the colossus remake ,kingdoms heart remake ,rachet and clink collection etc .

3642d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Aren't these E3 conferences always sold out? was anybody expecting something different this year ?

3653d ago 0 agree23 disagreeView comment

Don't be freaking Naive .it was indeed malicious .they didn't put backward compatibility because they want us to pay for gaikai ,it's that simple .Money before everything

3667d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

@TheGreatAndPowerful The PS3 benefited from an early price drop and it was a 100 plus discount ,i think MS can survive a $50 hit without breaking a sweat.Also for those who haven't realise it yet the $50 discount is an unofficial price drop, MS is just waiting for E3 to make it official.

3706d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

@cleft5 this is more to help the target brand . they suffered greatly after they got hacked that one of the way ,they trying to get customers back and a $50 reduction is hardly an act of desperation ,Its just good business since the ps3 had took a $100 plus markdown to compete with the 360 back in the day .Cant wait to see what the holiday discounts are going to be like i might get both consoles for under $600

3706d ago 8 agree21 disagreeView comment
3722d ago

@kayoss MS doesnt charge you to use your own internet ,they charge you to use their Xboxlive service ,Just like Sony is doing with PSN.If you want to skip the middleman for your multiplayer needs you have a PC for that .
Also i'm no fanboys I've own every consoles since the PS2 .Haven't made the jump to Next next gen because none of the consoles are worth the price tag for the moment .

3722d ago 6 agree32 disagreeView comment

@Joe913 "Prologue" was a PS3 exclusive so i'm right for blaming them if they had put their foot down ,we wouldn't be in this mess.Xbox fanboys shut down MS real quick with their always online bullshit but you guys keep and screwed and loving it . Even thought this game is multiplatform we all know it will sell better on Playstation . Charging for demos is a new low .

3722d ago 3 agree34 disagreeView comment

Agreed the price should be free .I blame everyone that purchased "prologue" . Seriously you Sony fanboys drop the ball on this one ,too busy talking shit about Xbox .clean your own house first. SMDH

3722d ago 26 agree107 disagreeView comment

EA isn't The worse Company in America ,APPLE is with their 50 versions for the same phone.

3742d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So giving people choices is mixed signals what about SONY bundling a crappy headphone with the PS4 and releasing a $100 alternative .what do you call that ? i'm dying to know .

3750d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I never thought that would see the day where people would believe an anonymous leaker over the people that actually is making the damn game .I've seen it all . I need to cancel my N4G account before i get infected with a huge dose of STUPIDITY

3771d ago 23 agree13 disagreeView comment

You people always focus on the negative when it comes to MS .Nevermind the fact that both consoles are neck in neck in sales even when SONY is out in more territories .Never mind the fact that the XBOX is a success despite all that was said, but noooo let's talk about how 9000.000 xbox went unsold .We all know that most gamers including me haven't made the jump to the new Hardware yet because there's no must have games right now .There's no reason to pick up a XBOX 1 or a PS4 ...

3777d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Everyone got an opinion about how much a game should cost because all of you are aware of how much it cost to make a game of course . You know the exact budget,the exact man hours,the salaries of everyone working on the game and how good the game is or isn't .
Verdict nothing more than $30

Bravo to all of you ,i didn't know i was surrounded by industry leaders .SMFH

3791d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It a way for Sony to make money of us .Charge us to play the games we already played and own instead of patching the PS4 to allow backwards compatibility .But since it's Sony it's all cool because they do no wrong .

3791d ago 5 agree15 disagreeView comment

Are you kidding me ? this how articles are written nowadays no hard numbers to prove their claim ,just a screenshot that shows that the PS4 is sold out everywhere .Didn't Sony admit that they were having problems meeting demands because of how long it takes to built a PS4 ? Isn't fact that Microsoft flooded the US market in order to make sure they win their territory .The Xbox One was available threw out the holiday season while Sony has been struggling to make PS4's available in ...

3807d ago 6 agree24 disagreeView comment

So you bugging because they make you pay .50 cent that is going to be donated in the first place .are you for real? Also, you realize that Bill Gates is one of the biggest charity contributors of all time ? SMFH .This is why gamers will never be taken seriously EVER

3807d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

So Sony is breaking the law .how is that something to brag about?
@Death they said that COPPA requires an adult credit card to be charge so there has to be a fee even if it's just 1 cent.

3807d ago 15 agree17 disagreeView comment

FLOWER really FLOWER is the PS4 game that made the cut REALLY REALLY .The PS3 game that got re-released on PS4 .REALLY FLOWER is a PS3 game not a PS4 game ...SMFH

3813d ago 10 agree18 disagreeView comment