CRank: 5Score: 3170

sticky doja,

This is precisely why Bungie Team is trying to get way from Microcrap. They are tired of them bossing them around. Typical dictator that MICROSOFT is.

Oh, well. This is what Bungie Team gets for signing a deal with the devil.

6090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Question for you? So, what you are saying is that after the cost cutting of the blue-diodes, blu-ray, Cell, smaller HDD, factory streamlining, and other associated cost. Don't ya think that maybe the reason they are able to cut the price is because they HAVE cut the production cost? Ya think?

6090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Have you ever thought that the reason that people call M$ greedy is because maybe they have a slightly longer memory of history than you do? Read up. You might learn something about M$ policies/tactics and how they acquired their Windows monopoly they have today.

6090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I like the way you throw around the term "different SKU" as if the 360's SKUs vs PS3 SKU were the same. For example, a 360 core withOUT a HDD is quite different than two SKUs with different size HDDs (40GB vs 60GB). Get it? It doesn't change the functionality of the system like the core did.

6090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey, Mart. Just wanted to point something about about your price drop assumption. Lets say that the 360 drops its price more. Let say $199. Do you know what you have more of? It's called MONEY. So, the price point can undercut a product only so much. At some point the value of an item because inline with the cost/value/average income. What I'm trying to tell you is that it wont matter if the 360 drops even more since the PS3 will have reached a common price point to where people can afford it...

6090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Question? Do sales increase or decrease during xmas? So, what do you think the difference between a kid buying a $500-$600 PS3 (summer) vs a parent buying a $399 PS3 is (xmas)? Yeah, quite big!

So, keep an eye on those sales rates. You're about to see a large increase. This is why the 360 sales are not that great considering it has more games, finished on-line, and cost less. Yet, it's still not crushing the PS3. We're talking a about 5 to 10 MIL di...

6091d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Folklore is a type of magical RPG that not everyone will like. So, it's going to go under the radar of most gamers. I'm going to get it even though it's not a big title like RFOM or Warhawk.

And yes, I agree that six-axis works well with his game. At first I was making large movements. But then I figured outj that I just had to make small tugs on the controller and it worked just as good.

This is the kind of game that the critics give it a 7.5 but the gamers give...

6091d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They can't be diverse since there's only a certain type of gamers that buys an xbox. This is why Blue Dragon and Viva Pinta don't sell very well on the xbox. Same with all JRPGs.

Yehaw xbots just don't like games like that.

6091d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Another one-sided xbot's BLOG...

It's not what he said. It's what he left out.

Like future HOME integration, no fees, prototype PSN (coming updates), fledgeling services, game integration, sleek fit and finish (vs the cartoony Live).

So, bring up the fact that you get more game DLs on Live is pointless unless you mention that it has been out a year and ten months. Even longer since Live as service has been out since 2002 (xbox 1). So, of course ...

6091d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

"Nope. Not everybody wanted a Playstation before. They bought the cheapest alternative with the largest installed base/most games for that matter."

The 20 MOST WANTED: (PS3 top 20 for 50+ weeks). This has been there even BEFORE the $499 price drop. The PS3 has been 1st and 2nd for many weeks running.

Sorry, but you lose. The price point has...

6093d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Give it up LIGHTNING. We know you are a stealth troll (xbot in PS3 clothing).

6093d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment


You have so many disagrees is because you are arguing against a price drop. But we know the reasons you do's for obvious reasons. FEAR of millions more NEW PS3 owners being able to afford one.

Shudder, shiver... :D

6093d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll humor you...lets say that happens...

Actually the big joke will be on YOU since most PS fans will still buy the PS version. I mean, come on. We know your an xbot! So, we know you wont be getting a PS3. But you don't speak for everyone else.

Oh, and Bioshock will just fade away. Heck, if PS fans really want to play Bioshock they could get it for their PC. That doesn't help 360 sales not does it? LOL!

It only get worse for the 360 as time goes o...

6093d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Don't forget, what goes around, comes around."

Oh really? And you say this 10 months into the PS3 life cycle? Ha ha ha! Yep, what goes around, comes around. You sound like a Sega fan. Remember this first year. Then, compare it to the following years.

Sorry, but the xbox brand is Microsoft which represents the most evil companies on the planet. And evil must be defeated. In the end it will be! :)

As far as KZ2. Silly boy. The graphics ha...

6093d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is about american RGPs, i.e. new IP.

6093d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bill Gates pays people to like him. That's the only path he can take. Because he's surely not going to get people to buy his console/games on freewill. He knows that people love the Playstation in the long run. This is why gamers are willing to wait for the PS3 features (trophies and rumble). Put a PS3 next to a 360 when both have rumble, trophies/achievements and same or slightly better graphics. While one has RROD and disc scraching and the other does not.

In the end, Bioshoc...

6093d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Robeezy, The fact that it took a WEEK is even more proof that even Blue Dragon can't sell except to wacko xbots. It changes nothing. And Halo 3, which is supposed to be the greatest game "eva" sells most via pre-order? Yeah, and? My point still stands. XBox is hated in Japan. This is why Anerican cars don't sell well there. They suck.

And it's "You're" not "Your." Might want to check your grammar before you call someone an idiot. PWNED!

6093d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"GUYS lets not forget most of those games were last gen and all former ps2 owners"

Oh, really? Did you read the article?

Game Boy
Game Boy

How old are you? 12? Yes, it's true. Gaming didn't start in 2005/2006. Five out of the ten are ("Most") Nintendo games. Only one is PS2 only (shares the ALL). Two are PSone. The rest are PC/sh...

6093d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

NES came out in 1985 (Mario Bros). That explains why some of you guys are surprised.

6093d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

WilliamRLBaker, you said "Last you checked." I think you need to check again. Because you are misinformed.

6093d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment