
CRank: 5Score: 2640

You must be very disappointed that this "too cartoonistic" game is going to stomp anything Sony can come up with.

BTW "cartoonistic" is not a word.

6152d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

According to this article dated May 11th, Halo 3 had 4 million preorders, Nationwide. This was also data gathered from a limited number of retailers. Factor in the entire world, other retailers and 2 months and Halo 3 is probably above 5 million preorders. Think before you post.

Now go stand in the corner and let the grown-ups talk.

1. Halo 3 is not all the 360 has. Take Halo 3 out of the equation and the 360 still has a better exclusive lineup.
2. How many of Sony's exclusive titles would you have to add together to equal the 5 MILLION preorders that Halo 3 has?

6153d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

How pathetic is your life? Mommy not give you enough attention? Maybe Daddy gave you a little too much attention. Posting a fake story about a company that doesn't know you exist and attacking a guy that probably could not care less what your opinion is of him. That is the most pitiful thing I have seen in a long time. Is English your second language?

6153d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not upset. You in denial? In what world does the PS3 have a better lineup? How many AAA titles are coming out before Christmas? One them has already gotten a crappy review. We can compare line ups all day long and the PS3 will fall short every time.

6153d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or at least for me it is. If what everybody is saying is true, that soccer mom's are the ones watching the today show, than hopefully all these soccer moms will buy their little 12 yr olds something other than a 360. There are more than enough annoying 12 yr olds on Xbox Live and I only think its fair for PS3 and Wii owners to share in our pain.

6157d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not sure I agree with you about Sony finishing second, but I really don't care. I like MS, but I've got nothing against Sony. I do agree with you about Nintendo though and I really don't understand it either.

Look at that Fanboys, a MS guy agreed with a Sony guy and gave him a bubble.

Edit: Even if Sony (or MS or Nintendo) finishes in third, it doesn't mean they are doomed. There are enough gamers out there for all the consoles to be successful

6158d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have a 360 and have no plans on buying a PS3. I've got nothing against Sony of their products, its just that the 360 has more of the games I want to play and there are only so many hours in a day to play video games. I've played plenty of games on my 360 since it came out and quite a few of them looked outstanding. I've also seen plenty of games for the PS3 that look great; MGS4, Lair, and Killzone 2. It seems to me, if you have to dissect the perfomance of a console to make yourself fe...

6158d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ironic that this was posted by someone that can't spell "dumb" correctly.
Use the spell check provided. Its easy and its free.

6159d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Viva Pinata promotes incest." Are you serious!!?? I actually played that game as did my family and no incest ensued. I am very sorry for the effect it had on yours, but it does make it easier to understand why you make those types of comments.

If a video game is all it takes to get you to "keep it in the family", I suggest you only play Brain Age, sounds like you need all the help you can get and for the love of God, please stay away from GTA IV.

6159d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You should think before you type. Maybe if you had, you wouldn't have posted that mostly off-topic diatribe. First of all, it should be "worse and worse", not "worst and worst". It is "take their rightful place", not "there". The word is "doesn't".
Next time, think before you type and use spell check after you do. Otherwise I suggest you stop worrying about Microsoft and Sony and focus on school or after your parents stop supportin...

6159d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

And the award for "Most in dire need of spellcheck", goes to The great 1.

6160d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

a bubble for you and a bubble for BubblesDAVERAGE

6161d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I will type slowly so that you can keep up. My point is that the game will not sell well, especially when compared to the exclusives that MS and Sony have.
I used sarcasm to illustrate that point and it should have been obvious. I will work on my MS Paint skills so that next time I can draw you a picture.

6161d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I assume you're trying to infer that Sony and MS aren't in it for the money as much as Nintendo."
Your assumption would be incorrect. I am implying that the Hannah Montana game will be garbage, as well as a number of the other Nintendo exclusives and that the list should only include games. I thought my post was pretty clear, I'm sorry it confused you.

6161d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Wii list would actually be much smaller if they only included games. I mean, c'mon, "Bob Ross: The Joy of Paininting"
WTF is that!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? ??
I seriously doubt the execs over at MS and Sony are sitting around saying, "Damn, I wish we'd gotten that Hannah Montana game!".

6161d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

360: Does the PS3 outselling the 360 for one month make your 360 and its games any less enjoyable?

PS3: Does this somehow make the PS3 any better than it was?

Somthing else to consider is that most people expect MS to follow sony's lead and cut $100 off the price of the 360. There are probably a lot of people waiting for the price to drop before purchasing a 360.

6166d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not a big surprise really. Sony had a better showing at E3 and announced a price cut. Not really a big deal either.

6166d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When Killzone "lunches", will it "dinners" a few hours later? The next morning will it "breakfastes"?

6167d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Rumors are just that Rumors and Rumors never come true."

Are you a complete moron? At one time the 360 was just a rumor, but I've had one for over a year. Same thing with the PS3, it was once just a rumor, but I'm pretty sure there are lots of people that have one now. Halo 3 was "rumored" to be in development at one time. Guess that rumor was true to, same for Killzone 2. Think before you speak.

6168d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment