
CRank: 5Score: 2640

Wait a minute. To be fair lets all wait for the game to come out to pass judgement. In fact lets wait till all of the content has come out for the game. We can compare when we are all playing the DLC.

Wait, what's that, oh yeah, the PS3 doesn't get that.

5884d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hey there genius! Just FYI, Irrational Games (2K Boston) made Bioshock, not Bioware.

6022d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why is this newsworthy? You don't see anyone posting the sales from Massachussetts and it has roughly the same population.

6050d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uh, number 1 is from Halo 2. What do I win?

6076d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's right ladies and gentlemen. It's hard to argue with a guy that uses PS3 and Fanboy in his screen name. Plus, he has done his own side by side comparison. WHOOP DEE DOO. With arguments like, "Sony should win just for having the better console.", how can anyone disagree with logic like that?

6078d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Unjustified? the war is screwing over the Iraqis? WTF?? What the hell do think was going on over there before we stepped in? Ask the Kurds how much fun attempted genocide is by their own government.

6081d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll go ahead and get it out of the way;

The 360 blows up.
The PS3 has will never have any good games.
The Wii is gimmick.

There. Its covered. MOVE ON!

6082d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I was going to post something related to the story, but after reading your post I was laughing so hard I forgot what it was. I think we should all just post about nasim's slutty mother and forget the actual topic.

6082d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

What exactly would they have to be jealous of? The PS3's sales numbers? ....NO.... Maybe the PS3's software library? ....No again... The PS3's attach rate? ....nope... I know, they are jealous of that PS3 game that is launching in 5 days whose preorder numbers are around 4-5 million. Oh wait, that's not possible that's almost as many PS3's that have been sold in 10 months. I thought I could figure it out, but I can't. I have no clue what they would be jealous of.

6082d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

Since you think it is fair to assume that hate_ps3_until_ffvii is an American just because he made a stupid comment, would it be fair for me to assume that because you are from Europe that you have bad teeth? or maybe you stink really bad? got a girlfriend with some nice hairy armpits? or maybe you and your countrymen are a bunch of wine and cheese eating cowards?

6083d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don't like the 360, you don't like Halo 3, but yet you read an article and posted a comment about it. WTF?? Why did you even bother?

6091d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

For an elite PC gamer you're not very smart. If you look at the title of the article there is a symbol that comes after the word Halo. Its called a three and it looks like this "3". I am not "assuming" you and Crimson Wolf haven't played any Halo game. I am saying that you have not played Halo 3 so there is no way for you to know how good the game is.

6091d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I will label you an idiot. Just because you and your boyfriend Juicer share the same opinion does not make it a fact. Saying Halo is mediocre and Haze is a turd is your opinion and an ignorant one at that considering you haven't played either one. We get the point. You and Juicer are "elite" PC Gamers and as such have a much higher standard for your games than us, poor, second class console gamers. Thanks for your OPINIONS, but just know that millions of people disagree with y...

6091d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you are so sick of it then exercise your ability to choose. Change the channel when a Halo 3 commmercial comes on, don't read Halo 3 related articles and don't post crap about Halo 3. Why is it that a game you obviously think is crap is for "American kids"? Was that supposed to be some type of insult? I'm sick to death of people using the word "American" as an insult. I'm sorry you are from some insignificant, speck of a country, but that's your hang-up, not ours. ...

6092d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

You think the PS3 having no games issue is dead? How about the RROD issue? That dead horse has been beaten until there is nothing left. MS has addressed this issue with the 3 yr warranty and the new hardware. Was it a problem? Yes. Has it been resolved? Yes. I realize the PS3 has a much lower defect rate, but what is Sony going to do if one breaks 2 1/2 years after the purchase date? Nothing, zilch, zero. I like knowing that my launch system (never had RROD)is still covered and will ...

6104d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yep, Sony has very few consoles breaking. Its a good strategy. Release a system with no games worth playing and the console can't malfunction because its never on.

6104d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

Good move, that way you won't have to wait for AAA games. I wouldn't sell your PS3 if u have one though, there will eventually be some great games coming out for it.

Better brace yourself, I'm sure the PS3 fanboys are gonna jump all over you for this.

6104d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love how this guy still posts crap, 1 bubble and 119 ignores. Does he really think anybody reads the crap he writes?

6104d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That was a funny, yet very, very, disturbing image.

6104d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 is perfect, huh? That's good to hear. I'll be sure to pick it up when it comes out. How is Gears of War 3? I heard the single player campaign is a little short. Have you tried the 16 player co-op for Halo 5? It's awesome. Well gotta go, got to pick up my PS4 and a copy of Final Fantasy 75.

6104d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment