
CRank: 16Score: 69580

Yup, the release date was really unfortunate. This sort of game already has a tough time getting mainstream recognition, and releasing sandwiched between so many big budget games won't help at all. It's a really sad situation, because I love Piranha Bytes' games, and this one is really good if you can forgive some stuff like the awkward combat and dated graphics.

822d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In this particular case, there are new mechanics being introduced after the ten hours mark (for instance, being able to deal with hordes). I feel it's a game that becomes a lot better as you play it. It starts a bit too "generic" but over time, you can feel the passion Bend put into it. That's something you wouldn't get if you played 8-10 hours for the review. I understand what you mean though, deadlines often SUCK.

1107d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel that this game could use a PvE mode, the maps are well designed and while the AI won't be winning any awards, there's still some challenge for a cooperative heist mode in addition to the PvPvsPvE mode the game shipped with.

1119d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Indeed, it starts off like Gears, but once you get your powers it's a completely different game. I feel that Gears does cover shooting a lot better, so I'm glad it's not the main focus here. And yeah, Hivebusters is excellent, would be nice if there's more Gears 5 DLC planned, because I'd go back in a heartbeat.

1164d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, a faster speed option would be very welcome.

1181d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It kinda does, not gonna lie. They've managed to knock it out of the park with both this one and the CnC Remastered Collection this year, and I suspect that the secret to their success there is that they haven't meddled as much as they usually do with these games.

1337d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Considering it's doing pretty well on PC, I would say EA would be dumb to not port it to consoles. Especially since it has the old console content included as well. The more people who can play this, the better!

1455d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup! It includes Retaliation as well. It's a really comprehensive package, and if that wasn't enough, there's full mod support and a map editor. I expected a lot less, considering EA's consistent mishandling of the franchise, but I was pleasantly surprised with this.

1457d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The collection includes Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert, plus all the extra content (the PC expansions and console missions)

1457d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I admit to be biased towards the game, since I spent a good chunk of my early teens playing C&C. Still, I'd say that without playing it, you won't really get a good idea of how much they've improved things. Also, a full remake would have probably been handled entirely by EA, whereas this remaster was handled by Petroglyph/Lemon Sky+EA (and the producer on EA's side is a massive fan of the games, so that helped a ton). I fear that a full EA remake might have been a horror s...

1457d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article's premise is false. The Steam Distribution Agreement wasn't updated with the clause described in the text, that clause was there since 2012 at least. Some developers thought it was new (since apparently they did not read the agreement they signed) and started talking about it last month. They ended up backtracking once they realized it was fake news. So essentially, the article is fake news as well.

1700d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, Epic tried to get it as an exclusive days after the developer uploaded a trailer that had the Steam release date. He told them that he couldn't enter an exclusive agreement since that would make him look like he's not a man of his word, but he wasn't opposed to a simultaneous release on both Steam and EGS. The EGS representative told him that they weren't interested in a non-exclusive release.

1741d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Couldn't agree more!

1741d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't personally think it's a bribe, though I understand why it can look like that. Ultimately, if they truly want what's best for PC gaming, they should let developers simship games on all the stores they want. Going out of their way to yank games out of Steam, GOG, etc is a very bad look and it can affect the reputation of affected studios, as Unfold Games points out in their Medium post. If they don't do that, then it's as you say, all empty words. I hope Tim Sweeney ...

1741d ago 0 agree8 disagreeView comment

They charge 30% (which is the standard fee Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony charge as well, by the way) on stuff sold directly through Steam. They charge zero for keys that are sold elsewhere though. There's an Ars Technica article that asserted that the actual cut Steam takes is closer to 20% if we consider the amount of copies sold as keys. Of course, this varies from game to game. Regarding the extra features like cloud saves, World War Z is a multiplayer game, and yet it saves data locall...

1813d ago 14 agree6 disagreeView comment

I wish it was.

1844d ago 23 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sadly, the loading times varied wildly between the two configurations I used to test the game. I don't doubt that in your case it's not an issue (I also had a better experience than normal on my 4K test machine, which uses an SSD as its only storage media), but it affects people who game on "normal" HDDs, for instance.

1922d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

According to the devs, they may slightly increase the price. It's not set in stone, and it shouldn't be a big price hike (so maybe they'll go from 19.99 to 24.99, or something along these lines)

2455d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Best Telltale game in my opinion, really sad to hear it didn't do so well for them.

2489d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is related to the videogame industry (and a specific game as well, since she only targeted Starr Mazer: DSP videos)
I agree that blackmail is never OK though. Even if she has a real case against the devs of Starr Mazer, this isn't the way to go and she's affecting smaller outlets with her bogus strikes.

2539d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment