
CRank: 5Score: 9890

If 24 players is pathetic then I guess Uncharted 2 with its 10 players is ultra double pathetic.

Just face it, more players doesn't equal a better game. Picking just the right number for the type of gameplay you are going for is the crucial task.

I had more fun with the 5 on 5 in Uncharted 2 than with any other PS3 game.

If more players makes a better game and ND are so unconstrained like you claim then why didn't Uncharted 2 have 64...

4866d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't worry, I'm a Dead Space 2 fanboy as well. ;) Nice review.

4867d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

My Killzone 3 beta impressions? Awesome. Two thumbs up! Honestly, this game's multiplayer just clicks with me. I'm not saying it will be that way for everybody, but I really love it.

4867d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, and Halo has sold more than every shooter on the PS3. So going by your logic the fact that Halo is clearly preferred by many more people means that it is the much better game, right?

Sales and review scores can be general indicators of a game's quality, but they aren't the final say. The final say belongs to each individual.

I have both consoles and I honestly think both Forza 3 and GT5 are great games.

4867d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't agree with ronstermonster, but you're nobody to talk, NecrumSlavery. I've seen you troll lots of times. Actually your comment here is pretty trollish too. Is it about sales now? Forza 3 sucks now because it didn't sell as well as GT5?

4867d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What are you talking about? Brink on the consoles looks awesome.

Resistance 3 and inFamous 2 might be there too. I just wasn't too impressed with the previous games in those series and I need to see more. But I am sure they will be some of the better looking games this year too.

4867d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

In my opinion the best looking games of 2011 will be:

Killzone 3
Crysis 2
LA Noire
Gears of War 3
Uncharted 3

4867d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

NGP is going to be such an amazing little device.

4868d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Whatever. You guys post in 360 articles either way and you know it.

I am loving the Killzone 3 beta and it is a day 1 buy for me. It looks fantastic without a doubt, but it doesn't rape Gears 3 or leave it in the dust. You guys talk like obvious fanboys.

Any fair or unbiased person can see that Gears 3, Killzone 3 and Uncharted 3 are all of a similar graphical quality. That is to say, AMAZING.
4868d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yes these screenshots have been cleaned up as far as aliasing, but it's no different than I have seen done in many screenshots for PS3 games.

There are videos that show some of the same areas in the game and it is obvious the graphics are the same in terms of everything except the flawless anti-aliasing.

4868d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

You mean like these?

4868d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha you PS3 fanboys are so funny. You can never admit when games look good on the 360.

The lighting is great, the textures are great, the SSAO looks just looks fantastic all around.

It's like somebody looking at a Killzone 3 screenshot and saying "that doesn't look that great"....uh yeah right, you're not fooling anybody.

I honestly feel bad for brand whores like you. I am glad I own both consoles and can...

4868d ago 19 agree6 disagreeView comment

Let's just say I highly, highly disagree with this review. I suspect we have very different tastes in games, which means that going to this site for reviews is probably out of the question.

4868d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I basically agree with everything you said. I am loving the Killzone 3 beta and I also had a lot of fun with the Crysis 2 beta. They both look great and I am not sure which one looks better. I do agree with you, though, that Crysis 2 has a more realistic look about it.

I am really looking forward to seeing more campaign footage for Crysis 2.

Have you seen the new trailer for Crysis 2? It looks fantastic. Most of the guys on the forums are saying that i...

4868d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Neither put the other to shame, that's just fanboy talk.

Killzone 3 is gorgeous, but Crysis 2 looks amazing too.

Crysis 2:
Killzone 3: http://killzone.dl.playstat...

4868d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never noticed any screen tears when I played my 360 copy either. They must happen so infrequently that they aren't noticeable. I agree that it should only count if it actually impacts the quality of the visual experience.

4868d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree. I think it was the lack of a second analogue stick that hurt it more than anything else. I still had some great experiences on my PSP though.

4870d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I want my Ninja Gaiden hard, fair, and fucking violent!"

Well put. That's what I want too. I also hope they improve the narrative and atmosphere, though.

4870d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

VisualB, that comment seems very slanted. Crysis 2 is definitely in the running as one of the best looking games this year. I'm not saying it will beat any other game, all I am saying is that it is in the running and we won't know for sure until it is completed and released.

Also, I don't know how you can overlook games like Gears of War 3 and Rage.

Crysis 2 http://www.youtu...

For sure. I am far from being a frothing at the mouth fanboy of any console, but I have been playing the beta and in my opinion it is superb. For the multiplayer and delicious graphics alone it is a must buy.

4870d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment