CRank: 5Score: 41210

Lmao your comment is hilarious because destiny is nothing more than halo for multiplatform.
Made by the creators of halo, with the feel of halo, and the gameplay of halo

1410d ago 8 agree12 disagreeView comment

Oh shut it, you've never even played a halo game

1410d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

You cant make comments like that on n4g. Mostly sony fans here. They cant read articles only headlines that suite their narrative that playstation is the best

1410d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

I don't care about your comment other than your use of the phrase "get some class". Honestly I don't think you know what classy is. What they said has nothing to do with class; truth, exaggeration, being boisterous, over confident maybe, but it has nothing to do with class.

1412d ago 7 agree33 disagreeView comment

Man after ready the story and a ton of comments, all I have to say is Who Gives A Fuck. Seriously y'all bitching about this just to bitch. No one truly fucking cares. Box art is next to meaningless now a days. There no collecting modern games for the art. It ain't the old days and honestly who cares anymore.
I hope that when y'all walk down a store aisle shopping for your ps5 games you get dick punched by the series x display batch for complaining to much about everyth...

1420d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

You do realize that the xsx has separate processors for compression and decompression also and a separate audio chip........
You really should look at the competition more if your going to make comments.
Factually the only thing ps5 has going for it over the xsx is the ssd i/o

1435d ago 11 agree12 disagreeView comment

Let's play devil's advocate here.
Didn't Sony release a ps5 logo after Microsoft revealed the xsx? Didn't Sony reveal the dual sense controller after Microsoft did an event regarding xsx teardown with digital foundry.
So let's not sit here and say this is a desperate move, there both playing chess and we're the pawns

1453d ago 36 agree11 disagreeView comment

The xsx has faster ram, a larger bus, fast cpu, and more cus. Just thought I'd throw that out there for ya. The ps5 literally only has faster i/o in comparison.
I don't have my blinders on, both and I mean both are better in specific and meaningful ways than the other. I don't expect the power difference to mean much and you shouldn't expect the ssd speed difference to mean much either. It's that simple. They're both very well balanced a...

1456d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

See your actually discriminating against
degrading someone right now. You have complete disregard for the fact that people whom spent money and don't want this crap force fed to us. Instead bullish ass hats like you want to force it down our throats.
Also did I say it was just black people or did I say it was black lives matter people. Well I said it was black lives matter people so you can shove your rant about the race of people involved in the riot...

1458d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

Obviously you didn't understand my point or any other person's point as to what the problem is.
Racism is bad, it exists, however the black lives matter movement attacks other races and their own so it's not anti racist! Its everything that's wrong and people are cheering it on for one. For two we buy these games for entertainment, we don't want messages like this in our entertainment that we pay for. If they want to support something they sh...

1458d ago 10 agree9 disagreeView comment

Racism is bad, however as far as the black lives matter movement goes I don't support them. They beat old people with 2x4's, they burn down businesses (even black owned), they beat people for being white, they're beating on Chinese, they're beating on latino, this message in the game is indicative of the problem itself. All lives matter and in a game where your shooting other people and people in the story are themselves being discriminated on is pretty fucking stupid to be ...

1458d ago 41 agree26 disagreeView comment

It's a crap read, but it more states what xbox got right. I'm an xbox guy, but the only thing xbox won this gen was much needed new and better leadership and a kick in their paints to unstick their heads from their asses. So they won something I guess

1460d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

Politics and entertainment should be separate. Hold a press conference, make a donation, don't use paid services for politics regardless of how noble or not. We didn't buy your shit for you to shut it off ofor a pretty stunt. That includes forced LGBTQ crap also. Entertainment is just that entertainment. If I want to have a moment of silence I'll do it when I'm not trying to have fun

1460d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

Not for 400 bucks

1462d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did you read the article or just the headline?!
He states that it should be the norm, but more than likely cross gen will just go for better graphics and keep it at 30. He also stated that it's up to the devs. He didn't say that it was the hardware, he said that it's the developers.

1463d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you're looking now, beating on old people, and burning down businesses and homes than you've probably been breaking the law in a certain capacity and just haven't been caught. Those fuckers are as bad if not worse that that cop. Fuck the cops, it don't matter if your black or white when those fucks have a bug up their ass's. However if you want to protest fine I'll support that, but if you want to go on a tampageat least attack the cop that did ...

1463d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I live on the other end of NY state Nd all I've gotta say is fuck nyc and that bitch as governor y'all keep voting in

1463d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

For floyd it's a tragedy and the officers deserve friend worse. However the rioters and the looters and the bastards that are beating old woman with 2x4's in the name of floyd deserve the same kind of hasty trial and conviction as those cops. Wrong is wrong regardless of your reasons, job, or the color of your skin. My sympathies to floyd and his family, but the rioters and looters, well fuck them they're just as fucked up as the cop that killed him

1463d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nah I'm just someone that cant feel empathetic towards a bunch of loser assholes that are burning down people's homes and businesses. But hey if you wanna feel bad for them go steal yourself a tv with the rest of them

1463d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

Wait so sony is postponing an event because of crap here in the us? They're fucking Japanese for christ's sake!
Nothing gets postponed for terrorist attacks, nothing gets postponed for war, some shit bag cop does wrong and OMG! ( don't get me wrong it's bad, but the cops involved are being charged). There is no room for politics in entertainment!
Well hopefully they report all they looted sony products when they get activated online. Nah they wont they'll...

1463d ago 9 agree19 disagreeView comment