CRank: 5Score: 1750

when 9/11 happened it was the first time in a long time that a good portion of the World felt sorry for the United States and were opening their hearts to Americans, then George bush came and screwed it all up. End Rant.

6030d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your comments are so random, first you are mellow and make semi coherent comments. Then all of a sudden you go into BS mode and talk right out of your crapper.

6030d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow sounds like your a little angry this game would not run on your 486mhz computer.

6031d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Especially those saying that Sony has made them a lot of money. You have to realize EA is a buisness, therefore if you look at EA, EA is telling themselves yes Sony has made us money before BUT who is making us money RIGHT NOW. The answer to that is Xbox360

6031d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You tell people to get a life and then you say you leave your ps3 on for 3 days straight you need to get some fresh air buddy. All this fanboy nonsense is pathetic. Theres no point saying it because many have said it before, it just falls on deaf ears.

6039d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am glad you ahve been to every ebgames store in the World to verify that, it probably took you awhile to do it, but hey we all know you have no life. Thanks

6041d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never thought there were so many idiots on this website. So many ignorangt people oh it could not be done Power of the CELLLLL. People wonder why there is so much banter between PS3 and Xbox fans and you idiots proved why it still exists. Someone with only a 360 comes in says hey Ps3 owners congradulations this game looks like a ton of fun and im sure it will be great. And all the replies are "couldnt be done on xbox, inferior this inferior that" you guys are pathetic.

6051d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I actually say you guys are lucky and I hope you enjoy it and you come back with some a$$hole comment why are some PS3 fans so stupid, I actually praise the game only on your system and you cant say thanks you have to add some stupid comment about it not being possible or something on Xbox 360

6051d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the game I wish was on Xbox 360, it looks great. I am a big Indiana Jones fan, and all the treasure hunting and action sequences look like they came out of a Indy movie. Game looks great guysm enjoy it. I would buy it for sure if I had a Ps3.

6051d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

buying a system for one game? I could not fathom buying a game for one system, thats lunacy. Besideds you can usually go into your local video store and RENT a system for a lot less.

6052d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow there is know way this could be happening, for both rival consoles to suffer from a defect. This just makes things more interesting for sure.

6053d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Give me a break to those idiots above who said the match making doesnt work, you are all stupid. The only reason why people want to pick their own maps and weapons is becasue they want to play just one level and get really good at it, so they can pretty much dominate anyone who comes in. Perfect example is Rainbow Six Vegas, people only play LVU campus because they know the level inside and out. Match making promotes all levels in the game.

6053d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just read through most of those comments, my head is really hurting. So much BS being said, so many false claims, so many spelling mistakes! One thing I dont't agree with is people bashing microsoft for adding features that PS3 already had. Well yes its true they did BUT the fact is the 1080p/hdmi market was unknown when 360 released which everyone knows was a year earlier then PS3, so how can you blame them for adding it? PS3 on the other hand blatently compied features from Xbox Live even...

6054d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm glad you did such a fare and competent comaprison of the 2 consoles.
Blu-ray player
Fully online capable for free
Can run any emulator up to the n-64 so far
Ps1 backwards compatable <as of right now.. PS2 will come
All your music imports with Tversity
Can stram full HD movies to the hdd
Can get online and brows the net
Upcales DVD's into HD


6055d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

You are a complete idiot, seriously your total reasoning is based on a nerds point of view. Microsoft cares about the CASUAL gamer. You think 'Jonny's' parents are going to say well we can't compare xbox and ps3 games because xbox is in 2nd gen and ps3 is still in first. They will look and see which system looks reasonably popular and looks like they have a lot of games. Oooooh that camera as you say has lots of effects WOW ladeeda I hate fanoys so much. Honestly the PS3 has alot of good game...

6055d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow there are a lot of stupid comments in this thread especially near the end of the page. Mass Effect, looks gorgeous and is sure to be a hit. Fanboys have to come in here and ruin it of course and say its gay etc. when in reality if it was on their system they would love it... (waits for those people to say they don't even want the game on their system). So predictable.

6055d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is the man the put disneys marbles all in one sack if blue ray were to die out, he would look like an idiot and most certainly lose his job. Obviously he is going to say these comments. It would be funny if he came out and said heck that 170 HD DVD player sure looks good to me right now?

6060d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have never owned a 360 and you can tell... Why would you be satisfied with a 3 year warranty and calling microsoft every month HAHA. There is NO ONE who owns a 360 that needs to call Microsoft every month. Yes my xbox 360 has RROD but it was a easy no hassle process to send it out and get it back. Ya it sucks that it was gone fro around 3 weeks but seriously it was nice to have a break from gameing I think a lot of people need a break like that because honestly theres some freaks on this site...

6062d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

One of the best games I have ever played. Period.

6065d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't even bother explaining yourself to that guy he is a blind sheep. He can't accept that a game as brilliant as Mario wont be on his be all and end all playstation. I dont like to take sides with consoles but that guy really makes me hate the PS3 sometimes.

6065d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment